Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles When am I going to have time for sleep? Hi. James from engVid. New Orleans, it's a city of the United States. It's known for Mardi Gras in February. The town never sleeps. People are doing stuff all the time. And today's lesson is on, believe it or not, not New Orleans, but sleep. A lot of you guys, it's something... It's something we do, if you think about it. You're awake and one-third of your life is spent sleeping. And in your own language you have many words for "sleep", and we do, too. And some of these words I don't think you've ever been taught. If so, I'm going to try and help you remember them, and go through a couple phrasal verbs and good and bad words. So let's go to the board, shall we? Sweet dreams are made of these. "Sweet dreams", what does that mean? It means... Depending. If I say to you: "Sweet dreams", I want you to dream, have a good night's sleep and dream or "sweet dreams", I'm having a good one. In this case, look at Mr. E. How are you...? Oh. He's fast asleep, so he can't hear me. But you'll notice he's sleeping, he's got some zzz' up here, and he's sweet dreams. Cake, ice cream, and engVid. Okay? If you think about our site, you'll have good dreams. So let's start on the good side, shall we? Because that's where we should have a good night's sleep. Right? That's easy enough. "Good night's sleep", you sleep all the way through the night and you feel fantastic. If you have a little sleep, let's just say you've had a really busy day and you're a little bit tired. When I was a little boy we used to call it a "nap". So for 20 minutes or maybe 30, 40 minutes you'd go upstairs quietly, go into a little ball and go to sleep for 20 minutes and you'd take a nap. Well, now it's the 21st century and everything's more aggressive, so you don't have a nap, you have a "power nap". 20 minutes, total relaxation, total focus. So today it's gone from "nap" to a "power nap". And when you tell people you're having a power nap, you're going to sleep like a kitten and coming out like Batman. Okay? That's what they say now, so I'm power napping. It's a way of making it sound more important than: "I'm tired. I need to sleep." Okay? Number two: "dream". A dream is basically pleasant thoughts while you're sleeping. That's what it is. You're travelling, having fun with your friends, kissing your favourite person. [Kisses] That's me. And that's a dream. You're having pleasant thoughts as you're sleeping. Okay? What about "bedroom eyes"? If you like those movie stars and that, do you look in their eyes? Yes, and you go: "Oh my gosh, he's so sexy. He's so lovely. I love his eyes." Bedroom eyes are sexy eyes. People have bedroom eyes. Now, there's another one for you: "Catch some zzz'" See up here? Mr. E is going: "[Snores]. Zzzzzz. [Snores] Zzzzzz." Catching zzz' is get some sleep. You'll often hear people say: "Man, I got to catch some zzz' before my airplane. I need to get some sleep." Why we pick "z", I don't know. Maybe it's the last letter of the alphabet and by the time you get there you're tired. And finally let's talk about "pillow talk". What is "pillow talk"? Pillow talk. No, you don't go: "Yo, pillow, you are so sexy. Look at your bedroom eyes. You're beautiful." No. When we talk about "pillow talk" it's actually when you're in bed with your partner or lover, and you talk about things, intimate things like how you like their hair and their eyes, or what a good day you've had, and it's really kind of romantic, and it's quiet and it's nice, and then it ends in cuddling, which is another word for hugging in the bed and mmm. It's not necessarily sex. It's the nice thing after. Right? Sexual talk and cuddling, ladies, holding and touching after the big event. Yeah? Yeah. Tell your husband or your significant other person: "I like a little pillow talk when we're done, and we'll have it more often." Guys, listen carefully when you hear that one. Okay? Because your bedroom eyes won't always get you there. That's the good, and I'm sure you're all smiling, going: "I like these. I get to nap, a little sleep. I get to have pleasant thoughts. I have... Use my eyes to make myself look much more attractive. I get to relax by getting some good sleep in there. And finally, if I talk and cuddle everything's good." Right? Yeah, well, all good things come to an end. Every coin has another side. This is the bad thing about sleep. Okay? This sucks. "Sleepless", it doesn't mean you sleep less like four or five hours, it means no sleep, and usually we say: "sleepless night", which meant all night long you were awake. You tried to sleep, but you couldn't or you were unable to sleep. What's worse than sleepless? Has got to be "wide awake". That's this one. Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Now, I'm going to try to close my eyes, but it's just not happening. I'm wide awake. It means no matter what you do, you can't get to sleep. Right? "Sleepless", you lose some sleep; "wide awake", you can't sleep. That's it. You're just up looking at the ceiling, maybe read a book, maybe walk, but you just can't go to sleep. If you do too much of these two, you're going to get what we call "insomnia". A lot of people say: "Oh, I've got insomnia." They don't know what they're talking about, really, because it's actually a medical condition that says you have difficulty sleeping. That means you may have... Be wide awake or have sleepless nights but on a very regular basis. This isn't good for anybody. It's not good for your mind or your body, or your weight actually. Read up on that. So insomnia is something you probably have to go to a doctor to get treated, so if someone tells you they have insomnia, tell them to go see a doctor. I know somebody who loves this one: "to toss and turn". When you toss something it's like throwing, and turning is like this. So imagine in bed they're like: "[Makes noises]." You're like: "Chill out, baby, I got to sleep", and they're tossing and turning. Usually they're worried. Something has happened and it's on their mind, and it's like they're doing it, they're acting in their sleep or, and that's why they toss and turn. They're also the people who steal the covers. You know? "[Makes noises]." And you're like: "I'm naked here. I'm cold. [Laughs] Stop being so worried, I'm freezing." All right? So to toss and turn is having a bad night's sleep. Notice when you toss and turn you might actually be asleep, so you can't say "sleepless" or "wide awake". You might say: "I had a sleepless night and I tossed and turned", which meant there was a little bit of sleep, but you kept moving too much to stay asleep. But you wouldn't be wide awake and tossing and turning. Okay? "Nightmare". Do you remember a dream was pleasant thoughts or nice things you thought about? A "nightmare" is everything you don't want to remember. Yeah, the girl who said no to you at that dance, yeah, your boss giving you extra work. Mm-hmm. Being married to me. [Laughs] Or getting killed or chased by an elephant. All those bad things, those are nightmares. Mm-hmm. That's right. You don't need nightmares, but they happen when you have a bad night's sleep. All right? Sometimes you'll have a nightmare and toss and turn. If you're paying attention, I'm showing you how you can use these words together because some of them don't go together. All right? And finally, my favourite one: "snore". [Snores] Ah. This is to make noise so other people can't sleep, and some people snore so badly they can't sleep. [Laughs] If this has ever happened to you: "[Snores and gasps]", you need to see a doctor because you've got some really bad snoring problems. It's that awful noise people make when they're sleeping that wake you up, and you go: "Please go to... Wake up, wake up, I can't sleep." All right? So we've looked at the good and the bad, and I'm going to say the ugly. I've got a question mark for these ones. You might say: "Why are these in green?" Well, because they have with sleep, because like the good, you actually go to sleep. You are unconscious. I'm not going to say "asleep", because "unconscious" and "asleep" aren't exactly the same thing. If I punch you really hard, you'll be unconscious. I don't think you'd say: "I went to sleep." [Laughs] Okay? That being said, it's a bad type of sleep. And how do we get there? Well, let's take a look. Okay? I'm going to start with "doze off". I know it's in the middle, but there's a reason. "Dozing off" is when you have one of those friends who likes to talk, and you're like: "Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember, that was a good time. Yeah." You probably did it in school, or during a bad movie or boring movie. It's you get tired and you kind of slowly lose consciousness, but you're not aware of it, and you...