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Left 4 Dead 3 rumors surface, Wolfenstein: the new order delayed, Ubisoft admits there
WILL be an end to Assassin's Creed, and more! Hey guys, Jess here with the Curse Weekly
Well, first up the biggest news for the week was rumors of Left 4 Dead 3. On Tuesday a
screenshot surfaced of the European Steam store, showing a search for left 4 dead, with
Left 4 Dead 3 showing up in the drop-down menu, with a price of 39.99 euro, but no image.
That same day, CyborgMatt and other sources began reporting that a group from the Dota
2 subreddit that went on a tour of Valve's offices allegedly snapped a photo of one of
the dev's monitors. The photo shows a line of a changelog that reads "Restored L4D3's
devtest unit test, ran locally 6 times without an assert...." and then the beginning of another
sentence that cuts off. So, what do you guys think? Did Valve learn to count to 3? And
was this really a leak or was this Valve's way of announcing Left 4 Dead 3 without actually
announcing it? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
Next, Wolfenstein: The New Order, previously announced for release this year, has been
delayed. The news was announced late last week at QuakeCon, with Bethesda saying that
they felt the game needed some additional time for polish. Which really is a good thing
- better late and ready than early and unfinished right?
Moving on, following last Friday's reveal of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, Ubisoft
revealed that, contrary to what many have been assuming, the series WILL come to an
end eventually. Assassin's Creed has come to be known as a series that churns out a
sequel every single year - but supposedly there is actually an overall arc. They've
left room for additional storylines, depending on what fans want, but there IS an end. What
do you guys think - keep the yearly installments coming, or are you kinda sick of the series?
Let me know in the comments?
Next up, Saints Row IV has been cleared for release in Australia - but with a rating of
MA15+. So, sure it's a good thign that the game will get released there at all, what
with their strict censorship laws. But these laws dictate that the game must be modified
before release in Australia. Deep Silver claims that approximately 20 minutes of gameplay
have been cut, out of an optional side quest that has no impact on storyline - so, better
than not getting the game at all! Grand Theft Auto 5, on the other hand, just received a
rating of R18+, a rating that didn't exist in Australia until earlier this year - which
means that GTA5 does NOT have to get edited at all to be released down under!
Moving on, Curse is heading to Ti3 this weekend! We'll actually already be in Seattle by the
time this video airs, so if you're roaming around Benaroya Hall watching some Dota matches,
be sure to stop me and say hi!
Finally, the latest IRL video featuring James and me is up! We got to be all Bioshock Infinite
and zip around on Skyhooks (well, ziplines really) over on Catalina Island off the coast
of Southern California. It was SO much fun, and we'll link the video in the description
so you can watch it for yourself! Well, that's all we have for you this week,
but as always be sure to subscribe if you haven't already, and give this video a thumbs
up for gaming news! And click over here to the side to watch our other videos! Thanks
for watching, enjoy the game.