Hi, may I pleasehaveanicedgrandeicedcoffee, noclassic, with a littlebitofhalfandhalf? [TheCoffeeAddict]
I meanyeah, peoplesay I'm a coffeeaddict, but I readtheNewYorkTimes, theysayit's fine, likenoone's provenanythingwrongwithcoffee, I don't thinkanything's wrongwithcoffee.
Hiagain, icedgrandeicedcoffee, noclassic, with a littlebitofskimmilk.
Forthat, fivesoundsaboutnormal a day. I meanthisis... I'm uptothree, so I think I couldgoup, youknow, fiveis a goodstoppingpoint.
Barista, regular?
Yeah, I'llprobablycutoffaroundfive.
I'm moreof a slow, easygoingperson, and I'm justnottryingtobeoffthetopallthetime. [TheDecafDrinker]
I meanyeah, a lotofolderpeopledrinkdecaffeinatedcoffee, but I mean, I guess I'm kindalikeanoldsoulmyself.
I don't needhelpstayingawake. Like, I enjoyresting.
I mean, isn't thatnormal?
I nevermiss a night's sleep. Notwiththis.
I lovecoffee, but I don't wanttoover-pollutemybody. [TheHealthNut]
Hi, I wantanalmondmilklatte. Howmanycaloriesisinthatone?
Formeit's reallyimportantthatthemilkisorganic.
Almondmilk, soymilk, hempmilk.
I'm intheprocessoftryingtocleansemybodyrightnow, so I don't wanttopolluteitwithotherunhealthysugars.
Hi, can I have a largeFrenchvanillacoffeewithlotsofskimmilkandthreesugars?
So I liketheideaofcoffee, but I needtohave a lotofmilkinit, and a lotofsugar, because I don't lovethetasteofit.
Actually, canitjustbemoreoflike a milkshake? Just a littlebitofcoffeeinit, like a drop?
Itisnotenoughmilk. Let's pourouthalfofthat.
I lovedcoffee, butnomore.
Because, I'vebeengetting a lotofheadachesandstuff. [ThatGuyWho's "Trying" toQuit]