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  • Hello there, welcome to this video! Let's see together Microsoft OneNote

  • 2016 and everything you need to start with all its features.

  • If you have problems with the accent, enable our closed captions in

  • the video corner.

  • Microsoft OneNote is a software used to take notes and fast information,

  • very useful during a lesson or a discussion.

  • When you open OneNote a sample document opens, showing you some nice

  • tips about how to use the software. This OneNote document, with all its

  • notes inside, is called Notebook, indicated by a simple book icon.

  • To open a new Notebook, just go to File on top, and then to New.

  • To start with a new Notebook, you need to save it first, browsing and

  • deciding the destination folder in your computer under Browse, or

  • choosing OneDrive, defining the name of the new Notebook. Then, go to

  • Create, and the new NoteBook will appear in front of you.

  • A OneNote Notebook is composed by a simple structure that reminds the

  • one of a classic book: it is divided in different chapters or Sections,

  • and each Section is composed by different Pages.

  • On top of your workspace, you can select any of your Notebooks saved

  • and any of its Sections. You can add more Sections clicking on the plus

  • button. If you right-click on a Section, you can rename, delete or also

  • export it. You can also edit the Sections list clicking and dragging a

  • Section on the left or right.

  • On the extreme right you can check all the Pages inside the opened

  • Section. You can add new pages clicking on Add Page on top, or clicking

  • on the plus arrow on the left, if you want to add a page between two

  • existing pages. As seen for sections, right-click to rename, delete or

  • export. Click and drag a Page up or down to change its position in

  • the list.

  • Each page shows on top its title and time stamp. If you don't need those,

  • go to Hide Page Title under View tab.

  • When a Page is created, this is completely blank and white. You can click

  • on any point and start typing. But, if you go to View on top, you can

  • set the Page Color and any Page Line, choosing between Rule and Grid

  • Lines. When using these Lines, your notes will be automatically alligned

  • to these lines in order.

  • You can also define the Paper Size, especially in case you have to print

  • your notes later.

  • You can also use different views on the page: Normal View is the standard

  • one, but you can try Full Page View to go fullscreen or Dock to Desktop,

  • to take notes while using your computer. If you need to regulate the zoom,

  • hold CTRL down and use your mouse wheel.

  • Let's see now how to take notes and images inside OneNote.

  • As seen, you simply need to click on a point on your page to start

  • typing inside. This will actually create a Note, a simple object with

  • text inside. This is contained inside a grey contour, used to locate and

  • define your note. If you click inside, you can edit notes fully. You can

  • move your note clicking and dragging from the thicker contour on top,

  • or from the left grey arrow.

  • If the contour is too short, you can click and drag from the right side

  • to enlong it.

  • To adjust the font properties, such as style, type color and distribution

  • go to the Home tab on top. These settings are applied on the current

  • text line by default. You can select text precisely to apply your

  • settings just there, or click once on the grey contour on top to select

  • and apply the settings on the whole note.

  • If you need to cut or copy a note, simply right-click from the contour,

  • and paste right-clicking on your page.

  • These notes seen are text notes, and can contain text, but also symbols,

  • math equations, links, dates and tables that you can add through

  • the Insert tab above.

  • If you need to insert dates and time, use the Time Stamp section; for

  • symbols go to Symbol; for math equations click on Equation, and use

  • the Equation Tools available above, under the Design tab that appears.

  • For web address links, just click on Link, deciding the piece of text

  • and, below, the web address associated.

  • To create tables, go to Table above, deciding the number of rows and

  • columns. Then just type in. The table will size itself automatically.

  • Right-click on the table and go to Table to add or remove rows or columns,

  • or color filling and borders.

  • Inside OneNote you also have other kinds of notes, that are managed

  • differently, for example the Pictures and the Draw Notes.

  • To import pictures, go to the Insert tab and click on Pictures. Browse

  • for your picture and click on Open. The image imported doesn't have any

  • grey contour: to move it, just click and drag it from inside. To scale,

  • use the white notes on the corners. To flip or rotate, right-click on it

  • and go to Rotate.

  • If you need to draw geometrical shapes, freehand shapes or carthesian

  • systems, switch to the Draw tab.

  • Here, you can choose to draw freehand, choosing a line template under

  • Tools, or drawing shapes and systems under Shapes. In both cases, click

  • and drag on your page to draw. You can adjust line color, style and

  • thickness going to Color & Thickness above.

  • To manage your drawings, just exit from the Draw Mode clicking on the

  • Type button on the extreme left of the Draw tab. So you can move, scale

  • and rotate each drawing as seen for the pictures before.

  • When you select a Draw Note, a small dialog box opens. Through this,

  • you can fast add Tags and Tasks (that we will see later), adjust

  • the line style through Pen Properties, or delete the shape.

  • On top, use Eraser to delete Draw Notes made. To go back typing other

  • nodes, click on Type again.

  • You can use Lasso Select to select more different notes at the same

  • time. In this way, you can move, scale and rotate all of them together.

  • Inside your page you can also attach files going to File Attachment

  • under Insert tab. These will appear with their icons on your page, and

  • can be opened double-clicking on it.

  • Special attachments are reserved for Excel spreadsheets and Visio objects.

  • For example, if you click on Excel spreadsheet, you can choose to import

  • the table as a simple icon link, choosing Attach File, or insert the

  • whole Excel table, or its tables and charts.

  • A Text Note can contain not just text but also multiple elements, like

  • Pictures, Tables and Files inside the same grey contour. To import these

  • elements inside a Text Note, simply import them while having a Text

  • Note open. In this way, when you move the whole Text Note, you will move

  • also all its text and elements inside.

  • Very useful inside OneNote are also Tags and Tasks. Tags are icons used

  • to highlight a note in a certain way, for example showing it as something

  • to be done or something important, adding icons or text filling to the

  • note.

  • To insert tags, simply click on the interested line, and click on a tag

  • under Tags in the Home tab. The Tag will be added on the line where the

  • grey arrow is. You can also create and customize tags, opening the full

  • list of tags, and going to Customize Tags...

  • From the Tags section, you can also add Outlook Tasks. These can be seen

  • as special Tags that do also save the period of time interested. Those

  • are shown through a red flag icon.

  • Plus, if you right-click on the flag, you can change the time of the

  • task, mark it as ompleted or link it inside Outlook.

  • In case you have notes that do overlap, you can adjust the objects

  • order going to Arrange under the Draw tab above.

  • Remember that your Notebook is automatically saved. So, when you close

  • OneNote, you don't need to use any Save option.

  • Thanks for watching this video! Check out our channel for more amazing

  • videos about Microsoft Office 2016!!

Hello there, welcome to this video! Let's see together Microsoft OneNote

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