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  • Pastors and elders are ordained by the Lord, that's true. (Amen!)

  • Obeying pastors and elders is obeying the Lord. (Amen!)

  • Is such a view founded in the Bible?

  • Is it proven by the Lord's word?

  • Does it have testimony of the Holy Spirit and confirmation of His work?

  • Isn't this just a figment of people's own imaginations? (Yeah.)

  • After these last two meetings,

  • I never realized their preachings would make so much sense

  • and be all based on the Bible.

  • It's enough to convince anyone.

  • I really can't find a flaw in it. I really can't!

  • I agree.

  • But if our whole congregation believes in Almighty God,

  • wouldn't that be bad for our church? (Yeah.)

  • Brother Jia, we need to find a way to keep them back with us.

  • I don't want to lose our church, but what can we do?

  • They found the words of Almighty God to be truth, and they must accept it.

  • How can I stop them?

  • After all, none of the lies from the CCP have stopped them.

  • That's true.

  • Jia

  • There is something.

  • Sister Fu is going to another meeting tomorrow

  • Come in!

  • Jia Hongwei has started to gather brothers and sisters

  • along with some co-workers,

  • and is threatening them into not accepting the Eastern Lightning.

  • Listen, we need to check it out.

  • Quick. Call Brother Li and the others now.

  • Hurry! (Okay.)

  • Let's go. (Hurry.)

  • So we must stick to the Bible and cease all contact with the Eastern Lightning.

  • Right.

  • We'll stop from now on.

  • Brother Dou, Brother Zhu,

  • only after reading Almighty God's words and understanding many of the truths,

  • have I realized what it really means to believe in God. (Amen.)

  • It's strengthened our belief.

  • Our initial faith and love have all come back.

  • Yeah! Yes!

  • So in my heart I feel the word of Almighty God must be the truth. (Amen.)

  • It supplies us and resolves our problems of belief.

  • Yeah. Yes.

  • Isn't that what the Holy Spirit said to the churches? (Amen!)

  • Why won't you let us accept it?

  • Yes, why? Let us accept.

  • Why won't they let us?

  • Yeah. We all used to listen as elders analyzed the Bible,

  • but we didn't enjoy the Holy Spirit's work or receive any life supply.

  • That's right.

  • Our spirits have been dark and withered because of this.

  • Yes. She's right! That's right. That's true. Completely.

  • Thanks be to the Lord.

  • Since receiving the watering of the words of Almighty God,

  • we have found faith and love. (Yeah!)

  • I regret not reading the words sooner. (Yeah!)

  • We already worry that we're too late,

  • so why hold us back from reading Almighty God's words?

  • Yes, why try to deny us? Sister He, I must

  • Sister Fu!

  • She's arrived!

  • Thanks be to God!

  • What's she doing here?

  • I have no idea.

  • I'm so glad she came.

  • Sister Zhang.

  • Oh, she came too!

  • Brother Li, Brother Chen, please have a seat. (Please.)

  • Take a seat.

  • Thanks.

  • Please sit.

  • Brothers and sisters, take a seat.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • you just said that pastors and elders preach Bible knowledge and doctrines,

  • which doesn't help,

  • but isn't that how pastors have done it all over the religious world?

  • That's right.

  • Pastors and elders have interpreted the Bible for us for years.

  • And even if you disagree, they worked hard!

  • They have. Amen.

  • How can you say that?

  • We ought to suffer for the Lord. Why talk about hard work and merit?

  • Pastors and elders are appointed by the Lord. (Amen!)

  • If we obey them, we obey the Lord! (Amen!)

  • If we resist them, then we resist the Lord! (Yeah, that's right.)

  • Everyone, if the pastors and elders don't want us to hear the Eastern Lightning,

  • then we must obey them. (Yes.)

  • We won't hear that. (Yes. We can't listen to the Eastern Lightning anymore.)

  • We have to obey what the pastors say.

  • We can't accept anything that's not in the Bible. (Absolutely right.)

  • We can't go wrong if we stick to the Bible. (Agree. That's right.)

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • it's wrong for us to say that.

  • What? How is it wrong?

  • It does not conform with the Bible!

  • What did Peter say?

  • Amen!

  • Pastors and elders are just men.

  • Why should believers listen to men and not the Lord?

  • That's right. Right. Yes.

  • Can the words of pastors and elders represent the words of the Lord Jesus?

  • No, they can't. Absolutely not. They cannot.

  • Right. Almighty God is the second coming of Lord Jesus. (Amen!)

  • Almighty God's words are the truth and can supply us.

  • Amen!

  • Why won't you let us hear it? (Yes! Yeah!)

  • Do you want to be like the Pharisees? (That's right.)

  • She's right.

  • What have we gained from listening to pastors all these years?

  • It's not easy to hear God's voice today,

  • so why won't you let us accept it?

  • Yeah, why?

  • Only those Pharisees and antichrists

  • would stop people wanting to seek the true way!

  • Precisely. Indeed. I completely agree. Sister Zheng is right.

  • Sister Zheng. You can't— Hey, look.

  • They've started to understand the truth,

  • yet you refuse and try to stop people from accepting the true way.

  • Yeah. That's right.

  • Isn't this just like in the Bible?

  • Brothers and sisters, we must all believe, right?

  • Pastors and elders are ordained by the Lord, that's true.

  • Amen!

  • They are people who serve the Lord.

  • Obeying pastors and elders is obeying the Lord.

  • Amen!

  • If we resist our pastors and elders, we are resisting the Lord.

  • That's true. Amen!

  • How is this resisting the Lord?

  • Can pastors and elders represent the Lord?

  • Pastors and elders cannot be compared to the Lord. (Right.)

  • Okay. Let's think about this logically, right?

  • Who preaches when you're sitting in church?

  • The pastors and elders.

  • Right. Pastors and elders. (That's right.)

  • Only pastors and elders can understand and interpret the Bible.

  • They alone can shepherd us all. (Amen!)

  • Yes.

  • Therefore, if what the pastors and elders tell us

  • conforms to the Bible and has basis in it,

  • we should comply and obey.

  • Amen!

  • As long as pastors' and elders' actions conform with the Bible,

  • we should accept it and follow them.

  • Amen!

  • Tell me this, obeying and listening to pastors and elders

  • where can we go wrong? (Exactly! I agree. That's right.)

  • I think we should listen to God instead of people.

  • I mean the pastors and elders have been leading us for years.

  • Everyone, calm down. One moment.

  • Everyone,

  • regarding whether pastors and elders were chosen and appointed by the Lord,

  • we can find out.

  • Let's listen to the fellowship from the Church of Almighty God.

  • Let's hear from the Church of Almighty God.

  • Yes. Let us hear it.

  • Please!

  • What they preach is profound. We cannot listen!

  • Let's hear what they come up with.

  • Brother Li, communicate with us.

  • Yes, do it, please. (Tell us!)

  • Thanks be to God.

  • Everyone, please allow me to share my knowledge on this. (Sure.)

  • In religion,

  • many believe religious pastors and elders are chosen, appointed by the Lord,

  • and therefore, people should obey them.

  • Is such a view founded in the Bible?

  • Is it proven by the Lord's word? (No.)

  • Does it have testimony of the Holy Spirit and confirmation of His work?

  • No, it doesn't.

  • If all the answers are no,

  • then doesn't that mean

  • this belief that the pastors and elders are appointed by the Lord

  • is just a figment of people's own imaginations?

  • Yeah.

  • Think about it: In the Age of Law, Moses was set up by God.

  • However, does that mean all Jewish leaders in the Age of Law were set up by God?

  • No.

  • In the Age of Grace,

  • the twelve apostles were appointed by the Lord Jesus Himself.

  • Does this mean that all of the pastors and elders in the Age of Grace

  • were appointed by the Lord?

  • No. Of course they weren't. Definitely not.

  • A lot of people like to follow rules

  • but don't approach things according to facts.

  • That's why they worship people instead.

  • You see the problem?

  • Why can't people make the distinction?

  • Why can't they seek the truth on these things?

  • Yeah.

  • We've never thought of it that way before.

  • It seems the truth is there to find.

  • Right. Brother Li, fellowship with us please.

  • Yes, please communicate more.

  • We can see from what's recorded in the Bible,

  • in every age of His work, God chooses some people to cooperate with His work.

  • And those personally appointed and used by God have confirmation of His word.

  • Like in the Age of Law,

  • God appointed Moses to lead the Israelites. It's proven by God's words. (Yes.)

  • Let's look at Exodus 3:9-10.

  • Who would like to read?

  • Here, let me.

  • Amen.

  • It's proven by God's word. (Yes, that's God's word.)

  • In the Age of Grace,

  • the Lord Jesus appointed twelve apostles to shepherd the church.

  • As the Lord Jesus said when He appointed Peter,

  • Amen!

  • Yes, indeed.

  • From this,

  • we can see anyone appointed and used by God is personally witnessed by God,

  • and God's word is proof, it's confirmed by the Holy Spirit's work.

  • Yes. That's right.

  • All their work is upheld by God.

  • Obeying their work and leadership is obeying God.

  • Anyone resisting these people is to resist God,

  • he will be cursed and punished by God.

  • Yes.

  • Just like in the Age of Law,

  • what happened when Korah, Dathan, and their people resisted Moses?

  • They were directly punished by God.

  • God caused the earth to swallow them all. (Yes.)

  • Right. Everyone knows, that's a fact.

  • Yeah. That's true.

  • In the Age of Grace,

  • the apostles appointed by the Lord have confirmation of His word.

  • But are today's pastors appointed by the Lord?

  • Is it evidenced by the word of the Lord?

  • No.

  • Most of them have certificates in theology or attended theological school.

  • They did this to become pastors,

  • not because the Holy Spirit personally used them.

  • Is this not a fact?

  • Yes. That's true. It's definitely true.

  • Has anyone seen or heard the Holy Spirit personally appoint a pastor?

  • No. I haven't.

  • This simply doesn't happen.

  • That's true.

  • There would be testimony of the Holy Spirit if they were,

  • and believers to witness.

  • So we know pastors and elders are not appointed by the Lord.

  • This is certain.

  • Thank the Lord. That's true.

  • I've even heard some of them

  • don't think the Lord Jesus came from conception by the Holy Spirit.

  • They don't think "conception by the Holy Spirit" is scientific.

  • They might not even admit that Christ is the appearance of God.

  • Indeed. Yes. Yeah.

  • If such pastors existed back in the time when the Lord Jesus worked,

  • they would not have accepted the Lord Jesus.

  • Then how would they treat

  • the appearance and work of God incarnate in the last days?

  • They would all be like the Pharisees, scribes, and chief priests,

  • condemning the Lord Jesus and opposing Him.

  • That would be the case. (That's right.)

  • Yes.

  • Are such pastors and elders people who genuinely obey God?

  • No, they resist God.

  • They don't even believe in God incarnate

  • and don't acknowledge truth expressed by God incarnate.

  • Isn't antichrist an accurate thing to call them?

  • Yes, antichrists.

  • So the idea that pastors and elders are all appointed by the Lord,

  • does this still make sense?

  • It does not. No, it definitely not. There is no question about that.

  • If one insists these pastors and elders are appointed and used by the Lord,

  • isn't this slander and blasphemy against God?

  • Indeed. Yes! It is.

  • Would God ever use unbelievers and antichrists to lead God's chosen people?

  • No. Of course not.

  • Isn't this idea completely absurd and wrong, fallacious?

  • Yes. Absolutely ridiculous.

  • Isn't this just confusing facts black and white?

  • Yeah. So true.

  • It's so true.

  • There's no way we can see through anything without knowing the truth.

  • Everyone, I hope now we've cleared things up.

  • Those appointed and used by God are personally testified by God,

  • and have the confirmation and effects of the Holy Spirit's work,

  • and can help God's chosen people attain life supply and true shepherding.

  • Yeah.

  • He's absolutely right.

  • God is righteous, holy.

  • Amen.

  • So, all those appointed by God are in line with God's will.

  • They won't be like the hypocritical Pharisees,

  • and they won't be like truth-hating, God-opposing antichrists.

  • Yes. That's right.

  • God won't use antichrists. He's absolutely right.

  • Definitely. Amen.

  • Let's look at today's religious pastors and leaders.

  • Most of them come from theological schools.

  • But they're not personally appointed by God.

  • They merely study theology and the Bible.

  • Their work and preaching focuses only on Bible knowledge and theology,

  • and its characters, stories, and history, biblical trivia.

  • Yeah. That's true indeed. That's indeed true.

  • The other thing they teach is how to follow religious rituals and rules.

  • They don't try to communicate the truth of God's words,

  • nor do they lead people to experience His words or observe God's commandments.

  • They never talk about knowing themselves and real life experiences, (Yeah.)

  • or discuss true knowledge of God.

  • Can such work and preaching attain the work of the Holy Spirit?

  • No.

  • Can such service satisfy God's intentions? (Surely not.)

  • No.

  • Can it lead people to practice the truth

  • and enter the right track of faith in God?

  • No. That's not possible.

  • Explaining the Bible this way,

  • aren't they following their own path, resisting God?

  • They surely are. Yes, indeed. They are. Yes, it's definitely resisting God!

  • And when Almighty God expresses truths and performs His judgment work,

  • these religious leaders know

  • that Almighty God's words are the truth and can purify and save people,

  • yet they do not accept it.

  • Even worse, they don't allow believers to read Almighty God's words.

  • Yes. Indeed. Right.

  • Just to protect their position, they furiously condemn Almighty God.

  • They even work with the CCP to arrest and persecute evangelists.

  • It's completely evil. How could believers in God do such a thing? How could they do such a thing?!

  • How are these pastors any different from the Pharisees

  • who resisted the Lord Jesus back in the day?

  • They are the modern Pharisees. (Yeah.)

  • Are they not preventing people from accepting the true way? (Yeah!)

  • How could these truth-hating, God-opposing people

  • possibly be appointed and used by God?

  • Yeah! He's right!

  • Would God choose these people who hate the truth and get in the way of His will

  • to lead His chosen people?

  • Definitely not. No. Not a chance! No, He wouldn't.

  • That's right, He never would. That's just the truth. (Amen.)

  • Praise God. The more I listen to you, the more enlightened I feel.

  • Thanks be to God.

  • So all people appointed and used by God are personally witnessed

  • and confirmed by God's word.

  • In the very least, there should be confirmation of the Holy Spirit's work.

  • Yes! Amen. It's so obvious.

  • Pastors and elders aren't confirmed by God's word

  • or by the work of the Holy Spirit.

  • How could they be appointed or used by God?

  • Yes. That's right!

  • We believed in the Lord for so long, yet we couldn't even see this.

  • We've really been ignorant and blind. (Yes.)

  • Without such fellowship, I would never have understood.

  • Thanks be to the Lord. Today has been enlightening.

  • Amen. Thanks be to God.

Pastors and elders are ordained by the Lord, that's true. (Amen!)

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