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  • Mmm it's-a Orange Juice

  • What's up everyone, this is yarn from Orange Juice

  • These are balance changes coming June 21st

  • I don't have access to the developer build

  • So I won't be able to show you a side by side comparison

  • All values in this video will be based on tournament standard levels

  • Examples shown in the video may not accurately reflect these exact levels, but do demonstrate the point

  • The Hog Rider is finally getting a nerf

  • He's getting a 6% damage decrease

  • What does this mean?

  • It'll now take an additional shot to take down an Inferno Tower.

  • For the most part

  • You won't notice any difference unless you're running a deck centered around Hog cycle

  • The Prince is getting 9% damage buff

  • That's about 20 extra damage

  • This may not seem like much

  • But this is an insane buff for the Prince

  • Barbarians, Musketeers and Wizards will now die 2 hits

  • Or 1 charge strike

  • The P.E.K.K.A. is getting an 8% damage buff

  • From 600 to 650

  • This means he can now 1 shot Musketeers and Barbarians

  • This is very significant considering the Prince will also be able to kill Barbarians in 1 swing

  • That's 8 swings, down to 4

  • The Goblin Barrel is really easy to counter

  • Zap, arrows and Fire Spirits. They're all positive elixir trades

  • So they're getting a well deserved buff

  • The deploy time is being reduced from 1.2 seconds to 1 second

  • The X-Bow will now deploy 1 second faster

  • This is not a game breaking buff considering that the X-Bow deployment time used to be 3 seconds

  • Prior to the February balance update

  • Another buff it's receiving is an 18% HP increase

  • The X-Bow was heavily abused back in the day before the Royal Giant became the meta

  • To put this into perspective of what 18% means

  • The Royal Giant now has to take 1 additional shot before it can take out the X-Bow

  • The Mortar received 2 nerfs in the first May balance update

  • The deploytime got nerfed from 3 seconds to 5 seconds

  • Now it'll take 4 seconds to deploy

  • The Furnace is getting it's lifetime increased from 40 seconds, back to 50 seconds

  • But this means it's going to remain at 4 elixir

  • This means it'll spawn an additional wave of Fire Spirits

  • The Guards are getting a buff

  • They no longer have a pushback when their shield breaks

  • This means they won't stutter toward the arena tower anymore

  • The Witch is getting yet another massive damage buff

  • This time it's a 17% damage increase

  • These are very calculated numbers

  • It turns out that Spear Goblins and Skeletons will still require 2 shots to kill

  • But the Minion now only takes 3 shots to kill, instead of 4

  • The Lava Hound is getting a massive damage increase of 28%

  • That means a lot in terms of percentages

  • But that's only increasing it 10 damage

  • At 45 damage he'll still deal less damage than 1 Spear Goblin

  • Skeletons will no longer spawn 4 units

  • They'll spawn a total of 3

  • This is a huge damage nerf

  • They're going to be 25% weaker

  • And it also goes beyond a 25% HP nerf

  • Single target heavy hitters are going to be harder to defend against

  • To put that into perspective

  • That's 1 extra strike the Mini PEKKA can potentially get on your tower

  • That's a lot considering the Mini PEKKA deals over 500 damage per swing

  • I'm salty about this nerf

  • Supercell if you're listening

  • plz don't

  • The Cannon is getting yet another HP nerf

  • With 8% decreased health

  • It's going to be less viable to use against Royal Giant

  • With the Hog Rider's damage nerf, not much will change to reactive Cannon plants

  • However, chip damage will have a slightly bigger impact on the Cannons lifetimer

  • The Tesla is getting an 8% health buff

  • Essentially that means it can survive 1 extra hit from a Spear Goblin

  • But a more realistic change is that it can survive 1 additional shot from a Royal Giant

  • Thanks for watching, don't forget to follow us on twitter for more quality OJ

  • Hog Ridaaaa

Mmm it's-a Orange Juice

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