Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Oh, oh, *coughs* you're going to put on it your head? Smell it first! What's going on Guys, I am Matthias. Today I'm going to be looking at ten ridiculous Amazon Products that Brian went on Amazon and found. He found these products for me and I'm going to let you know whether they're Worth it, whether you should Buy it, or whether you should Deny it. Now before we begin make sure you click that bell icon because you're a person right? So if you're a person then you need to click it... but why should you click it? Because you're going to want to watch these videos all the time. 24/7. Forever. All of your life. Till you feel dead inside. *laughs* (Bryan) You wanna just drink some water before we get started? (Bryan) Thirsty? (Matthias) I don't trust this dude. I don't trust it dude, what did you do? (Bryan) It's water, what do you mean? Just drink it (Bryan)Come On It's not event the first item(?) (Matthias) Stop dude i'm not an idiot bro. This isn't a real label. Is it gonna go all over me? (Bryan) No its water bro I have the first item right here! You see, you didn't have any water before you came up did you? (Matthias) *wheeze* What are you doing dude *Loud siren* (Bryan) Oh geez! *Matthias laughs like a maniac* Okay that was unrelated Bryan has this is mystery box over here full of products and one thing in it went off right when I was about to open up this water bottle. This water bottle feels weird *sniffs* "Oh!" (Bryan) No, don't actually drink it though (Matthias) It's like alcohol! (Bryan) So obviously, this is the first item. What is it? (Matthias) It's like a never-ending water bottle? (Bryan) No, no no if You're Just you were just- walking into someone's room, office would you think anything of it? (Matthias) No absolutely not. I only noticed because I don't trust you (Bryan) And how nice I was being? Oh here, have some water (Matthias) Yeah, here have some water like... (Bryan) Get outta here (Matthias) like you prepped it for me or something like right before we were going "Oh I knew he'd want this." Like Bro I know you're not that thoughtful *laugh* so you're Saying that Whaaat? Weird dude! It's a safe... that's cool. You see that? That's crazy locks in there dude. Wow, you can't even tell at all... If you really look close you can see It's white right there but... that's Impressive dude. So let's say you have a roommate, and the roommates a snooper right? So they're consistently going in your room. They're going to notice that the water bottle is never... I, maybe they won't it... maybe they won't. It's a water bottle, it's hidden in plain sight Eh? (Bryan) Ew you see chunks flying in there? (Matthias) Ew there is chunks dude Brian what's that chunk? What is it dude I almost drank it drank it! (Bryan) I wasn't going to let you drink it. (Matthias) You were looking away! *wheeze* I say this is a buy it dude. If you have, if you have like someone in your family or you have like you know like you have a family that likes to steal your stuff or something like that you know? Hide some cookies in there, hide some candy in there, if your mom's like, *Matthias mom voice* "No candy!" This would be perfect. So I would recommend putting good water in it, so they're just not like "Oh this, this is rancid water dude" and just chuck it "Hog-Wild Pro Thumb Wrestler Colors may vary." Wow you.. is that, is that a hair band? "Unique and innovative children's toy tested for safety and durability." "Portable and easy to use. Ring will determine the true thumb wrestling champion"? Seems like it has really good reviews, do you really need like a stage for thumb wrestling though? Don't you just interlock your fingers together? "Finally someone wised up and realized that street thumb wrestling is becoming an epidemic." (Continued) "No one took us thumb athletes seriously, but now thanks to the professional Thumb Wrestlers Arena We can finally give some legitimacy to the sport." Is his thumb like super like hyped up, is he injecting steroids into his thumb? Super roided-out thumb? "I prefer thumb wrestling raw." *laugh* Wut? All right let's see this puppy. Add to cart. Boom! "Pro Thumb Wrestling Arena." Well, this looks totally different- I like the black one better. See this would have been a solution if someone like, was like, "I love Thumb Wrestling, but I hate touching people." There we go. That's that. What? I guess, ok, yeah i mean that kind of works, we're still holding hands though. (Bryan) I just got my fingertips and oh (Matthias) Okay. All right, we're gonna have to find out who's the pro thumber dude. *Ding ding ding* *ehehehehoww.* Ow. Oww, dude! Owww (Bryan) Get her while he's weak! (Matthias) Dude your thumb is like a dinosaur. (Bryan) *teekateekateeka* *Teeka* (Matthias) Ahh dude! What's wrong with... (Bryan) Bro I was in a thumb wrestling league in college. (Matthias) I bet you were dude. (Brian) You just laid down, you're like that (Matthias) I just do I was tapping out right there bro you can't wrestle me when I'm tapping out! *wheeze&laugh* (Bryan) Wow your hands are sweaty! (Matthias) Heheh yeah. Maybe might wanna wash them. Deny it bro! "Brooklyn Workshop Skatecycle Hubless Skateboard." 150 Bucks. You guys know what that means. It's a like to buy- that means if we hit a hundred thousand likes that lets me know that you guys actually want to see me injure myself on this teen toy. This is not for adults like me. Orinep. And also dead inside. This isn't a toy, this is a skateboard, this is like a... what is this? I mean you put your feet in it, like see this teen here dude? He's so hip... with the kids... Look how hip he is dude, with his saggy beanie, *laugh* and his thick watch. 100,000 Likes and I will be that person, for you guys. (Bryan) You'll wear the saggy beanie... (Matthias) If you get me a saggy beanie and a big watch and yeah. I will be a thug skater dude. A Skatecycle Thug. (Hip Matthias yo) That's what I will be. Guys, do you want to see that? 100,000 likes I'll do it for you, right up right right now dude, right now! Click it! Actually don't click it if you don't want to see that. I actually want to know if you want to see it or not oh "Three Piece Fake Blood Pill Capsules Horror Funny Joking Halloween Party Prop." Horror, Funny. Those two words like, they don't go together. Horror, horror! but funny. *wheeze* "This will scare the crap out of you, it'll scare the laughs out of you man! Snake!" "Joke Shock Pen."? (Bryan) I don't know why they put that in there. (Matthias) What are these? *laugh* (Fuzzy Magic worms, obviously) Why are these in there? Does that come with it? What? (Bryan) Time to find out. (Matthias) Look at this person's face dude... blood just gushing out. Oh i've always hated these dude I feel like gagging when I see someone, like bleed out of their mouth because of the pills. I'm like how does it taste? Is it, it's just a little capsule it's not like it all of a sudden makes fluid, so it means you have to drool down your own lip. Means you have to be like *strange gurgling noises* with your own saliva. Really hoping i'm getting whatever this thing is dude. What the hell is that. *laugh* Add to cart. Noo! Where's my little fuzzy snake! What Is this? (Bryan) That's your fuzzy snake? "Gift." *Dying* Oh my gosh dude *Still dying* What the heck is this guys? This is the gift! I got a gift guys! Two little googly eyes, and I don't even know what those are! (Bryan) Those are earrings. (Matthias) How strange! Did you put this in here? (Bryan) Nope. (Matthias) Did you put this in here? That's Dave over there dude. Say, hi Dave. *Distant "hey guys."* Just *laughs* Didn't even pop out, just "Hey guys." "I send you a gift in package. Hope you like it." I like it dude! I like it. I think you're right, I think these are like, the cheapest earrings on the planet. See this like little earring, it's like a little gel thing and you stick that in your ear. It's not even made right? This like fake little Rhinestone is like glued onto a piece of plastic. The most janky way you could make an earring in the history of mankind. I can't knock it too much it was a free gift! Are you going to try this in your mouth? (Bryan says something inaudible) You're not all the way. (Matthias) Cuz, cuz i'm afraid this is going to stain you. You're wearing a white shirt right now dude. Oh I don't even want to watch you try it dude. All right. Are you supposed to bite it? (Bryan) Fwerst pert capsule in your mouth, when bitten, streams of blood ooze from your mouth. (Matthias) Watch out, this is a trigger warning. (Bryan) Nothing's coming out. (Matthias) Eww. I'm done dude. I'm done. (Bryan) Yeah (Matthias) I'm done. (Bryan) Bleh. (Matthias) I don't want to see that, dude! (Bryan) Nothing's even streaming out... (Matthias) Eww! It's just a... oh! *Matthias coughing in background* I have a... really heightened gag reflex. (Bryan) Yeah that tastes gross. (Matthias) The thing that got me was the fact that I don't know what that stuff Is in your mouth, and I'm like, *gag*, get that out of your mouth! It wasn't the fact that it was like, 'simulating' blood. (Bryan) Even with the free gift? (Matthias) Deny it. Even with the free googly eyes. "Megaphone Bullhorn, with Siren"- That's must, that must have been what went off earlier in the video. "Thirty watt Powerful and Lightweight!" She's in The Croove dude. (Bryan) The croove? (Matthias) Yeah, not in the groove, but the croove, cuz that's I guess the name of the company. Man she is stoked to be using this! "I spent months yelling for kids to wake up, take out the trash, unload the dishes, they would say they didn't hear me. This completely resolved the issue, and has made my children motivated when a task needs..." *pause.* "When a task needs done." I need tasks done! *wheeze* It go boom! *wheeze* "This thing is great. It is extremely loud. The siren is cool, and the ole ole song is totally ridiculous! In a good way." (Bryan) Oh-lay. (Matthias) No-Oh-oh. I'm white. I'm not allowed to say the spanish way dude people say I'm appropriating a language. "If you want to annoy your co-workers, buy this!" Add to cart. Oh, "Portable Megaphone with siren." *Loud siren* (Bryan) Oow! Geez! *Rip headphone users* (Matthias) Bryan... that scared Bryan so hard right now dude! Hey Bryan, what's the matter with you? *siren* (Bryan) I was ready for that one. *Matthias takes in air, then plays siren instead.* OLE, OLE OLE OLE! (Unknown) (Matthias) At first it didn't even sound like music. Listen. OLE, OLE OLE OLE! What are they hitting trash cans? *laugh* (Bryan) I'm watching you. *Matthias plays siren* (Matthias) Gottem again dude. Heey! (Bryan) That's loud. (Matthias) *quietly* Hey? I mean it's a megaphone. (Into megaphone) I'm sure you can find much better megaphones. That don't have the Oh-lay song. I mean the Ole. (Bryan) That's pretty good for 15 bucks. (Matthias) That was only fifteen bucks? Aah... I say buy it. For parents that are like, "Get out of bed you degenerate!" You want to see me messing with people a lot more? Follow me on twitter.! (Bryan) Why not just at MatthiasIAm? Cuz im tired Oh-lay... oh-lay.... *siren* (Bryan) Got em! "Creepy Party Novelty Halloween Costume Party Latex Head Mask Cry, Face." Do you remember this dude? J-Fred, anytime one of us is like,