Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Thank you that was too kind of an introduction indeed I do study grit and when Nancy gave me just one degree of freedom and said I could talk about what I wanted to I decided not to talk about grit because nobody ever asks me to come talk about self control but indeed by the grant numbers and by the number people our lab works more on self control than it does on grit so the slides are yes the slides are there okay great so I wanna say that I made this quote up in deference to a former APS President Walter Mischel I believe I emailed him one day and I said Walter can I say that you said that the most important scientific discovery about self control in that it can be taught and he wrote back sure I think this is a relatively accurate statement of what Walter does believe I'm of course the popular public knows now his a his marshmallow test which has been on the Colbert report no fewer than three times if you add it all up and I think that that in some ways the predictive power of the marshmallow test belies in a sense the most important insight from Walters decades of research which is that in observing these young children wait for two marshmallows instead of one they employed an array of ingenious strategies in order to delay longer and Walter's strong belief was that those strategies could be directly taught and practiced in my own work on self-control I I beg borrow steal I collaborate with whomever I can and about four years ago I met the incomparable James Gross and I'm guessing that about half of you are currently writing a paper with him even at this moment because because eventually everybody works with James Gross but what really struck me about him was that he was able to bring together so many disparate findings in self regulation now many of you know that James primarily works on grownups and he primarily works on a emotion regulation but the model that he's developed in that realm I think has implications for unifying more broadly what we would consider self-regulation or self control the process model says that impulses develop so they began perhaps quite weak and then gather strength and it is by intervening in the process of impulse generation earlier rather than later then we can be really smart about how to exercise self control in our lives so I'll just take you through from situation selection which is the earliest stage at which you can intervene all the way through to response modulation what I mean and let me illustrate with some data that James in our lab collected recently from a local high school where we presented to students from ninth through twelfth grade a variety of examples of each of the 5 stages in the process model which I'll described to you one by one but I'll just say that when high school students read examples of modifying their situation verses using attention in a strategic way verses cognitively changing the way they think about things the striking finding is that students tell us that to choose your situation or change your situation in ways that are very intentional that's actually probably going to be much more effective than any of the later cognitive strategies so this indeed is the prediction of the process model that intervening earlier should be better than interviewing later I will say that we would have loved for the same students to tell us that each of the subsequent cognitive strategies would just be a little bit less effective but data never cooperate exactly so I think the gist of it is that the students have an intuition that intervening early is better than intervening later now the first thing that one can do according to James and the process model is to choose your situation to choose where to be what what do I mean by that for example all the undergraduates who work in my lab tak an oath that says that they will sit at the front of the classroom the first three rows specifically and I always get the same question oh do you mean in your class no I don't mean in my class I mean in all of your classes do you mean in the psychology classes no I mean every single lecture that you attend course they want an explanation for this and the explanation is that when I was in college taking a class on ancient Chinese bronzes I could do nothing more than just to sit in the front of the class to prevent myself from falling asleep for the entire lecture sitting in the front of the class is putting myself in a situation where social norms and pure shame would be working to my advantage to keep my attention on what I needed to do as opposed to something I'd rather be doing napping you know reading you know anything else verses the the sort of the you know the nosebleed section so you can do things like choose your physical situation you can also choose to some extent your social situation recently we did a focus group of tenth and fifth-graders at a school in New York City a tough neighborhood schools were 100 percent free and reduced-price lunch and I listened to a tenth-grader sagely advised the fifth-grader if I only knew when I was your age what I know now I would have picked my friends differently because I got into the wrong crowd and you never can tell yourself how much your friends are really going to influence you so there's selecting your physical situation to advantage going to the library instead of studying in a noisy house choosing to sit at the front of the class verses the back to class and you can choose your social situation to some extent we think that these are intuitive to students who for example in the same dataset that I mentioned to you before would when asked about you know what tell us about self-control in your own life and tell us a story about you had you know something that you had to resist as a temptation what you did I'll just read two verbatim suggestions of students who in this open-ended prompt gave us things that we classified as being situation selection so I would go to the library as being in a quiet and controlled environment would make me focus I would lock myself in a room without my phone so that it does not become a distraction now many students do not have the liberty or the logistical possibility of changing where they are and so we think that it's also important that they learned to modify their situation and that is to say once choosing where you are or having it foisted upon you you can certainly change physical aspects of the situation now Brian Wansink at Cornell University has a large number studies that have shown that physical cues like is the glass a tall glass or short class is the soup bowl a big bowl or small bowl can dramatically influence eating behavior and this is an example we think of situation modification if it's not Brian Wansink determining the size of your soup bowl but you know determining the size of your soup bowl so we feel like this insight that physical cues matter can be harnessed by the individual to say I'm going to keep the cookies in my house in a cookie jar I can't see through unlike the cookie jar in my house which like most cookie jars is clear and tempts me every time I walk by in terms of students and academic success which is really where my heart is there is the simple modification of closing the laptop while you're sitting in lecture on the left you have the typical scene of students with their laptops open you know on ebay checking their email accounts you know I told my husband that this was generally true of professors who are lecturing in large classes but not not in my class where everybody was really just taking notes and paying rapt attention to me so he went to my class and sat in the back row and took a picture of my class and then pointed out to me that one intrepid student was actually watching a full-length feature film during the hour and twenty-minute lecture which I thought was particularly humiliating I don't know for the student or for me but anyway it wasn't good so you know minor this is of course only if you as a student have a conflict you both wanna go onto Instagram and listen to doctor Duckworth tell you what's on the final exam and if you feel that listening to what's going to be on the final exam is in the long run probably a better use of your time and yet you're pulled by Instagram that's classic self-control conflict and this minor situational adjustment can actually just make it that much easier here are some verbatim suggestions of high school students quote I would shut off my phone and put it under my pillow so I wouldn't be tempted by to touch it quote I would ask my mom to take away my phone and other distractions to make sure I can get it done on time now I won't play this clip I'll just you know fast forward but I'll just say that and we've been very inspired by the behavior change work of folks like Carol Dweck and her kind of extended family her progeny folks like Greg Walton and David Yeager who have shown that in very carefully crafted brief online interventions you can have you know reasonably large effects on on behavior change so so we picked up a bunch of tips from them and we we took the Brian Wansink Research and we created an intervention we taught kids how to modify their situations and I'll try to skip through the actual video we tried to make it cool and fun and in a one-week longitudinal field study with high school students at baseline students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions