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  • - Frozen Pizza Tour?

  • - Frozen Pizza Party?

  • Frozen Pizza--

  • - Party Tour.

  • It's the Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15

  • It's the Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15

  • The Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15

  • The Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15

  • Teen, teen

  • - We're going to different people's houses

  • to try different frozen pizzas.

  • - [Man with Beard] Where's your frozen pizza?

  • - [Man with Beard] Number seven?

  • Oh right, of course, it's not with the frozen food.

  • It's next to the liquor.

  • - [Man with Glasses] That makes more sense than you'd think.

  • I fucking used to eat whole Tombstone pizzas,

  • not for lunch, for an activity.

  • Alright, so now we're off to Chris Reinacher's place

  • to cook the first pizza.

  • - That's me.

  • My apartment complex.

  • I am the only person under 65 or so.

  • So what are we gonna judge these pizzas on?

  • - OK, so let's get this rubric down.

  • Cheese stretch, crispiness, perfect bite,

  • - Crust.

  • - Italian no, or Italian yes, and transformation.

  • That's great, I think that's really good.

  • - Six things everybody judges their pizza on.

  • - Alright, well, let's go cook and eat the first pizza.

  • - My grandfather gave me this record player.

  • No, he didn't give it to me, I took it, once he passed away.

  • This is my house.

  • - [Man with Glasses] I noticed you got square plates.

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Man with Glasses] That's sick.

  • - [Chris] Thanks.

  • There we go, I think this looks pretty good.

  • - [Man with Glasses] Now, this is a classic transformation.

  • It didn't do anything I didn't expect.

  • - I can't wait to eat this.

  • - You should, because it'll burn the shit outta your mouth.

  • (laughter)

  • - Oh, wow.

  • - There's natural stretch.

  • - I would say two and a half inches?

  • - Three inches.

  • - We both feel pretty good about our perfect bites.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Arguably, too crunchy?

  • - I'd say this is Italian no.

  • - Yeah, I think an Italian would not think this is great.

  • - No wow factor, really.

  • I think we gotta keep touring these parties, on the

  • Frozen Pizza

  • (laughs) Oh, we gotta say hashtag?

  • No, we don't.

  • Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15 ♫

  • - So, now we're heading to your friend Brian's house.

  • - Right.

  • ♫ I'm looking for the best supreme pizza

  • Put it in my mouth and shout "Hurrah"

  • ♫ I'm gonna put a slice in and give it a critique

  • And then I'm gonna go and continue to eat

  • Some more pizza

  • Yo, I'll meet ya, eat some pizza

  • With Keith's friend, he's a Barista

  • Wait, Brian works at Starbuck's, right?

  • - Yeah, Brian Wool, lives in a pretty shady part of town.

  • I mean, there has been a dead guy in his yard before.

  • So, we're gonna have some pizza.

  • - Brian's really taking this seriously.

  • - Come on.

  • (laughter)

  • And we have a Jack's Supreme Pizza.

  • - [Chris] Of course, this looks better than the last one,

  • but this is also because of the candles,

  • this is because of the pizza platter.

  • I'm tryna not let that affect me right now.

  • - It's also because of the high quality of Jack's pizza.

  • - I'm not gonna deal with this, Brian.

  • - [Keith] I saw the picture.

  • This baby got cutes.

  • - Let's try this.

  • - Oh, nice cheese pull.

  • There's a little cheese pull, so there is some stretch

  • to this cheese.

  • - I don't see that many perfect bites laying around.

  • - It's got a good crunch.

  • - But this has zero crust.

  • - No wow factor over here.

  • I hate to break your guys's heart.

  • - You love it.

  • It's the pizza that makes ya feel good.

  • - Even if it's a mediocre pizza.

  • - Yeah.

  • Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15.

  • ♫ I like Red Baron

  • ♫ I also like Tombstone, Jack's,

  • DiGiorno's got it and Freschetta's where it's at

  • If you wanna eat it all, just come with us

  • We're the Taste Buds, and we eat food

  • - That's the homeless guy we gave the first chicken to.

  • - Really?

  • - Yeah.

  • - On average, each person in the United States eats

  • around 23 pounds of pizza every year.

  • - Each person?

  • - That's like two babies worth of pizza.

  • We're almost to my house,

  • where we're gonna see my girlfriend

  • and try a Tombstone pizza.

  • So, this is Tombstone.

  • - Um, more importantly, this is Keith's girlfriend, Becky.

  • - This is my girlfriend, Becky.

  • It really transformed, for me.

  • - Look at that, look.

  • - Oh, OK, OK, it's good stretch.

  • Becky, you dropped some hot grease on my arm.

  • So, grab a piece that you think

  • has a good perfect bite on it.

  • - Look, there's some sausage under that pepper.

  • - Oh, wow.

  • The littlest bit of crispness to the bottom of the pizza.

  • - I don't know, the crust is a little cardboard-ish, to me.

  • Italian no.

  • - It was really good looking frozen,

  • really good looking cooked, and it tastes really good.

  • - I agree, I'm also gonna give this a wow factor.

  • - Mmhmm, Becky?

  • - Wow.

  • - There it is.

  • - I feel like it should get the sexy nod

  • over the wow factor.

  • - No, I think, well maybe.

  • - I mean, there are die-hard fans who know the difference

  • between a wow factor and a sexy nod, Keith.

  • You're just gonna throw around the term?

  • - I'm not throwing it around.

  • - Well, you were kinda throwing it around.

  • - I wasn't throwing it around.

  • And what are you doing on his side?

  • - I wasn't sure what a sexy was,

  • and then when he described sexy was how it looked,

  • I was like-- - [Keith] You don't know

  • what it is, have you not seen the other two videos?

  • - Becky, have you not seen the other two videos?

  • - I saw

  • the beginning. - [Chris] Let's go.

  • Let's get outta here.

  • We're outta here, Becky. - [Keith] We're outta here.

  • You can say it, if you want.

  • - Frozen Pizza Party Tour, 2, K, 15.

  • - Becky, do you even care that we're here right now?

  • Hit us with a pizza fact, Mike.

  • - The first known pizzeria, Antica Pizzeria,

  • opened in Naples, Italy, in 1738.

  • - What's crazy is that there was a world without pizza.

  • Jesus didn't have pizza?

  • Why didn't Jesus invent pizza?

  • Maybe God was like, "The people aren't ready for it yet."

  • - So we're here at Brittany's, we're going in.

  • We're gonna have some sort of pizza.

  • We haven't decided yet.

  • Blazip. - [Keith] Frozen.

  • Hi.

  • - So, Brittany has chosen

  • - Wild Mike's.

  • Do you not feel the heat coming out?

  • - No.

  • It smells like it's just leaking gas.

  • Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15 ♫

  • (blast)

  • - [Keith] The oven's on.

  • - [Chris] Are you serious? - [Brittany] On?

  • I just turned it off. - [Chris] And it works now?

  • I think it's looking pretty good.

  • - [Keith] Oh my god!

  • - [Chris] He's stretching big time.

  • I think that was a five inch cheese stretch.

  • - That was a 10 inch cheese stretch.

  • Were you there?

  • What do you think about the transformation?

  • I mean, it looks really good.

  • - It's pretty incredible.

  • - The onions taste fresh, even though they're not.

  • - All these bites are pretty perfect.

  • Crust, it's got that buttery flakiness.

  • It's really delicious.

  • This gets the wow factor, for me.

  • - I'm blown away 'cause I had no idea

  • that Wild Mike's existed.

  • It's Itali-ish.

  • - She did a literal nod.

  • Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15 ♫

  • - And now, we're on our way to Chris's improv show

  • at The Improv Space.

  • - Anybody here for pizza related reasons?

  • (cheers)

  • Our speaker and his Keith helpers are cooking a pizza.

  • - [Keith] I'm cooking a pizza and tapping a piano.

  • I just realized I have no plan

  • for how I'm gonna get this pizza outta the oven.

  • - I think we have Anisha and Lindsey with us,

  • who we met on Twitter.

  • You seem a little flustered.

  • - I'm flustered.

  • I feel like I'm not doing this pizza justice.

  • It looks awful, and it's all my fault.

  • We can be honest, it's under-cooked.

  • Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15 ♫

  • - DiGiorno's next, we gotta figure out where exactly

  • we're gonna eat the DiGiorno.

  • - I guess we just pick up a bunch of pizzas from Rob's

  • and just find a party.

  • Yeah, let's close it.

  • - Alright, the pizza's in the oven, guys.

  • We got some pizza.

  • (cheers)

  • - It's pretty hot, but it's also stretchy cheese!

  • (cheers)

  • - I think the transformation's pretty.

  • - Yeah, it's pretty.

  • What do you think about the sex appeal of this pizza?

  • - As the crust rises, it just makes you wanna eat it.

  • - Yeah, it makes something else rise.

  • Am I right?

  • - The crust is, by far, the most outstanding.

  • - A little dry, let's be honest.

  • Are you hissing at me?

  • This looks like a pizza full of perfect bites.

  • (cheers)

  • - Aw, it's damn good.

  • - It's good.

  • - That has the wow factor, for me.

  • - I'd say I would not know if it was from Italy.

  • - Italian no.

  • - I might give DiGiorno my sexy nod.

  • - Overall, this is a really solid pizza.

  • Today's been a real achievement.

  • And there's only one thing left to do.

  • Frozen Pizza Party Tour 2, K, 15 ♫

  • (cheers)

  • Classical music shit

  • Yeah, it's the type of lose it shit

  • Lose ya head, lose control

  • Lose your heart, lose your soul

  • Packo Bell packed away lotsa pizzas

  • Slice by slice, he found each one del-ee-shis

- Frozen Pizza Tour?

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