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  • So now that you've mastered how to ollie, ollie up onto something, and how to fakie

  • ollie, the next step may be to take it to the front side 180 or the back side 180 ollie.

  • Now, 180 ollies are great, because what you're doing is you're ollieing in the air, traveling

  • front side 180, and landing fakie and rolling. So the front side 180 is usually the first

  • step, after learning all of those other combinations. So, the front side 180 ollie involves, hitting

  • the tail to do an ollie, and traveling front side 180. Now, front side, meaning the way

  • that you can see, that's one way to remember. So, if you're regular footed like I am, you're

  • headed towards the left. One of the major differences in a 180 ollie, as opposed to

  • a rolling forward or fakie ollie, is that you're traveling a distance across. Now, this

  • is going to require you to use a lot of your upper body. What you're doing is you're building

  • up momentum using your arms, and following through with the motion with your lower body.

  • And you're coordinating the whole thing together. So, you're going to want to make sure that

  • you have your ollies as good as possible, and that you have your fakie ollies very good,

  • because after you ollie 180, you're going to land fakie, and roll backwards. So, the

  • better you have those, the better you can do it. And that is how you front side 180

  • ollie.

So now that you've mastered how to ollie, ollie up onto something, and how to fakie

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