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  • There are many things you can do to improve your pronunciation.

  • And today, I want to show you how improving your intonation in English can help your pronunciation

  • become much better.

  • Hey, guys, teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English.

  • So, today I will give you my top 3 ideas to help you improve your intonation.

  • These ideas combined will help you get very very good results.

  • But remember, results take time, dedication and consistency.

  • But here we go, number 1, work on your word stress.

  • What’s that?

  • Guys, every word in English has a stress.

  • What’s this Priscila?

  • What’s a stress?

  • It is a strong syllable, a strong part.

  • This part is stronger than the others, ok?

  • Stressing, pronouncing this strong part correctly will help you not only improve pronunciation

  • but intonation as well.

  • And this is one problem I see many non-native speakers having when they are speaking words

  • in English.

  • Let’s see some words.

  • Plastic.

  • Here the stressed syllable is PLAS, plastic.

  • PhoTOgraphy.

  • It is notpho”, it is no gra, it isto”, photography.

  • Now, if you look at the wordphoto”, it ispho”, it is nottobecause

  • if istothen you would say phoTO and it is not.

  • PHOto.

  • DeCIDE.

  • CIDEis my stressed syllable.

  • OK, Priscila, now that I know this stressed syllable thing, how do I improve that?

  • Listen and repeat and you can use dictionaries Oxford Cambridge.

  • There are so many dictionaries online today that will show you where the stressed syllable

  • is and that guys is how you get closer to having a better and better pronunciation closer

  • to a native speaker.

  • Idea number 2: work on your sentence stress.

  • Now that you have understood the word stress, we need to analyze the sentence stress as

  • well.

  • And in English we also have ups and downs, strong and weak when we are making a sentence

  • and this is also a big difficulty many non-native speakers have.

  • So how do you analyze how to use your intonation in a sentence, in a full sentence.

  • Let’s see a phrase.

  • She bought a new dress.

  • Here my important words are buy and new dress.

  • Therefore I need to make them stronger when I am speaking to someone, when I am making

  • a sentence and why do I do that, because these are my content words.

  • And what’s a content word.

  • It is a word that is very important for the listener to listen, it is a key word and you

  • need to emphasize this word because it is important in your message.

  • Therefore, this word will be stronger than the other words.

  • The other words will be weaker and this key word will be stronger.

  • Now in a phrase you can have several content words, so you need to know when to go up and

  • when to go down.

  • What’s a content word?

  • Verbs action verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, wh questions,w ords that indicate negative,

  • all these words are content words.

  • Another example, my name is Priscila.

  • In this case, name and Priscila are content words.

  • My and verb to be are not so important in this message, therefore they are weaker.

  • My name, my name, my, it is not so strong, it is weak.

  • Now, in order for you to improve your sentence stress you need to work on your word stress,

  • which is my first idea.

  • That’s why you have to do these exercises together, combine them, work on the sentences,

  • work on the words individually and then on the sentences.

  • Idea, oops, idea number 3 shadowing.

  • I’ve already made a video talking about imitation, imitating native speakers, here

  • is the link, take a look.

  • But I didn’t say shadowing, I didn’t refer to it as shadowing which is basically what

  • shadowing is when you imitate someone.

  • And this, guys, will help you put into practice these two top ideas I gave you previously

  • word stress and sentence stress are things that native speakers do all the time when

  • they are speaking English, I’m doing this now.

  • So, for you to improve that,if you want to have a better intonation, nothing better than

  • imitating the people who speak English, who are native speakers.

  • My advice for you in this case, choose actors or actresses or people you like that speak

  • clearly, alright?

  • Because we know that there are some native speakers that do not speak so clearly, it

  • is not clear when they speak it is difficult to understand.

  • So, try to listen to native speakers that have a very clear English and these are the

  • people you want to imitate, these are the people you want to pay attention at, to listen

  • to and you will see this stress, strong weak, the pronunciation , the correct pronunciation,

  • the correct intonation, the correct stress in the words.

  • I still do this exercise, I do this exercise on a regular basis because that is how you

  • are going to improve your speaking techniques, your intonation and your pronunciation

  • So, I would like to give you an example of shadowing.

  • I picked a small part of an episode of a TV show I like.

  • I like to watch Supernatural.

  • I will try to imitate Dean Winchester, that’s my favorite character in this show and I will

  • try to imitate, to do what he is doing and this is the shadowing technique and you will

  • see that he stresses words some words are weaker than others and this is how you improve

  • and I will have to read ok because I couldn’t memorize his lines, I, if I were an actress

  • I would be a horrible one because I wouldn’t be able to memorize anything.

  • Here is the thing, uh Chuck and I mean no disrespect, ah, I’m guessing you came back

  • to help with the darkness and that’s great, ah, that’s you know, it is fantastic, ah

  • but youve been gone, ah, a long long time.

  • So, I tried to do a reasonable job, ok?

  • And this is basically how you do shadowing and it takes time, alright?

  • But the most important, my key here is work on your intonation and I’m sure you will

  • improve.

  • And to work on your intonation is not justlisten and repeat”, pay attention at

  • what youre listening and what youre repeating, alright?

  • Pay attention at the stressed syllable, pay attention at the content words in your sentence,

  • what are the key words in your phrase?

  • That’s how you improve your intonation.

  • That’s how you become a better English speaker.

  • I hope you like this video.

  • Don’t forget to click like and subscribe.

  • Thanks guys and I’ll see you next time.

There are many things you can do to improve your pronunciation.

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