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  • When life threw Alan Clay a curve ball,

  • He needed a fresh start.

  • And you may find yourself looking for your large automobile!

  • And you may find yourself without a beautiful house,

  • without a beautiful wife!

  • And you may ask yourself:

  • "How did I get here?"

  • So he's travelling halfway around the world

  • for the deal of a lifetime.

  • You sound like you're on the moon.

  • No, I'm in Saudi Arabia.

  • We're pitching a three dimensional, holographic meeting system to the King.

  • Excuse me,

  • You the driver?

  • Driver, guide, hero...

  • Where are you from?

  • Boston.

  • You like Chicago?

  • Not in the winter.

  • No, the band.

  • [Chicago - You're The Inspiration]

  • Why you going to KMET? There's nothing happening there.

  • It's full steam ahead

  • [Laughing] See for yourself!

  • Now he needs to learn

  • The King won't be coming today

  • Here's where we are right now.

  • A different way of doing business

  • Industrial City,

  • Business Center,

  • University...

  • Full steam ahead!

  • And a different way of making friends

  • Did you meet the guy?

  • No, but I met his associate.

  • You work for CIA or something?

  • Just a little freelancer work.

  • [Shouting]

  • People don't like jokes like that.

  • I knew it as soon as I said it.

  • Call me first thing after that meeting.

  • Ok-

  • There was something going on there yesterday.

  • Yeah, that's where they do the executions.

  • You want to go back and check out what's going on now?

  • No.

  • Nooo!

  • Alan, where are you? Why are you not out there?

  • [Sharp gasp]

  • Mr. Clay?

  • What happened to me?

  • An anxiety attack. You'll be okay.

  • Thank you.

  • This Spring...

  • This has you really worried, huh?

  • I've lost direction, I think.

  • I think I need to see you again.

  • There's a lot at stake for a woman like her!

  • What do you make of this?

  • You and me? The big culture clash?

  • We are separated by the thinnest filament.

  • Well that's the way I think.

  • That's the way it is.

  • Sometimes, you have to change your scenery...

  • To change your life.

  • It's a brand new city,

  • It's uncharted territory.

  • With the deserts! And the camels! And the tents!

  • You ready?

  • I'm ready.

  • Show time!

  • Expect the unexpected.

When life threw Alan Clay a curve ball,

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