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  • ((music)) Subtitles by Robin Singh

  • -Today you're reacting to... -Pizza?!

  • -To this! -Pizza!!

  • *gasp* This is my favorite! Mmm mmm I have to eat this!

  • Oooh!

  • Smells good!

  • Okay, I would definitely eat this.

  • Pizza! Yay!

  • -I'm gonna eat it! -No, no, no, no!

  • -What kind of toppings do you like on your pizza?

  • Pepperoni.

  • Pepperoni!

  • Pepperoni and sausage. I like meat lover's.

  • I like cheese pizza.

  • Cheese pizza!

  • -Well, you will not be having any of those toppings today.

  • Okay....

  • -Here is your first pizza topping to try.

  • You ruined the pizza!

  • Oh no!

  • Vegetable.

  • I wanna take it off. Please, please?

  • -No, put it back on!

  • N-aah! *gasp* Noo!

  • Actually, it wasn't that bad.

  • Oh. This is horrible.

  • Let's try another pizza.

  • Pineapple pizza? Yay!

  • Come on, pineapples!?

  • You have got to be kidding me...

  • I used to not like pineapples. I love pineapples now.

  • I guess it's not too bad actually. It's uh... it adds an interesting flavor.

  • I need water

  • Okay

  • Now I am okay

  • That is good.

  • It's just weird! It's a... it's not right.

  • Done

  • I think this is kinda weird.

  • It's uh... like two worlds combined.

  • It ruins the cheese and sauce flavour.

  • It really does.

  • And here is another topping.

  • What is this..?

  • Mushroom pizza!

  • Bacon right? Is it bacon?

  • I know what pizza this is.

  • Fish Pizza

  • This is fish.

  • No!

  • It is anchovy pizza.

  • Smells bad!

  • 'kay, I tried it.

  • (shocked gasp)

  • It's sour!

  • No!

  • Whoo!

  • Whoo!

  • Salty.

  • What is this!?

  • Oh my God!

  • I thought it was a mushroom pizza.

  • I wanted to spit it out, but I'm a lady so I wouldn't do that.

  • This is horrible!

  • I feel like I'm going to throw up.

  • The aftertaste tastes like poop!

  • That topping was anchovies.

  • What are anchovies?

  • I've heard of it but I don't know exactly what it is.

  • An anchovy is a small fish

  • Fish and pizza don't match.

  • I just ate fish? Ooh! Wow that's not bad. I ate fish!

  • I can not believe you're giving me this.

  • Why have I ever do to you!?

  • I'm out of here. Ew. Ew. Ew.

  • And now the last topping of the day

  • I'm not gonna eat this one. No no no.

  • What's that supposed to be!? Computer ink!?

  • It's like black paint.

  • I am about to eat paint.

  • I think it is a crime against food.

  • Is this an ink squid?

  • Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ewwww!

  • Be careful don't wipe anything!

  • Help me..?

  • I'm scared!

  • It's actually not as bad as I thought.

  • Didn't like it.

  • Hmph!

  • Tastes like seaweed.

  • I just gonna put this up here just in case.

  • I don't need any water.

  • It.. it is paint.

  • Why are you giving a child paint?

  • That was the worst flavor in the world.

  • I wouldn't ever recommend this stuff

  • I have no idea what it is

  • So that topping was squid ink.

  • Squid... ink.


  • I knew it has something! It was squid ink!

  • I thought that stuff was poisonous!

  • That's disgusting!

  • Why didn't you just have me try pepperoni pizza?

  • Final question, which topping today would you recommend people eat?

  • I like the pineapple

  • Pineapple

  • The veggie one, it's the best.

  • The pineaple pizza.

  • Squid ink! Weird, doesn't look appetizing, but it's pretty good.

  • Pineapple pizza!

  • The vegetable pizza.

  • Pineapple one!

  • I would recommend this one (anchovies)

  • Because the other ones tasted so weird.

  • Thanks for watching this pizza filled episode of kids vs. food.

  • Don't forget to comment below other foods you want us to try.

  • Don't forget to subscribe. Baby.

  • Bye.

  • Goodbye

((music)) Subtitles by Robin Singh

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