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  • What does it mean to *have* a Bitcoin?

  • Many people have heard of Bitcoin that

  • it's a fully digital currency with no government to issue it;

  • and that no banks need to manage accounts and verify transactions;

  • and also that no one really knows who invented it.

  • And yet, many people don't know the answer to this question, at least not in full.

  • To get there,

  • and to make sure that the technical details underlying the answer actually feel motivated,

  • what we're going to do is walk through step by step

  • how you might have invented your own version of Bitcoin.

  • We'll start with you keeping track of payments with your friends using a communal ledger.

  • And then, as you start to trust your friends and the world around you less and less,

  • and if you're clever enough to bring in a few ideas from cryptography

  • to help circumvent the need for trust,

  • what you end up with is what's called a "cryptocurrency".

  • You see, Bitcoin is just the first implemented example of a cryptocurrency.

  • And now, there are thousands more on exchanges with traditional currencies.

  • Walking the path of inventing your own can help to set the foundations

  • for understanding some of the more recent players in the game

  • and recognizing when and why there's room for different design choices.

  • In fact, one of the reasons I chose this topic is that

  • in the last year, there's been a huge amount of attention and investment

  • and, well, honestly hype directed at these currencies.

  • And I'm not going to comment or speculate on the current or future exchange rates,

  • but I think we'd all agree that

  • anyone looking to buy a cryptocurrency should really know what it is.

  • And I don't just mean in terms of analogies with vague connections to gold mining,

  • I mean an actual direct description of what the computers are doing

  • when we send, receive and create cryptocurrencies.

  • One thing worth stressing, by the way, is that

  • even though you and I are going to dig into the details here,

  • and that takes meaningful time,

  • you don't actually need to know those details if you just want to use the cryptocurrency,

  • just like you don't need to know the details of what happens under the hood when you swipe a credit card.

  • Like any digital payment, there're lots of user-friendly applications that

  • let you just send and receive the currencies without thinking about what's going on.

  • The difference is that the backbone underlying this

  • is not a bank that verifies transactions.

  • Instead, it's a clever system of decentralized trust-less verification

  • based on some of the math born in cryptography.

  • But to start,

  • I want you to actually set aside the thought of cryptocurrencies and all that just for a few minutes.

  • We're going to begin the story with something more down-to-earth: ledgers and digital signatures.

  • If you and your friends exchange money pretty frequently,

  • you know, paying your share of the dinner bill and such,

  • it can be inconvenient to exchange cash all the time.

  • So you might keep a communal ledger

  • that records all of the payments that you intend to make some point in the future.

  • You know, Alice pays Bob $20,

  • Bob pays Charlie $40, things like that.

  • This ledger is going to be something public and accessible to everyone,

  • like a website, where anyone can go and just add newlines.

  • And let's say that at the end of every month,

  • you all go together, look at the list of transactions and settle up.

  • If you spent more than you received, you put that money in the pot;

  • and if you received more than you spent, you take that money out.

  • So the protocol for being part of this very simple system might look like this:

  • anyone can add lines to the ledger;

  • and at the end of every month you all get together and settle up.

  • Now, one problem with a public ledger like this is that anyone can add a line,

  • so what's to prevent Bob from going in writing "Alice pays Bob $100" without Alice approving?

  • How are we supposed to trust that all of these transactions

  • are what the sender meant them to be?

  • Well, this is where the first bit of cryptography comes in: digital signatures.

  • Like handwritten signatures,

  • the idea here is that Alice should be able to add something next to that transaction

  • that proves that she has seen it and that she's approved of it.

  • And it should be infeasible for anyone else to forge that signature.

  • At first, it might seem like a digital signature shouldn't even be possible.

  • I mean, whatever data makes up that signature can just be read and copied by a computer,

  • so how do you prevent forgeries?

  • Well, the way this works is that everyone generates what's called a "public key - private key pair",

  • each of which looks like some string of bits.

  • The "private key" is sometimes also called a "secret key",

  • so that we can abbreviate it as "sk", while abbreviating the public key is "pk".

  • Now as the name suggests, this secret key is something you want to keep to yourself.

  • In the real world, your handwritten signature looks the same no matter what document you're signing.

  • But a digital signature is actually much stronger,

  • because it changes for different messages.

  • It looks like some string of ones and zeros, commonly something like 256 bits;

  • and altering the message even slightly

  • completely changes what the signature on that message should look like.

  • Speaking a little more formally,

  • producing a signature involves a function that depends both on the message itself and on your private key.

  • The private key ensures that only you can produce that signature,

  • and the fact that it depends on the message

  • means that no one can just copy one of your signatures and then forge it on another message.

  • Hand-in-hand with this is a second function used to verify that a signature is valid.

  • And this is where the public key comes into play.

  • All it does is output "true" or "false"

  • to indicate if this was a signature produced by the private key

  • associated with the public key that you're using for verification.

  • I won't go into the details of how exactly both these functions work,

  • but the idea is that it should be completely infeasible to find a valid signature

  • if you don't know the secret key.

  • Specifically, there's no strategy better than just guessing and checking random signatures,

  • which you can check using the public key that everyone knows.

  • Now think about how many signatures there are with a length of 256 bits,

  • that's 2^256.

  • This is a stupidly large number.

  • To call it astronomically large would be giving way too much credit to astronomy.

  • In fact, I made a supplemental video devoted just to illustrating what a huge number this is.

  • Right here, let's just say that

  • when you verified that a signature against a given message is valid,

  • you can feel extremely confident that the only way someone could have produced it

  • is if they knew the secret key associated with the public key you used for verification.

  • Now making sure that people sign transactions on the ledger is pretty good,

  • but there's one slight loophole:

  • if Alice signs a transaction, like "Alice pays Bob $100",

  • even though Bob can't forge Alice's signature on a new message,

  • he could just copy that same line as many times as he wants.

  • I mean, that message-signature combination remains valid.

  • To get around this, what we do is make it so that when you sign a transaction,

  • the message has to also include some sort of unique ID associated with that transaction.

  • That way, if Alice pays Bob $100 multiple times,

  • each one of those lines on the ledger requires a completely new signature.

  • All right, great!

  • Digital signatures remove a huge aspect of trust in this initial protocol,

  • but even still, if you were to really do this,

  • you would be relying on an honor system of sorts.

  • Namely, you're trusting that everyone will actually follow through

  • and settle up in cash at the end of each month.

  • What if, for example, Charlie racks up thousands of dollars in debt

  • and just refuses to show up.

  • The only real reason to revert back to cash to settle up

  • is if some people (I'm looking at you, Charlie) owe a lot of money.

  • So maybe, you have the clever idea that you never actually have to settle up in cash,

  • as long as you have some way to prevent people from spending too much more than they take in.

  • Maybe what you do is start by having everyone pay $100 into the pot,

  • and then have the first few lines of the ledger read

  • "Alice gets $100", "Bob gets $100", "Charlie gets $100", etc.

  • Now, just don't accept any transactions

  • where someone is spending more than they already have on that ledger.

  • For example, if the first two transactions are

  • "Charlie pays Alice $50" and "Charlie pays Bob $50",

  • if he were to try to add "Charlie pays you $20", that would be invalid,

  • as invalid as if he had never signed it.

  • Notice, this means that verifying a transaction

  • requires knowing the full history of transactions up to that point.

  • And this is more or less also going to be true in cryptocurrencies,

  • though there is a little room for optimization.

  • What's interesting here is that

  • this step removes the connection between the ledger and actual physical US Dollars.

  • In theory, if everyone in the world was using this ledger,

  • you could live your whole life just sending and receiving money on this ledger

  • without ever having to convert to real US Dollars.

  • In fact, to emphasize this point,

  • let's start referring to the quantities on the ledger as "ledger dollars", or "LD" for short.

  • You are, of course, free to exchange ledger dollars for real US Dollars.

  • For example, maybe Alice gives Bob a $10 bill in the real world

  • in exchange for him adding and signing the transaction

  • "Bob pays Alice 10 LD" to this communal ledger.

  • But exchanges like that, they're not going to be guaranteed by the protocol.

  • It's now more analogous to how you might exchange dollars for Euros,

  • or any other currency on the open market,

  • it's just its own independent thing.

  • This is the first important thing to understand about Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency:

  • what it is is a ledger, the history of transactions is the currency.

  • Of course, with Bitcoin,

  • money doesn't enter the ledger with people buying in using cash.

  • I'll get to how new money enters the ledger in just a few minutes,

  • but before that, there's actually an even more significant difference

  • between our current system of ledger dollars and how cryptocurrencies work.

  • So far, I've said that this ledger is in some public place,

  • like a website, where anyone can add newlines.

  • But that would require trusting a central location,

  • namely "who hosts the website?",

  • "who controls the rules of adding new lines?".

  • To remove that bit of trust, we'll have everybody keep their own copy of the ledger.

  • Then when you want to make a transaction, like Alice pays Bob 100 LD,

  • what you do is broadcast that out into the world

  • for people to hear and to record on their own private ledgers.

  • But, unless you do something more, this system is absurdly bad.

  • How could you get everyone to agree on what the right ledger is?

  • When Bob receives a transaction, like Alice pays Bob 10 LD,

  • how can he be sure that everyone else received and believes that same transaction

  • that he'll be able to later on go to Charlie and use those same 10 LD to make a transaction?

  • Really, imagine yourself just listening to transactions being broadcast,

  • how can you be sure that everyone else is recording the same transactions and in the same order?

  • This is really the heart of the issue.

  • This is an interesting puzzle.

  • Can you come up with a protocol for how to accept or reject transactions

  • and in what order so that you can feel confident that

  • anyone else in the world who's following that same protocol

  • has a personal ledger that looks the same as yours?

  • This is the problem addressed in the original Bitcoin paper.

  • At a high level, the solution that Bitcoin offers is

  • to trust whichever ledger has the most computational work put into it.

  • I'll take a moment to explain exactly what that means,

  • it involves this thing called a "cryptographic hash function".

  • The general idea that we'll build to

  • is that if you use computational work as a basis for what to trust,

  • you can make it so that fraudulent transactions and conflicting ledgers

  • would require an infeasible amount of computation to bring about.

  • Again, I'll remind you that this is getting well into the weeds

  • beyond what anyone would need to know just to use a currency like this,

  • but it's a really cool idea!

  • And if you understand it, you understand the heart of Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies.

  • So first things first, what's a hash function?

  • The inputs for one of these functions can be any kind of message or file,

  • it really doesn't matter.

  • And the output is a string of bits with some kind of fixed length, like 256 bits.

  • This output is called the "hash" or the "digest" of the message.

  • And the intent is that it looks random.

  • It's not random - it always gives the same output for a given input.

  • But the idea is that

  • if you slightly change the input, maybe editing just one of the characters,

  • the resulting hash changes completely.

  • In fact, for the hash function that I'm showing here, called SHA256,

  • the way the output changes as you slightly change that input is entirely unpredictable.

  • You see, this is not just any hash function,

  • it's a cryptographic hash function.

  • That means it's infeasible to compute in the reverse direction.

  • If I show you some string of ones and zeros,

  • and ask you to find an input

  • so that the SHA256 hash of that input gives this exact string of bits,

  • you will have no better method than to just guess and check.

  • And again, if you want to feel for how much computation would be needed to go through 2^256 guesses,

  • just take a look at the supplement video.

  • I actually had way too much fun writing that thing.

  • You might think that if you just really dig into the details of how exactly this function works,

  • you could reverse engineer the appropriate input without having to guess and check.

  • But no one has ever figured out a way to do that.

  • Interestingly, there's no cold hard rigorous proof that it's hard to compute in the reverse direction.

  • And yet, a huge amount of modern security

  • depends on cryptographic hash functions and the idea that they have this property.

  • If you were to look at what algorithms underlie the secure connection

  • that your browser is making with YouTube right now,

  • or that it makes with your bank,

  • you will likely see the name SHA256 show up in there.

  • For right now, our focus will just be on

  • how such a function can prove that a particular list of transactions

  • is associated with a large amount of computational effort.

  • Imagine someone shows you a list of transactions, and they say

  • "Hey! I found a special number

  • so that when you put that number at the end of this list of transactions

  • and apply SHA256 to the entire thing,

  • the first 30 bits of that output are all zeros!"

  • How hard do you think it was for them to find that number?

  • Well, for a random message,

  • the probability that a hash happens to start with 30 successive zeros is 1 in 2^30,

  • which is about one in a billion.

  • And because SHA256 is a cryptographic hash function,

  • the only way to find a special number like that is just guessing and checking.

  • So this person almost certainly had to go through about a billion different numbers

  • before finding this special one.

  • And once you know that number,

  • it's really quick to verify - you just run the hash and see that there are 30 zeros.

  • So in other words, you can verify that they went through a large amount of work,

  • but without having to go through that same effort yourself.

  • This is called a "proof of work".

  • And importantly, all of this work is intrinsically tied to the list of transactions.

  • If you change one of those transactions, even slightly,

  • it would completely change the hash,

  • so you'd have to go through another billion guesses to find a new proof of work,

  • a new number that makes it

  • so that the hash of the altered list together with this new number starts with 30 zeros.

  • So now think back to our distributed ledger situation:

  • everyone is there broadcasting transactions,

  • and we want a way for them to agree on what the correct ledger is.

  • As I said, the core idea behind the original Bitcoin paper

  • is to have everyone trust whichever ledger has the most work put into it.

  • The way this works is to first organize a given ledger into blocks,

  • where each block consists of a list of transactions together with a proof of work,

  • that is a special number so that the hash of the whole block starts with a bunch of zeros.

  • For the moment, let's say that it has to start with... 60 zeros,

  • but later we'll return back to a more systematic way you might want to choose that number.

  • In the same way that a transaction is only considered valid when it's signed by the sender,

  • a block is only considered valid if it has a proof of work.

  • And also, to make sure that there's a standard order to these blocks,

  • we'll make it so that a block has to contain the hash of the previous block at its header.

  • That way, if you were to go back and change any one of the blocks

  • or to swap the order of two blocks,

  • it would change the block that comes after it,

  • which changes that block's hash,

  • which changes the one that comes after it, and so on.

  • That would require redoing all of the work,

  • finding a new special number for each of these blocks that makes their hashes start with 60 zeros.

  • Because blocks are chained together like this,

  • instead of calling it a ledger, it's common to call it a "blockchain"

  • As part of our updated protocol,

  • we'll now allow anyone in the world to be a block creator.

  • What that means is that they're going to listen for transactions being broadcast,

  • collect them into some block,

  • and then do a whole bunch of work

  • to find a special number that makes the hash of that block start with 60 zeros.

  • And once they find it, they broadcast out the block they found.

  • To reward a block creator for all this work,

  • when she puts together a block,

  • we'll allow her to include a very special transaction at the top of it,

  • in which she gets, say 10 LD, out of thin air.

  • This is called the "block reward",

  • and it's an exception to our usual rules about whether or not to accept transactions.

  • It doesn't come from anyone, so it doesn't have to be signed.

  • And it also means that the total number of ledger dollars in our economy increases with each new block.

  • Creating blocks is often called "mining",

  • since it requires doing a lot of work

  • and it introduces new bits of currency into the economy.

  • But when you hear or read about miners,

  • keep in mind that what they're really doing is

  • listening for transactions, creating blocks,

  • broadcasting those blocks, and getting rewarded with new money for doing so.

  • From the miner's perspective, each block is kind of like a miniature lottery,

  • where everyone is guessing numbers as fast as they can

  • until one lucky individual finds a special number

  • that makes the hash of the block start with many zeros,

  • and they get the reward.

  • For anyone else who just wants to use the system to make payments,

  • instead of listening for transactions,

  • they all start listening just for blocks being broadcast by miners,

  • and updating their own personal copies of the blockchain.

  • Now the key addition to our protocol is that

  • if you hear two distinct blockchains with conflicting transaction histories,

  • you defer to the longest one, the one with the most work put into it.

  • If there's a tie, just wait until you hear an additional block that makes one of them longer.

  • So even though there's no central authority and everyone is maintaining their own copy of the blockchain,

  • if everyone agrees to give preference to whichever blockchain has the most work put into it,

  • we have a way to arrive at decentralized consensus.

  • To see why this makes for a trustworthy system,

  • and to understand at what point you should trust that a payment is legit,

  • it's actually really helpful to walk through exactly what it would take to fool someone using this system.

  • Maybe Alice is trying to fool Bob with a fraudulent block,

  • namely she tries to send him one that includes her paying him 100 LD

  • but without broadcasting that block to the rest of the network.

  • That way, everyone else still thinks that she has those 100 LD.

  • To do this, she would have to find a valid proof of work before all of the other miners,

  • each working on their own block.

  • And that could definitely happen!

  • Maybe Alice just happens to win this miniature lottery before everyone else.

  • But Bob is still going to be hearing the broadcasts made by other miners,

  • so to keep him believing this fraudulent block,

  • Alice would have to do all of the work herself

  • to keep adding blocks on this special fork in Bob's blockchain.

  • It's different from what he's hearing from the rest of the miners.

  • Remember, as per the protocol, Bob always trusts the longest chain that he knows about.

  • Alice might be able to keep this up for a few blocks

  • if, just by chance, she happens to find blocks more quickly

  • than the rest of the miners on the network all combined.

  • But unless she has close to 50% of the computing resources among all of the miners,

  • the probability becomes overwhelming

  • that the blockchain that all of the other miners are working on

  • grows faster than the single fraudulent blockchain that Alice is feeding to Bob.

  • So, after enough time, Bob's just going to reject what he's hearing from Alice

  • in favor of the longer chain that everyone else is working on.

  • Notice, that means that you shouldn't necessarily trust a new block that you hear immediately;

  • instead, you should wait for several new blocks to be added on top of it.

  • If you still haven't heard of any longer block chains,

  • you can trust that this block is part of the same chain that everyone else is using.

  • And with that, we've hit all the main ideas.

  • This distributed ledger system based on a proof of work

  • is more or less how the Bitcoin protocol works and how many other cryptocurrencies work.

  • There's just a few details to clear up.

  • Earlier, I said that the proof of work might be to find a special number

  • so that the hash of the block starts with 60 zeros.

  • Well, the way the actual Bitcoin protocol works is to periodically change that number of zeros

  • so that it should take on average 10 minutes to find a new block.

  • So as there are more and more miners added to the network,

  • the challenge actually gets harder and harder,

  • in such a way that this miniature lottery only has about one winner every 10 minutes.

  • Many newer cryptocurrencies actually have much shorter block times than that.

  • And all of the money in Bitcoin ultimately comes from some block reward.

  • In the beginning, these rewards were 50 Bitcoin per block.

  • There's actually a great website you can go to called "Block Explorer"

  • that makes it easy to look through the Bitcoin blockchain.

  • And if you look at the very first few blocks on the chain,

  • they contain no transactions other than that 50 Bitcoin reward to the miner.

  • But every 210000 blocks, which is about every 4 years,

  • that reward gets cut in half.

  • So right now, the reward is 12.5 Bitcoin per block.

  • And because this reward decreases geometrically over time,

  • it means there will never be more than 21000000 Bitcoin in existence.

  • However, this doesn't mean that miners will stop earning money.

  • In addition to the block reward, miners can also pick up transaction fees.

  • The way this works is that whenever you make a payment,

  • you can purely optionally include a little transaction fee with it

  • that's going to go to the miner of whichever block includes that payment.

  • The reason you might do that is to incentivize miners

  • to actually include the transaction that you broadcast into the next block.

  • You see, in Bitcoin, each block is limited to about 2400 transactions,

  • which many critics argue is unnecessarily restrictive.

  • For comparison, VISA processes an average of about 1700 transactions per second,

  • and they're capable of handling more than 24000 per second.

  • This comparatively slow processing on Bitcoin makes for higher transaction fees,

  • since that's what determines which transactions miners choose to include in a new block.

  • All of this is far from a comprehensive coverage of cryptocurrencies;

  • there are still many nuances and alternate design choices that I haven't even touched.

  • But my hope is that this can provide a stable "wait but why" style tree-trunk of understanding

  • for anyone looking to add a few more branches with further reading.

  • Like I said at the start,

  • one of the motives behind this is that a lot of money has started flowing towards cryptocurrencies.

  • And even though I don't want to make any claims about whether that's a good or bad investment,

  • I really do think that it's healthy for people getting into the game

  • to at least know the fundamentals of the technology.

  • As always, my sincerest thanks to those of you making this channel possible on Patreon.

  • I understand that not everyone is in a position to contribute,

  • but if you're still interested in helping out,

  • one of the best ways to do that

  • is simply to share videos that you think might be interesting or helpful to others.

  • I know you know that, but it really does help.

  • I also want to thank Protocol Labs for their support of this video.

  • This is an organization that runs a number of different research and development projects.

  • And if you follow some of the links I've left in the description

  • to read into the details of those projects,

  • you'll notice some strong parallels with the concepts covered in this video.

  • The challenges and benefits of decentralization

  • are by no means limited to currency and to transaction histories.

  • And the usefulness of tools from cryptography, like hash functions and digital signatures,

  • are likewise much more general.

  • For example, a couple of Protocol Labs projects, such as IPFS and Filecoin,

  • center on the idea of distributed file storage,

  • which opens up a whole field of interesting challenges and possibilities.

  • For any developers among you, Protocol Labs places a very high value on open source.

  • So if you're interested, you can join what's already a very strong community of contributors.

  • But they're also looking to hire full-time developers.

  • So if you think you might be a good fit there, definitely apply.

What does it mean to *have* a Bitcoin?

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