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  • Hello and welcome to my new video, How to Draw a City Street View in 1-Point Perspective,

  • step by step, in this video I'm going to show you one way to draw a

  • city in one-point perspective and to do that we're going to start with the

  • horizon line, which is a horizontal line which will be towards the bottom of the page

  • and that will be the line which will be between the sky and land and on

  • that we draw a dot in the center and then from that we draw an angle line

  • going towards the right and then another angle line, a diagonal line going towards the left,

  • now these two lines will be the road which are going towards the dot which is

  • the vanishing point.

  • now from this vanishing point in the center of the horizontal line

  • we need another line coming up towards the left

  • which will be the height of some of the buildings on the left hand side of

  • this street,

  • and then we'll need another line going towards the right which will be the

  • height of most of the tops of the buildings on the right hand side of

  • the street,

  • so we have a basic structure for the street already in place, now we'll put a

  • vertical line, starting on the diagonal, going down and then from that vertical

  • line right touch the diagonal line will draw a right angle line towards the right and

  • this will be the start of the side of one of the nearby buildings in our

  • street and then add another vertical line and then we have the side rectangle

  • of the nearest building, if I draw yet another vertical line again from the

  • diagonal, that will give me the length of the building and then I can draw a

  • triangle on the nearest side of the building and that will give me the pitch

  • of the roof,

  • next I need to work out the angle here that goes to the vanishing point, I won't

  • draw the line all the way along, just to some extent and sort of imagine it going

  • to the vanishing point, and then I'll copy the diagonal line of the pitch of the roof

  • for the further line of the pitch of the roof and therefore I got my first basic building,

  • next to go into another building which can be behind this first

  • building, with a tiny gap between two,

  • so the vertical line is slightly to the left of the far side vertical line of

  • the first building,

  • then I read it across and with the horizontal line and then I put another

  • pitched roof for the first few buildings,

  • I don't know why but they are going to have pitched roofs, and I'm sort of

  • visualizing the diagonal line going towards vertical without drawing it

  • all the way along,

  • and then I need to work out here if there's going to be any part of the side

  • of the roof that I'm going to see, so it's gonna be a really small thin sliver

  • of the roof, but I'll put it in any way and I can work that out again by reading

  • to the vanishing point, now on the left hand side I need some buildings here so

  • I'll put a vertical line quite close to the left hand side and then I'll put

  • another vertical line and that this will be the facade of the first building that

  • will draw on the left hand side,

  • now this budding divided into equal stripes and all of these will be like

  • floors of the building which will go, if they were continuous lines, to the

  • vanishing point,

  • and then I also use this technique to create the tops of the doors or maybe

  • the bottoms of the windows or tops of the windows on the right hand side,

  • just by putting some lines and diagonal lines, which again will always go towards

  • the vanishing point, if they were to continue from where they are,

  • so, next I will put a little door in here for the nearest building on the right

  • hand side and then on the left-hand side I'll sort of echo that and put a door

  • structure here, reading across from the vanishing point to find out where the

  • top of the door goes, the angle of the top of the door, and it's just up to me

  • where the vertical line will go, and then I'm going to extend the vertical line on

  • the left-hand side to make this building taller,

  • indeed I'll make the building to the left of it taller, because that will make

  • it seem nearer and then I'm going to place another building, again not right

  • next to the building of stripes, but a little gap in between it and then the

  • far wall of it as well and these vertical lines always need to be

  • vertical like the sides of your paper,

  • the left and right hand sides your paper, now this building, I'm going to make it a

  • little bit more complicated

  • so I put a little roof in here, like a pitch roof triangle and then I can read

  • across from the tops of these to the left

  • that sort of 90 degree angles, so that they're parallel to the horizontal line

  • that we did earlier on, and then that will create the top of the build and

  • then, I am imagining this as some sort of church,

  • I might put a window in here so I'm working out from the other diagonal

  • lines I have already got, and knowing where the vanishing point is, I'm working out the

  • top and the bottom of the window first, because I know that the vertical lines

  • are just going to be vertical,

  • I'll put in some small markings within the window, just to show that it's an

  • area which has some complexity to it, and then below the window I need some sort

  • of door or entranceway to this building and, I've made it quite large here,

  • I'll probably put in in a doorway or some stairs in here,

  • just to break it down into a more reasonable size

  • quite often churches you have a big door and within the big door there is a smaller door,

  • anyway I'm just making up these buildings, as sort of interesting shapes and here

  • I'm going to divide this building up in to vertical lines and I think this will

  • help with the structure of this building,

  • next on the right hand side

  • I think I need a few more buildings, so again I'm going to do a vertical line

  • which isn't touching the previous line and then I just top and tail it with a

  • right angle going towards the right, then that will be the side of the building,

  • and then I'll work out where the top of this new building go and how far back it

  • will go, I don't go too near to the horizontal line and the vanishing point

  • because otherwise it will look like an endless building, so you can stop these buildings quite short

  • by making the vertical lines quite close to each other, particularly as they get

  • nearer and nearer to the vanishing point,

  • and here I will just put in some windows, it's quite a good idea when you're doing

  • windows, as you do the vertical lines on them, that you just read them down so

  • that the windows on the buildings that you're producing are symmetrical and in

  • line with each other,

  • it will just look, make it look more like a building, so here on the left I feel

  • that I need a taller building, so I might just increase the size of some

  • aspects of this building on the left

  • and here the line this that I've just put in would be going more or less to

  • the vanishing point and then here's yet another vertical line and I think

  • rather than have this just a box like, cuboid shape,

  • I need to put some lines on its like the lines in the lower part of the building,

  • but I'll do these lines a little bit nearer to each other than the first time that I

  • did it

  • and again I'm reading from the vanishing point, so I can sort of visualize it in

  • my mind's eye where these lines would end up,

  • they're not doing all the structure lines or scaffolding lines because I'm

  • just using a pen on paper and if I did all the working out lines, it would get

  • too complicated for you and me, so I just sort of making it up as they go along,

  • which means that every line that I do, I need to keep, so these lines on the, going

  • towards the left, which are horizontal, they're nice and straight forward lines

  • and they give some solidity to the building, so we've got a corner of

  • building there and then beyond the church and do some smaller buildings or

  • some of them will be smaller, but some of them will just be smaller because they're

  • further away, but they might actually be bigger buildings than the buildings that are

  • nearer, I think that would be quite fun to do,

  • so some of the buildings can be above the line that's we originally did,

  • which was the line which showed where most of the buildings will stop and here I think

  • on the left hand side I will draw two big panels, not quite sure what they are, but

  • they'll just make the nearest part of the building seemed quite up close,

  • because they're bigger shapes and then here towards the vanishing point I'll do

  • some smaller buildings, again a gap that's pretty small building there so it

  • may be in the next building a bit taller and then I'll just extend that above the

  • line and then it's quite nice I think, when buildings sort of tucked behind

  • other buildings, it gives a nice sense of space and you can create this space that

  • you wish to achieve, so on the left-hand side I think I have a taller building which is

  • far away

  • the base of the skyscraper, so put that in, it's a bit like a cereal box and then I'll

  • do the lines along here,

  • so because we've got most of the shapes in now I'm going to speed up this video

  • a little bit,

  • we're about, just over nine minutes into the video, so I just put in the

  • pavements of the streets along the either side here,

  • so a lot of the things from this stage on I'm just repeating so on the

  • right-hand side I put a big box shape...

  • and then on the left hand side

  • I"ll make this tower, this skyscraper, quite thin, and have a little gap in

  • between itself and the building to its left, just to create some tension

  • and then put some lines down on one side of the building and not really a new

  • shading but I just give the illusion of shading and tone a little bit, by how

  • close I keep some of the lines, so along in this building on the right,

  • I just do a few dashes at the top and then I can read those lines down and

  • then I get some, repeated, some windows and then just put a roof on this early

  • building, I think on the right hand side I'm going to have to invent something on

  • the first building that I did, just to make it look a bit more complicated

  • because it's got the structural lines of the first few lines that we did on the

  • drawing, on left hand side, with this church, I'm doing some horizontal lines

  • which are diagonal, because they are in perspective, going to the vanishing point

  • putting the roofs and not making them jet black, but just putting them making

  • them a little bit darker by adding lines to them and again

  • vertical lines on this building and then horizontal lines going towards the

  • vanishing point, so at this stage I'm trying to get some scale to the buildings,

  • I think I want to make it a little bit more dramatic, so I'm going to put some

  • more buildings in the background as I speed up this video a little bit more again,

  • because the next stage really is just to put many many more windows in and

  • they'll need to follow the rules the basic structure of a one-point perspective

  • drawing, which is keeping all the verticals vertical, all the horizontal

  • horizontal and then all the lines which are horizontal but are going away from

  • us at an angle, they'll need to end up at the vanishing point, so it's a simplified way