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  • The discovery of the atomic bomb in the 1940s has given humanity a question the FALLOUT

  • series has strived to answer. If ever there would come a day when mankind possessed the

  • capacity to destroy himself, what would come of us? Some predict that this is where our

  • story will end, but what if it was only another bloody chapter of human history? You've experienced

  • the FALLOUT series in your own way, but want to learn more about its story. Well- to get

  • to the heart of the story- you have to go back to the beginning...

  • On October 23rd 2077 the nightmares became all too real when the Great War commenced.

  • Blinding light ignited the sky, and people ducked and took cover as they had been taught,

  • cowering under whatever they could, hoping that if they kept their eyes closed and remained

  • still that the merciless flames would pass them by. They hid beneath desks at school,

  • under cars on the street, and behind desks at work. Perhaps a few were in their beds

  • when the flash appeared on the horizon and -- perhaps they drew their blankets over

  • their head like children, hoping that the searing pain was just a bad dream.

  • The ballyhooed tactic of Duck and Cover proved ineffective against armies that no longer

  • cared about winning. Mutually self-assured destruction was the goal, and the American

  • and Chinese exceeded it in spades. Hundreds of millions of people lost their lives within

  • minutes, and billions more died over the days to come as radioactive fallout settled over

  • entire continents. The fallout muddied the oceans, clouded the sky, and sunk deep into

  • the soil.

  • Those who happened to be in the right place at the moment the bombs fell managed to survive.

  • These "lucky" few formed the primitive tribal societies that struggled for survival

  • in the years immediately following the war.

  • Hidden from those tribal bands were another group of survivors. Those who had been selected

  • for Project Safehouse. One hundred thousand people fortunate enough to have been offered

  • shelter inside impregnable survival shelters called Vaults, created by the Vault-tec corporation.

  • The first vaults opened again a few years after the war and their inhabitants slowly

  • spread throughout the wasteland. By now tales of the Vaults have spread from coast to coast,

  • although not many people alive today have actually been inside one.

  • At the height of pre-war civilization, the government and a few powerful corporations

  • knew that an apocalypse was brewing, so they used their finest technology to create vast

  • subterranean bunkers that could withstand a nuclear blast, a meteor impact, global flooding

  • or other likely disasters. The general public wasn't entirely convinced that their end was

  • nigh, otherwise there would have been a greater demand for Vaults. When the war started there

  • were only about a hundred of them, scattered across America, and many held less than the

  • thousand people they were intended to hold.

  • Those who were smart enough or lucky enough to be inside one when the end came were protected

  • from the devastation by airtight steel doors, thick walls of concrete, and over 200 feet

  • of soil. The fine engineers at Vaul-tec designed their bunkers to run independently for ten

  • years and even more. Geo-thermal power, hydroponic farms for growing food, and a water purification

  • system so efficient Vault residents could fool themselves into thinking they weren't

  • drinking their own urine.

  • The designers made the Vaults as homey as possible despite the steel clad walls. The

  • cafeterias were designed to look a little like roadside diners, and vault dwellers could

  • close their eyes and imagine that they were eating a plate of Blamco mac & cheese.

  • Shiny new medical robots tended to those who suffered from mundane illnesses and injuries,

  • while on the surface world billions died of radiation sickness, burns, starvation and

  • violence. Housing wasn't as spacious as on the surface, but there was plenty of room

  • for several hundred people, and the vaults that held a full thousand or more could work

  • out fair ways to share their bunks for a while.

  • Each vault was run by a leader called the Overseer who ran the underground community

  • from a command center deep inside the complex. The Overseers were, usually, selected for

  • their exceptional leadership skills.

  • The Vaults were comfortable enough, but after ten years the radiation had gone down in most

  • parts of the country, and the Vault Dwellers expected to head back up into the sunlight

  • and begin rebuilding their flawed societies. Vault-tec had prepared them for anything that

  • might await on the surface. The vaults had all the research material that they would

  • need to rebuild America, including the entire library of Congress on holodisk, plus a hundred

  • and one recipes on how to cook rats.

  • Those who have walked the wasteland know that the world isn't a kind place. Sometimes people

  • think of the pre-war days as a golden age. A time when people were better to each other.

  • But there wouldn't have been an apocalypse if that were true.

  • No- people were cruel and callous to each other even back then, and the folks who ran

  • Vault-tec were no exception.

  • We've all heard of Vault City, a paradise built by the people who emerged from Vault

  • 8, using a pre-war device called the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. They represent what

  • the world could have been like if only Project Safehouse had been on the up and up. Unfortunately,

  • Vault-tec had some ulterior motives, and vaults like Vault 8 were rare.

  • The poor fools who weathered the fallout in Vault-tecs nuclear shelters were the control

  • groups in horrible experiments. Keep people nice and safe for ten years, then open up

  • and build a new garden of Eden? That happened a few times out of a hundred vaults. Most

  • vaults were designed to deliberately malfunction as part of an experiment to see just how far

  • the human mind could be pushed before it snapped.

  • Unbeknownst to the vault dwellers, Vault-tec, and some elite factions of the government

  • had their own shelters far away from the public vaults. These elite wanted to learn how to

  • rebuild society by observing the inhabitants of the defective vaults. Some of the vaults

  • were designed so that their inhabitants would be trapped in isolation for generations. Think

  • ten years locked in a vault is a rough trip? Try eighty, or two hundred. There could even

  • people still sealed inside hidden vaults that haven't opened yet.

  • Other vaults had experiments that only a lunatic could conceive. A thousand men with only one

  • woman. A thousand women with just one man. Or even one man trapped all alone in his own

  • vault with nothing but a crate of puppets for company. One vault even seemed like it

  • was designed as a personal playground for a sadistic Vault-tec employee who just wanted

  • some poor souls to suffer forever in a virtual reality where he was a god in a world of his

  • own making.

  • You might be left wondering if the vault dwellers ever figured out what was happening to them.

  • Did any of them learn that their lives meant nothing to Vault-tec, and that they had become

  • no more than lab rats in a mad experiment? Maybe the inhabitants thought that their problems

  • were accidental supply errors. Or maybe they realized what had happened and cursed Vault-tec

  • with their dying breaths.

  • Who knows if these experiments turned up any useful information for the sons of whores

  • who devised them. But all the suffering wasn't for nothing. Many vaults did open, even if

  • later than expected. Some of the people who emerged went on to do great things for the

  • wasteland. Parts of what used to be the Capital of this land even has fresh water thanks to

  • some helpful Vault Dwellers and technology scavenged from the old vaults.

  • Looters hoping to uncover riches in pre-war supplies should be wary of the Vaults, though.

  • Project Safehouse has brought some troubles to the wasteland too. The Super Mutants, for

  • instance, are connected to the corporation behind the vaults. Just remember wanderer,

  • it isn't worth getting killed by mutants just because you heard about a stash of Fancy Lad

  • snack cakes inside some old Vault's pantry...

  • There's a whole city of ghouls who came from one of the vaults. Sometimes you'll meet a

  • ghoul who claims to have been alive back before the bombs fell. Don't pay them no mind, unless

  • their wearing a Vault 12 jump suit. In that Vault the door never sealed up all the way.

  • May it malfunctioned. Maybe it was more of Vaul-tec's shenanigans, but the people inside

  • got just the right dose of radiation to turn into the very first gouls.

  • The idea of a piece of the old world sealed fresh is just too romantic an idea for some

  • people to resist. Of course most wanderers have the sense to stay away from the vaults.

  • If you really can't help yourself though, there's a city called New Vegas where people

  • can get a look at the inside of a real live vault without having to worry about mutants,

  • ghouls or old security bots. Right in the middle of the New Vegas strip is an old vault

  • that they turned into a hotel so that travelers have some place to sleep while they waste

  • their caps boozing, gambling and whoring. Tourists can even grab a Vault-tec lunchbox

  • in mint condition, or a stylish vintage Vault 21 jumpsuit.

  • We don't know how many vaults are still out there undiscovered. They're hidden well, and

  • Vault-tec liked keeping their secrets. Maybe a few of these unknown vaults still have people

  • living inside, the descendants of that first group of survivors. Or maybe there's a thriving

  • society buried right under our feet that doesn't even wonder what the outside world is like.

  • Sooner or later though, that door has to open. Even the fine makers of the Vaults couldn't

  • build a system that will contain humanity forever. And when those vault dwellers take

  • their first steps out into the bright sunlight and feel the sands of the wasteland beneath

  • their feet, they'll find the world has changed a lot in two hundred years. It's a big mean

  • world, and their Overseer is small potatoes compared to some of the factions that run

  • things now.

  • There are those who view the vaults as candy-shelled morsels filled with treats. Technology is

  • nice, but the vaults held something even more precious -- a pure gene pool uncontaminated

  • by radiation, or exposure to virus-born mutagens. There are plenty of interested parties who

  • want to get their hands on a fresh supply of pure strain humans who have yet to be exposed

  • to the harsh wasteland.

  • But that- is a story for another day.

The discovery of the atomic bomb in the 1940s has given humanity a question the FALLOUT

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