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  • hello and welcome back to my channel

  • today I'm going to show you how to make

  • DIY mini soda lip gloss

  • if you're new to my channel and you'd

  • like to see future DIY videos please

  • click that subscribe button and if you

  • enjoy this video please give it a

  • thumbs up so to get started you will

  • need one of these mini Play Doh containers

  • and here's a comparison between the

  • normal size and the mini size

  • make sure that you thoroughly wash and clean out

  • the play-doh container the first thing i

  • did was i remove the lid and I painted

  • it white you can use acrylic paint or

  • spray paint i do suggest sanding the

  • lid first so the paint sticks to it better

  • on a piece of cardboard i traced

  • around the play-doh container and then I

  • cut it out

  • test to make sure the cardboard piece fits in the lid

  • now to make the fake ice

  • you can use styrofoam balls or you can

  • also use a hot glue stick

  • if you use the hot glue stick method

  • just cut the hot glue stick into little pieces

  • and if you're going to use the

  • styrofoam balls then you just want to

  • cut those with an exacto knife into

  • little pieces

  • to make the coke color for the soda i'm

  • going to use some black and brown

  • acrylic paint and you will also need

  • some clear Elmer's glue mix the brown

  • and black paint until you get the

  • desired color that looks like soda

  • next thing I just added some of the

  • Elmer's clear glue to the paint mixture

  • paint the cardboard circle piece with

  • the paint and glue mixture

  • next add either the hot glue or the

  • styrofoam pieces to the glue and paint

  • mixture stir that all together then add

  • it to the top of the cardboard piece

  • arranging it so it looks like soda and ice

  • set that aside and let it dry for

  • about 24 hours

  • here are the two different pieces the

  • one with hot glue and the one with

  • styrofoam after they dried

  • now to make the applicator take a tube from a spray

  • bottle thoroughly wash and clean it

  • place that into the play-doh container and cut it down to size

  • with some strong

  • thread cut a big enough piece so when it

  • folds together it is long enough to fit

  • through the tube

  • fold the thread together and thread it

  • through the tube i used a toothpick to

  • help push it through

  • I cut the bottom of a makeup sponge and

  • then I cut that piece in half

  • place the sponge in the center of the thread pull tight

  • on the thread so the sponge goes into

  • the tube and it won't pull out once

  • that's done cut off the excess thread

  • next I'm going to use some of these

  • craft corks I found these at michaels

  • take one of the corks and cut off just

  • a small piece from it

  • i used a tooth get to make a small hole in the center of

  • the cork and then I used a screwdriver

  • to make the hole just a little bit bigger

  • place some hot glue in the hole

  • push the applicator in tight and then

  • let that dry for about 15 to 30 minutes

  • to secure the applicator to the lid I

  • just use some hot glue

  • once the applicator is glued into place then you want to place

  • the cardboard piece back into the lid it

  • should fit snug and not fall out but if

  • it isn't tight you can always hot glue

  • it down now to make the lip gloss what

  • I'm going to use is some vaseline or

  • petroleum jelly place enough of the

  • Vaseline into the play-doh container to

  • fill it about three-quarters full

  • next I'm going to add some kool-aid to

  • the Vaseline and mix it in

  • I know there are different ways to do

  • this this is just the way i chose to

  • make it

  • once the lip glosses is mixed up head on

  • over to the link down below and print

  • out these printables once they're

  • printed out then just cut them out

  • then just secure the label to the play-doh

  • container

  • place the lid with the applicator back

  • onto the play-doh container and then you

  • are ready to use your soda lip gloss

  • for the next one if you don't want to

  • make an applicator you can just use an

  • applicator from an old lipgloss tube

  • pull it apart from the cap and then cut it down to size

  • use this same method of

  • cutting down a cork and gluing the

  • applicator to that just like before

  • and for this one instead of making the

  • lip gloss i'm just going to use a couple

  • lip glosses that I found at the dollar

  • store just cut those open and add those

  • to the play-doh container

  • and that is how you make the easy

  • version of these soda lip glosses

  • and if you want to make an orange soda or a

  • Fanta soda one what I used was some

  • Vaseline and then just some of this

  • Orange Crush mix

  • once the lipgloss is mixed up to make the soda and ice for

  • this one I just use the same steps as

  • before but I used orange paint

  • i hope you guys enjoyed all of these DIY soda

  • lip glosses leave me a comment let me know

  • which one is your favorite

  • if you have any future DIY video

  • suggestions leave those in the comments

  • I would love it if you gave this video a

  • thumbs up until next time I hope you

  • guys all have an amazing day

hello and welcome back to my channel

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