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  • Can you slow down?

  • Brake! Brake! Brake!

  • There's a stop sign right there.

  • Isaac.

  • Can you slow down?

  • You're going to get us killed.

  • I am--

  • Slow down!

  • I'm going the speed limit.

  • You can drive.


  • You're happy?

  • Very.

  • Now I'm safe.

  • Hey, guys,

  • it's Rachel.

  • And guess what?

  • I'm having weekend giveaways throughout the month of June and July.

  • And the only rule to enter these weekend giveaways

  • is that you must subscribed.

  • Just want to give back to my subscribers.

  • This week I'm giving away a MacBook Air.

  • And then next week, I'm giving away two GoPro cameras.

  • And I announce the winner in every single Sunday's upload.

  • So if you want to find out if you win,

  • you've got to look at Sunday's upload.

  • If you're already subscribed, then you're already automatically entered to win all of these prizes.

  • This is my weekend giveaway schedule.

  • And I hope you like this video on things

  • that boyfriends do that girlfriends hate.

  • Despite the things that we hate about them,

  • we accept them and get over it.

  • And if this video gets to 150,000 likes,

  • then I will upload "Things That Girlfriends Do That Boyfriends Hate."

  • OK, let's get onto the video.

  • Do these pants make me look weird?

  • No, they actually look nice.

  • I know they look weird.

  • Just be honest with me.

  • I'm not going to get mad.

  • She was flirting with you, Isaac.

  • No, she wasn't.

  • She was just being nice.

  • How can you be so oblivious, Isaac?

  • She literally asked for your number.

  • Yeah, because she wanted homework help.

  • She doesn't even go to your school.

  • Hey, Rachel.

  • You want to clean up after yourself for once?

  • For once?

  • Really, Isaac?

  • I literally clean up after both of us all the time.

  • Is that a joke?

  • Please, please stop PMSing.

  • Thank you.

  • I am not PMSing.

  • You are just annoying me!

  • I just spent three hours doing my hair.

  • Can you, please, close the window?

  • But it's such a beautiful day out.

  • Why would I close the window?

  • Maybe this is why you should close the window.

  • Oh, you look cute, like Skrillex.

  • Thanks, Isaac.

  • Yes, I won!

  • Rachel, please, watch me for 10 seconds,

  • please, please, please?

  • Baby, I'm doing homework.

  • 10 seconds.

  • Please, 10 seconds.

  • OK, fine.

  • Rachel, why aren't you watching me?

  • What?

  • I'm watching.

  • Rachel, did you see that?

  • Yeah, wow.

  • Why are you doing homework?

  • Sorry.

  • 10 seconds.

  • Whoo!

  • You beat him!

  • Yeah!

  • Did you see how good I was?

  • I'm fine.

  • No, just tell me what's wrong?

  • No, seriously.

  • I'm fine.

  • I'm being quiet because I don't want to start an argument.

  • Rachel, what's wrong?

  • Just tell me why you are...?

  • Fine, I don't like when you talk to me in that rude tone.

  • It always put me in a bad mood.

  • Seriously, Rachel?

  • You love starting fights.

  • Are you serious?

  • Isaac, why are you liking all of this girl's pictures?

  • She was my friend in pre-nursery.

  • We were tight.

  • Uh-hm.

  • What are we doing later?

  • (MOCKINGLY) What are we doing later?

  • That's not even what I sound like.

  • My voice isn't that nasally.

  • (MOCKINGLY) My voice isn't nasally.

  • You always leave your make-up on the floor.

  • Can you, please, not?

  • I did that twice.

  • Twice does not mean always.

  • So I hope you guys enjoyed this video.

  • If you missed me in previous two videos, click this down below

  • And subscribe right over there if you're not subscribed already

  • I love you so much!

  • Bye!

Can you slow down?

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