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  • - [Kendra] Caleb, what are you wearing?

  • - Daddy's pants.

  • - [Kendra] No, those are mine, dude.

  • - What, they are?

  • - [Kendra] Yeah, how come you decided to wear 'em?

  • - Because I wanted to.

  • (soft music)

  • - The things he comes up with to do just crack me up.

  • Elise is working on patterns for math this morning.

  • Isaac is making a map of which state?

  • - Alabama.

  • - [Jeremy] Well, what's your name?

  • - Caleb.

  • - So today is one of those days when I feel

  • literally pulled in 100 directions.

  • I just tend to feel a little bit overwhelmed.

  • There's Laura.

  • (Laura yelling)

  • Are you working on your math?

  • - Yeah.

  • - So Caleb and I are doing some Lego math today.

  • - Four.

  • - Four and how many is this one?

  • - Two.

  • - So four plus two equals how many?

  • - Six!

  • - Good job.

  • (slaps)

  • Which one of these is the biggest number?

  • - Zeew-puh!

  • - What number is this one?

  • - Seven and this one is.

  • This one's six.

  • - Oh, this one's six, huh? - This one's four.

  • - Which one's the same age as Isaac?

  • - Pshew!

  • And how big is dad?

  • - Can we make one as old as dad?

  • - Yeah, look!

  • - Do you think we have enough DUPLOs?

  • - Yeah, we needs to do, we can different colors.

  • - Okay.

  • - Five.

  • - Six.

  • - Seven.

  • 33.

  • - There it is.

  • So, we've got one for dad.

  • - Chyeah!

  • - And we've one for Isaac.

  • It's our DUPLO family.

  • - Now we need to go get mom.

  • - Mmm, how tall will mine be?

  • - Uh, I don't know.

  • - How old am I?

  • - 22.

  • - 22.

  • (laughs)

  • - [Kendra] You did it, Lise.

  • All by yourself! (clapping)

  • (electronic melody) (giggles)

  • I made myself a big plate of leftovers from last night.

  • What are you looking at?

  • - A bite.

  • - [Kendra] What do you want a bite of?

  • - That.

  • - [Kendra] He wants a bite of my food.

  • They all have.

  • So, I love that they walked up

  • and they're like, "Mom, that looks so good!"

  • "We need to try it!"

  • And so I gave them all a bite with the kale

  • and the broccoli and the mushrooms and the pesto

  • and they're loving it.

  • So, every day Elise and I review these flash cards together

  • and so, I'm always trying to think of ways to

  • make it interesting that we are reviewing them

  • and so, today I told her that she could choose

  • the location for where she wanted to review them

  • and I was like, "We can review them in my room,

  • "we can review them on the stairs."

  • And Elise said...

  • - In the car!

  • - [Kendra] So, here we are in our car.

  • You ready to review?

  • - Don't forget to buckle your seats!

  • (laughing)

  • - [Kendra] Are you being silly?

  • (growling)

  • (laughing)

  • All right, so Elise, what are you cookin'?

  • - Eggs.

  • - Eggs, so Elise is doing her sight words today

  • with this fun activity and please note,

  • it is not plugged in at all.

  • So these are printables that I found online

  • and I just knew that Elise would love this.

  • You know, when you're reviewing sight word every day,

  • you really want to keep it fun

  • and engaging and she loves cooking so,

  • let's see it, Lisey, pick one to read.

  • - With.

  • - [Kendra] With.

  • Flip it on over.

  • Uh oh!

  • (laughing) Good thing that wasn't a real egg!

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Kendra] Good work.

  • - This one's actually green!

  • - [Kendra] Did it work out? - [Isaac] Yeah!

  • - Well, it's been really pretty here the last several weeks

  • but it's kinda cold and cloudy out today

  • so Isaac and I are playing next to the fireplace.

  • It's probably one of the last times this year

  • that we're going to be able to use it

  • but, it kind of feels nice to just cozy up

  • and Laura is finally napping and just enjoy time together.

  • So what happens in this game is

  • Isaac is trying to guess my code

  • that I've got right here.

  • - Sgedi.

  • - [Jeremy] Sgedi?

  • - [Laura] Yes!

  • - We're using the leftover green noodles.

  • - [Laura] Green noodles!

  • - [Kendra] Green noodles!

  • - Yes! (claps)

  • - Why are you putting eggs on top of that?

  • - Because that's what I'm making for dinner.

  • - [Caleb] Leftovers are gross.

  • - You think so?

  • I'm making green noodles and eggs.

  • When I lived in Austria, my host mother

  • there made this for us and you use

  • noodles that have already been cooked

  • and you just add eggs and scramble them in

  • and then, we're gonna add some tomatoes and some spinach.

  • - [Caleb] Oh. - And some cheese.

  • So, Isaac has been waiting for Jeremy to get home

  • so they could review the brackets.

  • - Oklahoma won.

  • North Carolina won.

  • Syracuse beat Dayton.

  • - Ohhh, I chose Dayton!

  • I have that. - Oh, dzzsh!

  • Dzzsh!

  • You had Dayton going twice.

  • - And you have none! (laughing)

  • - I picked Syracuse.

  • 'Kay, Michigan State, boozj!

  • - Dad, that's yours.

  • Boozj!

  • Bzzj! - Hey, I'm lucky, dude!

  • - Ohhh!

  • It's a lot of fun to do this with Isaac.

  • (sizzling)

  • - [Kendra] Laura, what are we makin'?

  • - [Laura] Popcorn.

  • - Popcorn, do you like popcorn?

  • - Uh-huh!

  • (popping)

  • Popping!

  • - [Kendra] It is, it's popping, huh?

  • (popping) - [Laura] I want to eat it.

  • So yucky.

  • - It's not so yucky, it's so yummy!

  • So we're doing something I've never tried before.

  • We are making popcorn balls

  • but we're making 'em marshmallow-based popcorn balls.

  • It's kinda like Rice Krispie Treats.

  • (rustling)

  • Oops.

  • - [Caleb] Popcorn next--

  • - Ahh, it's stuck all over me!

  • (laughing)

  • - [Jeremy] What did mom put on your hands?

  • - Lotion. - [Jeremy] Lotion?

  • - It feels like lotion.

  • - [Jeremy] What is it?

  • - Butter.

  • - [Jeremy] Butter.

  • - [Kendra] Everybody's gonna make their own popcorn ball.

  • All right, Laura, do you have butter on 'em?

  • - Mmm-hmm.

  • - [Kendra] Are you gonna make a popcorn ball?

  • ♫ A popcorn ball that will smell so sweet

  • (upbeat music)

  • - [Caleb] Oh, yummy.

  • - [Elise] Ready for my hand.

  • - [Kendra] Here you go.

  • - Now, can I eat it?

  • - [Kendra] Yes, everybody can pick one and eat it now.

  • - [Jeremy] Is it any good?

  • - Mmmmm!

  • - Come see, so this is New York.

  • - Woah, I never saw those in my whole life before.

  • - Where's the Empire State Building?

  • - All right, so this is called the Brooklyn Bridge.

  • - (gasps) Wow!

  • Wow.

  • - [Elise] I wanna see, I wanna see closer.

  • - [Kendra] I know, me too, Lisey.

  • We'll have to go there.

  • - So today, Kendra discovered the 3D flyover tours

  • that Google has of different cities.

  • - Oh, this is, what's that building called?

  • - Empire State Building.

  • - You're right, Empire State Building.

  • - That is humongous! - Look how tall that is!

  • - This was the tallest building!

  • - No, Willis Tower's taller.

  • - [Elise] Oh.

  • - [Kendra] What city is Willis Tower in?

  • - [Isaac] Chicago.

  • - So, someday we're gonna go into a skyscraper?

  • - Someday I hope to take you guys,

  • (gasps) there it is!

  • There's Central Park!

  • I'm such a nerd.

  • I'm absolutely loving this.

  • - [Jeremy] Didn't you guys look at

  • a bunch of other cities earlier today?

  • - Yeah, Dublin. - We looked at Dublin.

  • - [Elise] I haven't saw Dumb-lin.

  • (laughing) - Oh, and Cork.

  • Golden Gate Bridge. - [Elise] Golden Gate Bridge.

  • - [Isaac] It's a very long bridge.

  • - [Jeremy] How are they getting all that video?

  • - I think it's a bird flying and videoing.

  • - [Jeremy] So, did--

  • - How in the world did they get a bird to video it?

  • - [Jeremy] So Google just trained some birds

  • to carry around cameras to get the footage?

  • - Uh, actually no.

  • (whooping)

  • - I want milk now.

  • - Do you want your milk?

  • What did you just put on my face?

  • Can you say good night?

  • - Good night, J House out.

  • - (laughing) Good night, J House out.

  • (soft music)

  • - [Kendra] It worked!

- [Kendra] Caleb, what are you wearing?

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