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  • Drifting Away

  • Reverend, what is the meaning of this?

  • Brother Yang took the medicine

  • why does he look worse?

  • Yang Guo

  • The blood he spat out looks odd

  • It must be the poison

  • This is a good thing,

  • the poison is clearing out.

  • Monk TianZhu's theory was correct

  • The Heartbreak Grass growing next to the Passion flower

  • Really can cure the passion flower poison

  • Even though master died at the wicked hands of Li Mochou

  • he passed away, but...

  • His discovery and theory really helped us

  • Great!

  • yeah!

  • His forehead is cooling down

  • Comrade Yang

  • Comrade Yang, how are you feeling?

  • Much better.

  • Mother, Yang Guo is saved

  • That scared us

  • That's right. Even though Heartbreak Grass can cure the poison,

  • It's not easy to use.

  • In addition, the time it takes effect comes with immense pain while curing the body

  • That's why it must be done slowly.

  • We will have to wait 7 days

  • Brother Yang, get lots of rest

  • Reverend, Aunt Guo, Brother Zhu, Thank you.

  • Thank you for taking care of me for the past few days

  • Comrade Yang, you better take care of yourself.

  • Remember to use the Heartbreaker Grass every 7 days

  • Do not be hasty

  • You can all relax

  • Nothing will happen to Brother Yang

  • Yes, exactly

  • I really want to see you fully recovered

  • But we...

  • Aunt Guo,

  • you should hurry back to Xiangyang.

  • Reassure Uncle Guo who is probably getting anxious

  • Comrade Yang

  • When you get better you should come to Xiangyang.

  • Sure, thank you for your care Brother Yelv

  • You're welcome, thank you for your care as well.

  • Yang Guo...

  • Yang Guo, I...

  • What?

  • What's wrong Xiang'er?

  • Are you hungry?

  • Wait for your mom a little longer.

  • It will be fast, you can drink milk soon.

  • Thank you for looking after Xiang'er.

  • Grow up healthy and strong

  • Brother Yang is very sorry

  • I ran away with you when you were born.

  • You will probably forget about me.

  • But I won't forget about you.

  • Look at how happy Xiang'er is,

  • It looks like all the little ladies are very fond of Brother Yang.

  • What nonsense are you speaking of?

  • Xiang'er is a baby

  • I'm saying it's the same with babies

  • All the ladies are fond of Brother Yang.

  • Oh Wushuang.

  • Brother Yang is all red

  • Wushuang..

  • Yang Guo's face just now... It means he hasn't forgiven me

  • Goodbye...

  • Goodbye...

  • Take care everyone,

  • goodbye...

  • Brother Yang, it's time for your medicine.

  • Drink it.

  • Drink it down all at once and it won't taste bitter.

  • Brother Yang

  • Yang Guo takes the Heartbreaker Grass to cure the poison

  • Yang Guo continues to wait out the days to use the Heartbreaker Grass.

  • In addition to using chi

  • Yang Guo recovered very quickly.

  • Summer arrived in Passionless Valley

  • Thanks.

  • Yang Guo finally full recovers.

  • Brother Yang, wait for us!

  • Slow down!

  • Brother Yang, we already told you to wait for us

  • Keeping up with you is difficult for us.

  • Sorry, Wushuang, Cheng Ying

  • I wasn't thinking.

  • Brother Yang, you have fully recovered

  • It was all thanks to your care.

  • I was able to completely remove the poison

  • I'm glad Brother Yang is alright

  • yeah

  • Wushuang

  • Yeah?

  • I want to thank you properly through action, Wushuang

  • I wanted to tell you this for a while,

  • but I never had the chance

  • The thing is,

  • if you wish

  • I want to pass on the Ancient Tomb sect martial art to you

  • Huh?

  • Very good.

  • Ancient Tomb Sect's most valuable technique is

  • is the Jade Maiden Heart Sutra.

  • That evil witch Li Mochou

  • Spent her life trying to acquire

  • Gu Mupai's Jade Maiden Heart Sutra.

  • Even till the day she died, she was not able to get it,

  • How about I pass it to you personally?

  • This is wonderful, Brother Yang

  • Thank you very much

  • But I don't understand why Brother Yang is passing on the martial art to me..

  • The reason is simple.

  • Because your master and my master

  • are originally sibling disciples.

  • So in conclusion we are siblings too.

  • If that's the case

  • It's only right that I pass on the martial art to you

  • What Brother Yang means is...

  • I understand, Brother Yang, you really do care

  • Wushuang, why do you sound so unhappy?

  • No, it's just that it was a little confusing

  • This is wonderful, if you guys don't mind

  • I also want to be Brother Yang's little sister.

  • Yes, Brother Yang

  • Us three will be siblings from now on.

  • Then from now on I'm the big brother

  • Cheng Ying will be second Sister

  • Wushuang will be third sister, the youngest.

  • Great, now Wushuang and I will be even closer

  • Typically people would go through a ceremony involving a hill of dirt and putting incense on it

  • To initiate these relationships.

  • We don't need to do that.

  • We'll just simply be siblings, is that fine?

  • Come

  • Sure

  • Sure

  • From now on, we are siblings

  • Look out for each other

  • These so called Passion Flower, does nothing but hurt people

  • No!

  • Guo'er, Gugu will suffer with you.

  • I'll burn all of it

  • 16 years later we will meet again

  • Husband and wife, always have trust

  • Xiaolongnu, wishes for husband

  • Treasure, meet

  • Long'er....

  • Long'er....

  • Long'er I miss you.

  • I keep thinking about you, did you know that?

  • Its almost time to go.

  • Long'er, we'll meet again in 16 years

  • I, Yang Guo, promise

  • In the season that the Longnu Flower blossoms

  • I will definitely return

  • To find you.

  • Long'er you must keep your promise

  • Don't lose hope

  • Wushuang, Chen Ying, forgive me for not saying goodbye.

  • Xiangyang,

  • That's right.

  • I don't know how Uncle Guo is doing at Xiangyang.

  • I have a reason to return to Xiangyang

  • Unfortunately Guo Fu is also there.

  • Although I don't hate her for the issue in the past,

  • but the things she did to Gugu,

  • I will never forgive her for that.

  • Take this!

  • Ugh...

  • If I carry these feelings to Xiangyang,

  • it won't be good, I have to work together with Uncle Guo

  • along with everyone to defeat the Mongolian army

  • But....

  • Why is it?

  • Why must it be 16 years?

  • Long'er, don't you know 16 years is a long time...

  • Over there.

  • Heh

  • Please take us as your disciples.

  • Even if we beg you,

  • Yes, begging you.

  • Begging you to take us as your disciple.

  • Begging you...

  • Begging you...

  • Begging you....

  • Begging you, Take us in.

  • Please take us in.

  • I just want to drink wine peacefully.

  • Huh?

  • Uh

  • Ahhhh...!!!

  • Aiya

  • Ah..

  • Senior, why did you attack them?

  • Those three came to you with such sincerity

  • Hoping that you would make them your disciple

  • But to reject them like that

  • It's only right to appologize to everyone

  • Yes, correct.

  • You not only ruined everyone's mood

  • You also ruined my drink.

  • You should apologize.

  • This is for the wine.

  • Its gold...

  • Lets take it!!

  • It's mine!

  • So much gold

  • It's mine!

  • Wait!

  • Senior

  • He's using light kung fu? I won't lose to you

  • You're really annoying, get lost.

  • Who would have thought your kung fu is this good, watch this.

  • His chi is pretty good as well

  • Stop!

  • I admit your kung fu foundation is good.

  • But I have never accepted disciples

  • Who said I want to be your disciple?

  • Then why are you following me?

  • I already have a master, I just want to take in a disciple.

  • What's the name of your master?

  • My master's name does not concern you.

  • Is it because your master is mute

  • That's why you don't know his/her name?

  • My master is my wife, we are already married.

  • What?

  • Don't act like the rest of the martial artists who can't stand us,

  • Everyone believes master and disciple cannot have such relationship.

  • I don't care what you all think

  • What are you saying?

  • I don't care how others see me

  • Even if I have to make the entire martial arts world my enemy

  • I will always love Long'er for the rest of my life.

  • Hahahahah

  • Didn't realize your words were so sincere.

  • You aren't simple,

  • these martial artist are not decent people.

  • However, to make the entire world your enemy,

  • Don't you find that tiring?

  • How about this,

  • from here on I'll make you my disciple. Once you bow to me, your wife will no longer be your master.

  • That way no one will talk about your business.

  • I only have one master

  • She is my wife, Long'er.

  • Don't even dream of it.

  • Hahahah

  • That's also fine.

  • I won't interfere with your decision.

  • Other people say I don't want to accept disciples

  • But that's not the case, I really want to accept disciples

  • However, my attitude is very strange.

  • It's so strange that even I don't fully understand it

  • But this old master still believes

  • That in this world

  • there must be some fate

  • Let me teach you one of my techniques.

  • The idea sounds good

  • But I don't have any intention

  • What? You don't want to learn my martial art?

  • Watch.

  • You are a very smart person.

  • You will learn this technique quickly

  • I already told you I am a strange person

  • I passed on my Tanzhi Shentong to some boy I just met, with no relations to.

  • In addition I passed another technique to him.

  • Tanzhi Shentong?

  • Then...that person is....

  • Huang Yaoshi

  • I have to quickly remove the pressure points

  • Senior Huang Yaoshi!

  • Wait, junior needs your help!

  • Junior Yang Guo has something that needs your help!

  • My Gugu was taken by the South Sea Shenni

  • So I want to ask you about the South Sea Shenni!

  • Did you see the Shenni 32 years ago?

  • Senior Huang Yaoshi, please help me!

  • Only you can help me now!

Drifting Away

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