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  • Now Mr. Farage for (Europe of Freedom and) Democracy group

  • Prime Minister, six months ago you came here, you impressed everybody with your reform

  • agenda: even me!

  • I said: if you achieved your goals, I would support it.

  • Economic reform was the drive:

  • but within a couple of weeks, the commissioner propose to scrap

  • sixty-eight new laws. I don't [not understood]: Perhaps Blair's going to do it

  • Perhaps he really is going to reform and change,

  • but no:

  • under your presidency there have been three thousand three hundred and fifty

  • new legislative acts,

  • total failure on economic reform. On the C.A.P. [Common Agricultural Policy]

  • You said you'd work to achieve a consensus for reform

  • but with the way you have, I suppose because you've got twenty four countries against you,

  • No C.A.P. reform until 2014. On the budget, you said that there won't be

  • no surrender of the U.K. rebate

  • well it seems to me that you've given away seven billion pounds of British

  • taxpayers money

  • for nothing in return.

  • Your only achievement

  • is to open talks with Turkey

  • which is opposed by the vast majority of people in Europe

  • and will lead to a even higher bill!

  • Why should British taxpayers pay for new services in Budapest,

  • for a new underground system in Warsaw,

  • when our own public services are crumbling in London!

  • Why should we pay?

  • Why should we pay a penny piece into an organisation whose accounts are not

  • being signed off by the auditors for the last eleven years in a row!

  • This budget deal is game-set and match to the president Chirac,

  • no "Cheese-eating surrender monkeys" [an English way to define French people]. He,

  • unlike you, he stands up for the French national interests!

  • Not some bizarre notion of Europe

  • and he is outclassed and outpledged at every turn.

  • Your only real achievement

  • is that Britain is now isolated,

  • alienated,

  • we are completely alone within the European Union,

  • which is why,

  • which is why,

  • "You are alone!"

  • It has been said before

  • Hang on a second!

  • Everybody else gets an extra minute

  • Mr. President! I'm asking for ten seconds, thank you.

  • Which is why, prime minister, I urge you, it's often being said that you wanted

  • to be the permanent president of Europe,

  • please stay on for a further six months,

  • six more months of the British President seat, and they'll kick us out.

  • Thank you very much

  • There are,

  • in my experience in politics,

  • there are three groups of people:

  • first of all,

  • the reactionaries.

  • Let me just tell you sir, and your colleagues

  • you sit without a country flag,

  • you do not represent our country's interest.

  • This is the year

  • two thousand and five

  • This is the year two thousand and five not nineteen forty-five. We're not

  • fighting each other anymore, these are our partners, there are colleagues in our

  • future lives in Europe.

  • When you're in Europe, when you and your colleagues say: "What do we get

  • in return for what we contribute to enlargement?", I'll tell you what we get: we

  • get a Europe that is unified after years of dictatorship in the East, we get

  • economic development in countries who we have championed, we get a future reform

  • that allows us, once and for all,

  • to put an end to discussion about rebates, common agricultural policy,

  • and get a proper reform budget for Europe. That's what we get if we end divisions:

  • this is that opportunity!

Now Mr. Farage for (Europe of Freedom and) Democracy group

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