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  • Nuclear power plants are one of the biggest producers of energy in the world, currently

  • providing about 11% of the world's total electricity production.

  • Nuclear reactors work by using the energy released from the splitting of atoms to produce

  • steam, which in turn powers a turbine that generates electricity.

  • Nuclear power is statistically very safe, but what might happen to you if there's

  • an accident?

  • It's impossible for a nuclear reactor to blow up like a bomb, but what if you were

  • exposed to the highly radioactive spent fuel rods?

  • Radiation is dangerous because it causes damage directly to the cells that make up your body,

  • breaking chemical bonds and mutating your DNA!

  • A very quick and low dose may leave you feeling just a little ill, like you have the flu,

  • and your chances of recovery are quite high.

  • A slightly higher or more prolonged exposure will start killing off blood cells and damage

  • bone marrow, and you'd most likely need a blood transfusion to survive.

  • The radiation at this level will also start burning your skin.

  • A very unhealthy way to get a tan.

  • At an even higher dosage, your internal organs will be permanently damaged, your brain and

  • circulatory system will start to shut down, and while the exact level of exposure may

  • mean that you'll live anywhere from a couple weeks to just a few hours, death is almost

  • certain.

  • But just because you were able to survive the short-term effects doesn't mean you're

  • safe.

  • Exposure to radiation carries with it a hugely increased risk of cancer and other health

  • problems later in life.

  • And while there aren't any reports outside of comic books and movies of someone gaining

  • superpowers from nuclear radiation, we'll let you know if we hear anything.

  • If you would like to make Fuzzy & Nutz happy, hit that like button and subscribe to their

  • channel

Nuclear power plants are one of the biggest producers of energy in the world, currently

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