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  • Hi, hi are you Daniel?

  • I am Daniel, are you..

  • Hi, I'm Claudia. Nice to meet you.

  • Lovely to meet you.

  • I love your hair. Oh thanks!

  • That's gorgeous.

  • She was quirky, you know.

  • A really brilliant sense of style.

  • She seemed very elegant, she was bubbly.

  • You know, really my kind of person, I think.

  • Have you come far?

  • Erm, no no, erm well I was on the Tube for

  • a bit but it was quite good cos I've erm,

  • Yeah I've just been kind of doing stuff online and...

  • my battery's actually quite low you don't

  • have a charger with you, do you?

  • I actually don't, no.

  • Okay, I might see if they've got one

  • behind the bar here.

  • I wouldn't say that.

  • She was on her phone a lot.

  • And I'm not really that technologically minded,

  • you know?

  • So I felt a little bit like she didn't care about me.

  • She cared little bit more about her friends.

  • You've been working today, right?

  • That's right. I work in advertising.

  • Cool.

  • Yeah, lots of stuff on the web that kind of thing.

  • Yeah, nice, nice. Anything, any campaigns I'd know about?

  • Ooh, I don't know about that.

  • Er, we've got various clients, but it's boring.

  • Let's not talk about work.

  • What are you, what are you up to? You're just on...

  • You got a text?

  • Sorry, I've just, I'm just checking something,

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Erm...

  • Well actually, I tell you what,

  • I'm just gonna put my phone on silent.

  • I don't like phones, they just bother.

  • You know what I mean?

  • I don't, I couldn't do that.

  • I would just get too out of the loop.

  • I would, I'd have to spend I don't know

  • how long just catching up if I did that.

  • I'd really appreciate it.

  • So, yeah...

  • So yeah, what is it that you do?

  • Oh I told you remember?

  • Oh what, when we were texting? Or...

  • Oh no, just a few seconds ago.

  • I mean you, you were texting.

  • Maybe you weren't listening.

  • Did you say advertising?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, that rings a bell. Yeah, yeah.

  • Sorry, you'll get to know this about me.

  • Yeah

  • They got worse.

  • There were phone calls, texts,

  • she was sharing everything.

  • I couldn't eat my meal

  • because she took a photo of it before...

  • before I could even take a bite.

  • Ooh, like no don't, don't, err thank you,

  • but like yeah. Just don't, erm.

  • Don't eat that just yet.

  • Just I want to...

  • Oh please I'm really hungry.

  • Ha ha

  • No don't take a photo

  • No, no

  • Oh no, I've moved it out of place.

  • No, no listen.

  • Move your like cutlery and that out of the way.

  • Just let me take this photo

  • cos it'll look really cute, and then I can post it

  • and like tag this place.

  • I'll tell you what, I'm, I'll pop to the toilet.

  • You don't need to do that!

  • You can take your photos. When I come back,

  • we'll put phones away.

  • I'm done. I'm done. Look it's cool.

  • Go to the loo though, that's fine.

  • I've got some stuff I can catch up with.

  • Would you mind just putting your phone away?

  • Claudia?

  • Claudia?

  • There will not be a second date.

  • #idontthinkso

  • Get off your phone Claudia.

Hi, hi are you Daniel?

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