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  • Hi I'm Chet Douglas.

  • In this video, I'll explain persistent memory over fabric

  • or PMOF and why it will become a key technology for cloud

  • and high performance computing.

  • Pure math is largely rooted in persistent memory.

  • Persistent memory, sometimes called storage class memory,

  • is only recently available on modern hardware.

  • This is due to the emergence of new technologies

  • such as Intel's 3D cross point memory.

  • In this video, we will discuss how

  • to utilize PMOF to move data in and out

  • of persistent memory attached to many physical systems.

  • If you'd like to learn the basics in utilizing

  • persistent memory on a single physical system

  • and how to move data efficiently into and out of that memory,

  • check out the What is Persistent Memory videos provided

  • in the links.

  • Cloud in high performance computing

  • requires data to be moved between hundreds or even

  • thousands of physical systems.

  • Data may be replicated across multiple nodes for redundancy

  • and protection.

  • Or the data can be split across physical systems

  • for performance.

  • High performance networking fabrics

  • provide this interconnect between these physical systems.

  • The fabrics utilize network adapter hardware

  • in each physical system to move the data using

  • a point to point connection.

  • Two types of fabrics are typically used.

  • The first is TCP/IP based networks

  • that utilize the CPU on each end of the connection

  • to move the data.

  • The second is remote DMA cable networks or RDMA.

  • It is a more efficient transport that will be utilized in PMOF.

  • It utilizes a special network adapter hardware or arnix

  • to offload the data movement from the CPU

  • to each system's network adapter.

  • This improves system performance by allowing the CPUs

  • to data process and the arnix to move data between systems.

  • When moving data between systems,

  • volatile DRAM memory is typically utilized.

  • Once the data is written into the DRAM

  • on remote physical system, the system

  • is notified that the data has been moved,

  • and the local CPU can begin processing the new data.

  • Now with persistent memory over fabric,

  • it is possible to replace the vault of DRAM

  • in the system with persistent memory.

  • This allows us to utilize RDMA with persistent memory instead

  • of DRAM.

  • PMOF adheres to the storage networking industry association

  • or SNIA programming model which requires that any CPU caches be

  • flushed before the persistence of the data can be guaranteed.

  • After data is written into the persistent memory using RDMA,

  • the software will need to flush the node CPU

  • caches before the software can assume

  • the data to be persistent.

  • Alternatively, if the system can bypass CPU caches

  • when moving the data, CPU flushes are no longer required.

  • PMOF supplies two solutions to accomplish this.

  • The persistent memory development kit or PMDK

  • provides a native PMOF solution that

  • supports the standard high-performance networking

  • protocols.

  • PMDK supports one simple PMOF use case-- persistent memory

  • replication from a local system to one or more remote systems.

  • This provides high-performance data redundancy

  • across multiple feathered events.

  • Once your application is ported to PMDK,

  • enabling PMOF to replicate persistent memory

  • is done with a simple set of updates

  • to existing PMDK configuration files.

  • No further changes to your application

  • are required to make use of this powerful feature.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • To learn more, check out the Persistent Memory Development

  • Kit playlist and see the links provided.

  • Don't forget to like this video and subscribe to the Intel

  • software YouTube channel.

  • Thank you.

Hi I'm Chet Douglas.

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