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  • And in 3, 2, 1, we're heading to Taipei

  • So this is the lobby of the Taiwan Grand Hotel

  • It literally feels like a Chinese palace.

  • look, everything is RED

  • so many red pillars

  • The outside looks like you are entering some kind of kingdom

  • some ancient kingdom, it looks insane!

  • I literally love this hotel It’s been...actually its my first day here but its really awesome

  • Here is Dan Dan!

  • Hey, whats up.

  • Dan is my Taiwanese guy so he knows where to go, what to do

  • So we are going to go to Jiufen

  • It is like $2,000 NTD to get there and back in here

  • It’s like an hour car ride there and then an hour back

  • $2,000 NTD is like 6,000-7,000 yen or around $60-70 US

  • So we will see you guys there

  • So right now we are in Jiufen, we have landed

  • beautiful view

  • Kind of crazy. I think you don't really recognize or

  • For me at least I didn't think taiwan was so green, but it there's so much nature

  • everywhere

  • That temple were like in the middle of the forest as you guys saw or a temple Shrine temple

  • yeah, we think temple but

  • It was absolutely gorgeous. It was like sticking out of the forest

  • Looked kind of crazy but we have another beautiful scene so we will see you guys there

  • I don’t think you realize how much of a mountain Taiwan is

  • Like one giant Mountain no wonder Daniel is so fit

  • Yeah DanDan

  • But Taiwan mountain #1!

  • You are sweating

  • So this uphill is literally

  • Just stairs with restaurants and souvenir shops lining

  • So many people and it's so humid. I'm dripping sweat

  • but I’m not the only one, Dan is dripping sweat too

  • We are dripping sweat buddies

  • This is so cool though. It just keeps going up

  • Oh my god

  • Alright, so now. We're gonna try yu yuan

  • Yu yuan...Its basically like ice, a slushy looking ice with fruit slices, mochi balls or taro balls

  • I haven't tried it yet, but I think I look like a much of all kind of thing plus red bean paste or "anko"

  • There is a lot of influence from Japanese culture here so

  • Yeah, like mochi balls

  • Really good. And its so good right now because its so hot. This ice is really refreshing

  • Its only 45 NTD for one

  • We are trying sweet seaweed

  • Whoa? Oh I know what this is. My grandma used to make this

  • That's good

  • It's like Jell-O

  • Not jello!

  • It tastes like anindofu

  • Right right, so what you do is you boil that block and then you put ice in it...

  • And then you can drink it like that

  • That's good

  • so

  • We're still walking in the alleyway, Taiwanese people are so nice...I like Taiwanese people

  • Ohhhh, boba tea, milk tea!

  • Okay, it's bigger than my hands whoa

  • Look how big this is, as big as my face. Only about 260 yen of around $2.60US

  • for the country known for the best

  • Yeah, oh, yeah

  • We have made it to Shifen, Shifen Old Street

  • Shifen Old Street and we are on another suspension bridge

  • And I really don't like suspension bridges as you can see it's shaking already. Well my hair looks crazy

  • It's been like raining on and off constantly here

  • And then this place is actually famous for like kind of lantern thing you like put a lantern a fire under a small lantern

  • You let it go up in the sky and you can make a wish or something right?

  • Yeah, you can write something on it. Yeah kind of cool. We're gonna try that

  • So this place has a bunch of cool

  • Shops and restaurants and cafes as well

  • Just like Jiufen

  • Everything is like so much eating here. I love it food here is great so many choices

  • except it rains like very very often

  • All right, we went across a fried ice cream place

  • I gotta get my ice cream course right?

  • That's so good imagine like tempura and like ice cream

  • The Shifen area was pretty awesome and a nice get away from the busy Taipei city vibe

  • After we got dropped off from the taxi back towards our hotel

  • We took the subway to our next location which was very convenient and easy to use

  • There were English translations for most of the prompts on the screen making ticket purchases very efficient

  • You get a poker chip looking like coin, that you'll tap on a ticket gate and later use for the exit gate as well.

  • I was very eager to arrive at our next stop as it was supposed to be absolutely enormous

  • Whatup guys so right now we are outside of chiang Kai-shek

  • National Memorial Hall, which is it covers around over 240,000 square meters, so it is absolutely huge

  • The main Entrance is right here

  • And it's designated to the former president of the republic of China. His name is chiang Kai-shek

  • Hence chiang Kai-shek memorial hall and here's like a very prominent a military leader

  • in

  • Taiwan History, or the Republic of China and

  • He died at 1975 so that's actually kind of recent. But um yeah, there's a lot of good history. You can see here

  • There's a lot of like soldiers

  • Walking around it's actually like a big event right now with a bunch of soldiers...

  • like children...?

  • students...?

  • Get in here buddy. Get in here. They're high school students doing what um

  • Marching performance doing stuff and yeah, then after this we're going to go to

  • Hsing Tian Kong

  • Which is a temple for that that's devoted to the god of business here in Taiwan, and that covers over 70,000 square meters

  • So these places are really really really big

  • Yeah

  • We have made it to elephant Mountain aka Xiangshen

  • It's called Elephant Mountain because the mountain looks like an elephant head

  • He's Taiwanese, I'm not even Taiwanese and I know...

  • We will see you guys up on the mountain..

  • so we have been climbing for like 3 minutes...

  • and Elephant Mountain

  • is just a buttload of stairs

  • Look at that. This is a never-ending Elephant Mountain...

  • Actually it just keeps getting steeper and steeper each step is getting longer and longer making for a deeper squat. How one else nothing

  • Taiwan Elephant Mountain trying to kill tourists one step at a time...

  • At the top of Elephant Mountain was an absolutely gorgeous view of the City minus the weather

  • When people talk about how good taiwanese food is they are definitely not kidding around

  • The Hike was a perfect way to burn all those calories we gained while here in Taiwan

  • We couldn't stop eating on this trip as every meal seemed to get better than the last

  • I don't think I've ever been on a trip that was centered around delicious food, but I'm glad I now have that experience

  • On our last day we decided to take the train to the airport

  • near Taipei station, which has direct access to the airport terminal making for a very easy return home

  • the process of purchasing the ticket is the same as buying a ticket on the normal train. The price was very cheap and

  • definitely something you should take advantage of if you make your way down here

  • All right guys that's going to wrap it up for kind of like an explore Taiwan video. We had a ton of fun

  • I absolutely love taiwan [um] I think it's just rightfully correct to end it with some tapioca since uh tapioca or

  • boba tea, or I guess pearls tapioca pearls or however you want to call them originated from Taiwan

  • we did so much from eating so much food to hiking to going to the countryside of Taiwan, not countryside, but like kind of

  • outside of the main city in Jiufen on the first day was absolutely great. We also went on a hike to Elephant Mountain

  • We went shopping. We got a massage. We got everything Taiwan is absolutely.. I literally absolutely love it

  • I want to come back and check out the other cities Taichung and Tainan

  • Tainan is down south and Taicheng is in between Tainan and Taipei

  • So I hope you guys enjoyed this video even though its not Japan related

  • But I hope you guys can support it and kind of enjoy the Taiwan vlogs because I would love to come back here

  • So yeah anyways, please like comment share and subscribe, and we'll see you guys in the next video. Bye

  • All right, so we are trying pork blood cake

  • Want to explain this? Can you tell me what this is?

And in 3, 2, 1, we're heading to Taipei

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