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  • It's up to you now, Jack.

  • This compass points towards what you want most.

  • Never betray it.

  • The Devil's Triangle.

  • The last of their ships were burning before my eyes.

  • And in that moment of victory, it's when I heard it.

  • Hey!

  • Hold on, Captain!

  • One ship was trying to escape through the smoke.

  • It's a lovely day for a sail, innit?

  • And there, in the crow's nest, there was this young pirate boy.

  • The way I see it, it's just the two of us left.

  • You surrender to me now, and I'll let you live. Simple.

  • He stood there, looking like... like a little bird.

  • And from that day, he earned himself a name that would haunt me for the rest of my days.

  • Jack de Sparrow.

  • Right then, you surrender to me now, and I'll let you live.

  • I shall let you live.

  • This boy.

  • This boy was mocking my power.

  • So, I chased him, knowing that I would run my knife along his neck.

  • And when he was dead, I would finish, finally, with a pirates's life..

  • Follow him in.

  • To the gutters; thread some lines.

  • Prepare the bootleg.

  • Port side.

  • Throw it now.

  • Ooh, they're turning.

  • What's all this?

  • Tribute, Sir.

  • He took everything from me, and filled me with...

  • rage.

It's up to you now, Jack.

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