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  • Halloween Special 2009

  • Oh shit! What the fuck!

  • Ass-shit retard!

  • *Doorbell*

  • Oooh! I'll get it!

  • You're a fucking weirdo!

  • A fucking weirdo!

  • Trick or treat!

  • Look! A piglet, a fly, and a...

  • dog!

  • But I'm not a dog.

  • And with scabies.

  • How cute!

  • Give us candy already!

  • I won't give you shit!

  • But I'll tell you a ghost story!

  • Oh no!

  • Some time ago there was a kid

  • as stupid as all of you!

  • He was playing ball

  • near a nuclear plant.

  • Let's make it clear that I won't do shit.

  • Suddenly a fucking killer whale

  • fell upon him!

  • *Killer sound of the fucking killer whale*

  • making the ball fall

  • on radioactive shit.

  • and when the boy tried to reach for it

  • a zombie farmer appeared before him

  • and it was all like

  • "Ah, I'm going to suck you!"

  • and the boy was like "Ah, well suck on this!"

  • So the zombie was like

  • *Zombie sound*

  • and the boy started running and screamed

  • "Ahh! There's an agricultural zombie chasing me!"

  • and he crashed into a T.V.

  • from which an ugly filthy girl came out

  • "Ah! I want some bread!"

  • and the boy was like "Ah! What the fuck!"

  • then Spiderman appeared

  • "I will rescue you!"

  • but then he said

  • "No wait, gross! You smell like flan!"

  • and he dropped the boy on a deserted island

  • and then Lady Gaga arrived and ate the boy

  • Ale ale ale alre jandro!

  • and, and, and, and

  • The End.

  • My Mom says you inject narcotics.

Halloween Special 2009

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