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  • Mr. Stubborn (Onggojip)

  • Once upon a time, in Ongjingol, there lived a man called Onggojip.

  • He was wealthy enough to support his family without working,

  • but he never had a minute of rest because of his nasty suspicious nature.

  • He did not trust anyone and always thought he was being cheated or deceived.

  • What are the servants doing

  • What if theyre taking a nap because I’m not there to watch them!?

  • Hey, Dolsoi!!!

  • Onggojip would not leave his servants in peace

  • and kept thinking up new orders to give them to make sure they were working.

  • But Master, the yard has already been washed clean by the rain. Why must it be swept out again?

  • Do as I say! If you depend on the rain to do your work for you, you are nothing but a parasite who wastes my food!

  • Hmph.

  • When you have finished sweeping the yard,

  • get a basket and pump out water from the pond so it doesn’t flood.

  • Master, the pond has already been taken care of. It will not flood regardless of how much it rains.

  • Do you want to starve today, you insolent rascal!?

  • Oh.. No, sir. I’ll do as you say.

  • Chundan!!! Have you milled the rice bran?

  • Oh, surely I am the unluckiest man in the world to be stuck with such a cruel master!

  • The servants were very miserable because Onggojip would frequently starve them for nothing.

  • One day, a monk came to visit Onggojip’s house.

  • Surprised and nervous, Dolsoi ran to meet him.

  • Oh please, leave immediately before my Master sees you!

  • Dolsoi was concerned for the monk because he knew how his Master would behave if he saw him.

  • Dolsoi! Dolsoi!

  • May Buddha watch over you.

  • Oh, another of those false monks!

  • I come from the nearby temple to collect donations

  • Donations!? Come to demand free food, have you?

  • Get out of my house at once, you beggar!!!

  • What? That’s not enough to get you out of my sight?

  • Out, beggar! Out, I say! Get out!!!

  • Ha ha ha! That’s better! Ha ha ha..

  • Hmm...

  • In fact, that particular monk was widely renowned for his piety and extraordinary abilities.

  • He had heard tales of Onggojip’s cruelty and had come to see for himself and form his own opinion.

  • I seehe is just as ill-tempered as I heard. He is the most horrid man I have met!

  • That night, the monk resolved to teach Onggojip a lesson he would never forget.

  • As the amulet began to burn, a strange transformation occurred

  • Now, go at once to Onggojip’s mansion.

  • Oh, are you up already Master?

  • Sweep that yard! Ahem!

  • and even his servant Dolsoi could not tell the difference.

  • That morning, the real Onggojip was furious because his breakfast was late.

  • Where are my servants!? Why aren’t they serving breakfast!?

  • Chundan!!! Chundan!!!

  • Huh!!!

  • Huh???

  • Hmm.. Hmm...

  • Oh, my, husband, what is going on here?

  • Oh..

  • The real Onggojip was confused and intimidated by Fake Onggojip’s confidence.

  • You are pretending to be me to steal my property! Well I won’t let you! I won't, I say!

  • I’m pretending!!? This is ridiculous! I can’t believe this is happening to me!

  • The two Onggojips fought and argued over who was real and who was the impostor.

  • I am the real Onggojip!

  • It’s me!

  • No, it's me!

  • How dare you!!

  • The family was confused because they looked so identical, it was impossible to tell the difference.

  • I have two husbands now! How could this be happening?

  • Well, my son has a mole on his hip!

  • That’s true

  • When my wife sleeps, she snores once, grinds her teeth twice, and the snores again!

  • Is that true, Mother?

  • Wellyesit is true.

  • I am real, and you are fake!

  • No I am real!!

  • No, I’m real!

  • It seemed the argument would go on forever, so the family had to come up with a solution.

  • He is wise and will help us figure out this dilemma.

  • Very, well. Let’s go! Hmph!

  • Oh, this really is a challenging situation.

  • Governor! I am the real Onggojip, he’s an impostor!

  • Alright! Listen to me, both of you!

  • Whoever answers my question correctly must be the real Onggojip.

  • Huh..?

  • and what are the kinds and numbers of your livestock?

  • He realized that he had not memorized these things about his household.

  • The false Onggojip however, stepped forward with confidence.

  • Everyone knows how careful and miserly I am, so naturally I know the answer.

  • I have five cows, 30 chickens, and 12 pigs.

  • I have 37 spoons, three unpaired chopsticks, and two horses

  • After Fake Onggojip listed all of the household goods with accuracy, the Governor turned to the real one.

  • Aha! You are the impostor!

  • But, Governor!!!

  • Wait, Governor! I’m real, I swear!

  • Take him away and punish him for his lies, then banish him from the village!

  • No Governor, no! Pleaseyou have to believe me! My Wife! Dolsoi! Son! Help me!

  • The real Onggojip was thrown out of the village.

  • He knew he was real however, and could not give up so easily.

  • He snuck back into the village.

  • I will get you, you fake!!!

  • Haven’t you been punished enough?

  • Get out of here at once! If I see you again, I will beat you with this!

  • But Dolsoi, I’m your real master! Please

  • Hmph!

  • In one night, Onggojip had lost his house, his family, and all his wealth and was left alone and homeless.

  • Oh, what did I do to deserve this!? It’s not fair!

  • Now I understand how the poor suffer.

  • If I had felt the horrors of cold and hunger before,

  • I would have shared my wealth and helped those less fortunate than myself.

  • I regret my behavior now, but it is too late..

  • I will die homeless and alone!

  • Have you repented your actions?

  • What if I gave you your wealth and family back? What would you do?

  • I would be so different!

  • Ha ha ha! Very well, you can go home now.

  • When Onggojip returned home, he saw that Fake Onggojip had turned back into straw.

  • and lived happily ever after with his family.

Mr. Stubborn (Onggojip)

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