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  • Yujin goes hand in hand with mangoes. 說到芒果大家一定會想到玉井

  • On top of fresh mangoes 除了新鮮的芒果

  • pickled and dried mangoes are also very popular with people. 芒果青和芒果乾也非常受歡迎

  • Besides indulging in delicious food, 到玉井除了吃美食之外

  • you can also visit the nearby Mount Houtou. 也可以到附近的虎頭山走走

  • After youve hiked to the top, 當你登到了山頂後,

  • make sure to treat yourself some great coffee 一定要喝一杯咖啡犒賞自己一下

  • Yujin also has many cultural & creative merchandise, 玉井也有許多文創商品

  • and the Tapani Incindent Memorial Park 噍吧哖事件紀念園區

  • is a major gathering place for everything cultural and creative 也是文創的重要聚集地

  • What are we waiting for? Let’s go see Yujin together. 還在等什麼呢? 跟我一起去逛一逛玉井

  • Hi everyone, I’m Vera, 嗨 大家好 我是薇拉

  • I’m now in Yujing, 我現在在玉井

  • and we can drive a car, 來這裡可以開車

  • or we can take a bus. 也可以搭公車

  • It’s really convenient, 真的非常方便

  • So, let’s go. 我們走吧

  • Yujing Old Street is just around the corner 玉井老街位在公車站附近

  • from the bus stop. 下車轉個彎就到了

  • You see mangoes everywhere in Yujing, 在玉井 到處都可以看到芒果

  • and you also see people making pickled green mangoes 在家門口做芒果青的畫面

  • on their door steps. 也相當常見

  • Yujing truly is the home of mangoes. 玉井果然是芒果之鄉

  • We are now at Yujing Old Street, 我們現在在玉井老街

  • and there are many traditional shops here, 這裡有非常多傳統店家

  • and, this is Beiji Temple. 這是北極殿

  • Let’s take a look around here. 一起去瞧瞧吧

  • Beiji Temple is more than 300 years old. 北極殿有三百多年的歷史

  • It was rebuilt in 1717, 清康熙五十六年(西元1717年)重建

  • when Beiji Temple became its official designation. 正式命廟名為「北極殿」

  • During the Tapani Incident, 噍吧哖事件當時

  • many people were imprisoned here. 很多人就是被關在這裡

  • As you walk into Beiji Temple. 進到北極殿

  • you are greeted by many turtles on the ground. 你會看到地上有一群烏龜

  • Legend has it that a Taoist deity, 相傳

  • Xuanwu once subdued both the snake and the turtle demon, 北極玄天上帝曾收服蛇、龜兩妖

  • therefore, the turtles in the temple 因此廟中的烏龜

  • represents his power over them. 為玄天上帝足踏蒼龜的象徵

  • It’s rumored that turtles have been released here 據說一百年前就有信徒

  • by followers since about 100 years ago. 在這裡放生烏龜

  • The turtles here are the Chinese stripe-necked turtles, 這裡的烏龜

  • which is endemic to Taiwan. 是本土的斑龜

  • They are sometimes called the Taiwanese terrapins. 也稱台灣水龜

  • The turtles here are very cute, 成群的烏龜非常可愛

  • and they attract many visitors to the temple. 吸引不少遊客參觀

  • Another thing worth mentioning is that 另外值得一提的是

  • the murals and door gods 北極殿的門神及壁畫

  • were painted by Pan Li-shui. 都是出自於潘麗水之手

  • Pan Li-shui was the recipient of the 1993 潘麗水在1993年獲得

  • Ministry of Education Folk Art Heritage Award, 教育部民族藝師薪傳獎

  • and was the first ever folk painter to receive the award. 也是第一位獲得薪傳獎的民間彩繪師

  • The artifacts in Beiji Temple, be it the murals 北極殿的文物無論是彩繪

  • or collages are all worth checking out. 或是剪黏都非常值得一看

  • After youre done admiring at Beiji Temple, 欣賞了北極殿

  • you must check out Yujing Old Street as well. 當然要逛一逛玉井老街

  • There are tons of ice shops along Yujing Old Street, 玉井老街真的有好多冰店

  • and besides indulging in some mango ice, 除了吃芒果冰外

  • you can also try other mango related products. 也可以品嚐芒果的周邊商品

  • There are mango cuisines, 有芒果餐點

  • mango puddings, 芒果布丁

  • mango popsicles, 芒果冰棒

  • dried mangoes 芒果乾

  • and pickled green mangoes. 芒果青

  • Wow! It’s very mouthwatering indeed! 哇!口水都要流下來了!

  • Wow, it’s so hot today, 哇 今天好熱啊

  • and now we are in Yujing, 我們既然都到了玉井

  • of course, we have to have a mango ice. 當然要吃芒果冰

  • So, let’s come in. 快進去瞧瞧吧!

  • Wow, it looks so delicious. 哇 看起來好好吃喔

  • and let’s see what’s the ingredient inside. 我們來看看裡面放了些什麼

  • There’s mango, and this is mango ice-cream. 有芒果 還有芒果冰淇淋

  • And here is sugar. 這裡有糖漿

  • It’s made by brown sugar, 是用黑糖做的

  • and Mr. Lu’s special recipe. 搭配盧先生的獨家秘方

  • And here is the pickled mango. 然後這是芒果青

  • MmThis pickled mango is so sweet. 嗯 芒果青好甜喔

  • Because I’m afraid of sour, 我很怕酸

  • It’s not sour, it’s so good. 但這不會酸 很好吃

  • Wow Boss, these pickled mangoes are delicious! 哇!老闆,這個芒果青好好吃喔!

  • How are they made? 怎麼做的?

  • First you must thoroughly wash the mangoes, 首先將土芒果清洗乾淨

  • peel them, 削皮

  • and remove the pits 切除果核

  • before cutting them into strips. 果肉切成長條狀

  • Then you add salt, 加入鹽

  • and rub it into the mangoes evenly. 用鹽將芒果均勻搓揉

  • Next, you rinse off the salt with reverse-osmosis water, 接著用逆滲透水(RO水)

  • orROwater, 把芒果表面的鹽洗淨後

  • and put the mangoes into jars with a salt and RO water mixture, 放入玻璃罐並且加入鹽和RO

  • then place them into the fridge for two hours. 放進冰箱兩小時

  • This time, the salt must be rinsed off again with RO water, 接著用RO水將鹽洗掉

  • and the mangoes placed into jars with only RO water, 重新把芒果放進玻璃罐 加入RO

  • and chilled for another 24 hours in the fridge. 靜置冰箱24小時

  • In the next step, you drain the water 接下來把水倒掉

  • and remove the mangoes from the jars 再把芒果全部取出

  • only to place them back into the jars again with sugar. 重新放進玻璃罐裡加糖醃製

  • A layer of mango 一層芒果

  • should be stacked on top of a layer of sugar 一層糖

  • until the jar becomes full. 一直到將芒果放滿為止

  • And now, you are done pickling green mangoes! 芒果青的製作就完成囉!

  • Now, let it sit for two more days, 大概放個兩天

  • and youll be able to enjoy some deliciously crunchy 就可以吃到又脆又美味的

  • pickled green mangoes. 芒果青!

  • Not only are our pickled green mangoes delicious, 我們不止芒果青好吃

  • our dried mangoes are also fantastic. 我們的芒果乾也非常地棒

  • We use mangoes that are endorsed by the Council of Agriculture. 我們都是採用農委會推廣的

  • Mangoes that are part of the Good Agriculture Practice initiative 吉園圃系統的芒果

  • have their agrochemical use in check, 有效地管理農藥

  • so, these dried mangoes 所以這樣的芒果乾

  • are very safe to eat. 是非常安全的

  • Vera, try some. Vera那你試試看啊

  • Wow, this dried mango is so delicious, 哇 這芒果乾也太好吃了

  • and it keeps the original mango smell, 還可以吃到芒果原味

  • and it’s not too sweet. 也不會太甜

  • It’s so good. 很好吃

  • If next time, youve got the chance to visit Yujing, 如果有機會來玉井

  • don’t forget every mango products, 別忘了這些芒果產品

  • and you can take some souvenirs back. 也可以帶些紀念品回家喔

  • We are now in Houtou Mountain. 我們現在在虎頭山上

  • People like to go into the mountains on their days off, 很多人休假時喜歡往山上跑

  • but besides hiking, 但除了健行以外

  • they can also have a cup of coffee, 也可以喝杯咖啡

  • and take a rest. 休息一下

  • So, follow me,and let’s go have a try. 跟我一起去體驗看看吧

  • Houtou Mountain is situated within Yujing’s Zhuwei Village, 虎頭山位在玉井竹圍里境內

  • and is also Yujing’s highest point. 是玉井的最高點

  • After taking the Nanzhuang Police Station by force in 1915, 在1915年噍吧哖事件中

  • Yu Qingfang and his fellow rebels took over the mountain 反抗者余清芳即占據此山

  • in preparation for attacking the Tapani Subprefecture, 準備繼續進攻噍吧哖支廳,

  • but the mission failed. 不料任務失敗。

  • In 1981, the Yu Qingfang Monument was set up on the mountain top. 民國70年(西元1981年) 山頂上立起「抗日烈士余清芳紀念碑」紀念此事

  • The views at Houtou Mountain is very well known, 虎頭山的風景非常有名

  • as you get a bird’s-eye-view of the Yujing Basin. 可以俯視玉井的盆地

  • Because of this, there are lots of cafes up here 也因此這裡有很多家

  • with viewing platforms. 景觀咖啡廳

  • It’s about an hour’s drive from the city center, 距離市區大約一個小時的車程

  • and is a very popular weekend getaway 許多朋友在休假的時候

  • for people who like to enjoy great scenery 喜歡上山來欣賞美景

  • while indulging in great food. 與享受美食

  • The view here is incredibly vast. 這裡的視野非常遼闊

  • To have a cup of coffee while taking in the breathtaking view 邊喝咖啡邊欣賞美景

  • is one of the great pleasures in life. 真的是一大享受

  • What a relaxing feeling. 整個人都放鬆了

  • The food here is delightful, 這裡的餐點也相當美味

  • and the soup in the plum chicken hotpot is very flavorful. 梅子雞火鍋湯頭非常入味

  • It’s very aromatic, 而且鮮甜

  • and the chicken is deliciously tender. 雞肉鮮嫩可口

  • Of course, there are so much more than just plum chickens, 當然不只梅子雞火鍋

  • as there are other tasty dishes 還有其他美味的餐點

  • That you shouldn’t miss! 千萬別錯過囉!

  • Community development is all the rage in Tainan these days, 這幾年臺南社區發展活躍

  • and has gained much popularity from the public. 也受到許多民眾歡迎

  • Tianpu Community in Yujing is one such example. 玉井的天埔社區是其中之一

  • But where exactly is Tianpu Community? 但是天埔社區在哪裡呢?

  • The thing is, you can’t find Tianpu Community on a map. 天埔社區 它是一個在地圖上找不到名字的地方

  • Because our community technically isn’t a real place name. 因為我們社區不是一個地名

  • It’s actually a conglomeration of two villages. 它是由兩個里組合而成的

  • Tianpu Community is formed by the merger of Shatian Village 「天埔」是由沙田里和三埔里

  • and Sanpu Village. 共同組成的社區

  • Because the center of worship for the resident of Shatian 沙田里居民的信仰中心

  • is theXin-Tian-Wang Temple”, 是新天王殿

  • theyve decided to combine the wordTian” 因此取新天王殿的「天」字

  • with the wordPuin Sanpu Village. 及三埔里的「埔」字

  • In Tianpu Community 來到天埔社區

  • you can see many loofah-inspired landmarks or landscaping. 到處都能看到絲瓜的地標和造景

  • But why loofahs? 但是為什麼以絲瓜來設計呢?

  • The most famous fruit in Yujing would be mangoes. 在玉井很有名的就是芒果

  • If we were to base our development project around mangoes, 如果以芒果做發展的話

  • and let’s say there are ten communities 玉井如果說有

  • in Yujing doing the same thing. 十個社區

  • All ten communities using mangoes 十個社區

  • as their central developmental theme. 都是用芒果做發展

  • Then there’s really no room for development. 這樣會比較沒有發展性