Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Oh, I love the quiet between battles. Roy, your sculpture garden has given this barbaric village a frisson of good taste. Oh, well. Thanks. There's one more, but I'm worried the town hates it because it's big. Young man, go make your art! And to help speed you along, I'm going to throw you a Rage Spell! That was a Freeze Spell. Sorry! Let's just discuss this, when, uh... You've had a chance to thaw. Oh, thanks for coming, everybody. I really hope you like my work. It symbolizes the emptiness of power. You hate it. I understand and... You like it? We're under attack! Take defensive positions! Whatever happens, don't let them flame the statue! I think we're going to be three-starred. And that means they'll destroy everything... including your statue. We'll have to fight harder! We have only one hope. It's a crazy idea, but if your art has taught me anything, it's that crazy is who we are. Then, let's do crazy. What... what are you doing? We're surrendering! Sur-ren-dering? All that we have is now yours. Take all our gold and elixir, but please leave our beloved statue. Deal. Except for the last part. We're taking everything! Score! It was a great win today! Now, my friends, we sleep the sleep of victors! Victor, you sleep your normal sleep. Victory sleep! The plan worked brilliantly! It was art that crushed IronMaidenForever125! Art filled with greedy Goblins. It certainly was brilliant. We want you to have this back. It would remind us of our foolishness. It's an honorable gesture. And don't be ashamed. Could have happened to anyone. I can't believe it happened to us. Well, let's load it up and send it back. - Five-letter word for Archer's weapon? - Arrow! I'm not sure. Does 'spear' work? My dad told me a bomb never lands in the same spot twice. No offense, but your dad was a liar. - Pete, what happened to your eye? - Nothing, I was resting it. Let's find a way out of here. - Visitors! Hi! - Want to play tag? Too bad if you don't cause you're it! I'm waiting! Aw, darn. We gotta go. I think we found our way out. It's, uh, kinda empty. Where is everyone? Uh, this is so sad. These two fine souls may have passed, but memories of them shall always be alive in our hearts... Oh, my God! It's our funeral! You're right! Pretty good turnout. These two Barbarians were... pretty much like every other Barbarian... - So true. - I thought they were me. This funeral is totally generic! Can you believe that? No respect at all. We've had wonderful, monumental lives. Just like all of these guys... who I'm not sure who they are. Why do I even try? Maybe we should go somewhere we're appreciated. I'm fine! What's gonna happen to me? I'm already dead! Hey, us too! Ah, I wish I enjoyed my work like that. "Just two other Barbarians..." Hiyah! Heppa! Hissyfit! Stay focused. Pace yourself. When you enter the Arena, you own the Arena! This year, I, Jaakko, will claim my spot... as first, foremost, premier, pre-eminent, top-notch, best of show... Wizard! Hickum-chezwadda! Oh, damn it! I don't approve of it either. This is fun! Don't you think? I'll take that as a 'yes'. I watched you clash last month. You were awesome! That's nice. Thanks for stopping by. You're pretty! It's the nerdy ones who really scare me. We are back to determine who's the Clash world's next top Wizard. Will anyone dethrone last year's champion, the Ice Wizard? Don't fight it ladies. Frost is boss! His greatest challenger looks to be... Ernesto! He's as handsome as he's skilled at juggling fireballs. Or Mathius who's always perfect from the flame throw line. Or even Drago who's never afraid to 'snow off'. Oh, I'll never beat those guys. There's no need to be frightened... Look at this distraction! Oh, so good! - He's amazing! - So much better than those others! Good King, you should clean your ears. My word! Why I never... What wonderful Wizardship! I think we've found our next champion. The Kings and the people have spoken! Wiz-Con has crowned its Next Top Wizard! Well, it was a very good day. Hi-yah! Mix-tah! Will-o-wah! Freeze Spell! I've really got to figure that one out. Hey, this isn't a library! You want to read, you buy!
B1 US wizard sleep statue clash spell art Clash-A-Rama! The Series: Wiz Con! (Season Finale) 284 12 Moli Moli posted on 2017/07/06 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary