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  • (Electronic music)

  • (Rock music)

  • - Buon journo! Welcome to Rome.

  • - This is one of the most lively capitol cities

  • in all of Europe, and it's full of food, and culture,

  • and some serious ancient history.

  • - And there is a lot to see and do here,

  • so we gotta head out now.

  • - [Woman] Rome is such a unique city

  • On every single block, there are ruins.

  • This is the Pantheon. I mean,

  • I've seen pictures of it,

  • but the pictures don't even do it justice.

  • It's so impressive to see these modern buildings

  • mixed with ancient ruins right next to each other.

  • - [Man] Wow! This is amazing!

  • You really get to see how big

  • and majestic Rome is from this spot.

  • Definitely the best view I've seen of this city.

  • - Oh my god, I wish you could see this.

  • In the distance you see only St. Peter's Basilica.

  • In like the same shape, it's gorgeous.

  • - Wow, look at this.

  • I am now inside of the St. Peter's Basilica,

  • and this place is gigantic.

  • Behind me, is the entrance to the Sistine Chapel.

  • This is where Michelangelo's painting,

  • ^ the famous painting touching the fingers.

  • It's one of the most majestic things

  • I've ever seen in my life.

  • - We're headed to the Spanish Steps,

  • ^ which is where Romans and tourists hang out.

  • ^ It's the best place in Rome to enjoy a gelato.

  • I'm very excited

  • Strawberry and chocolate, it couldn't be better than this.

  • - Death by chocolate, right here.

  • Wow, it's the Colosseum, check it out!

  • Inside the Colosseum, I'd say

  • is even better than the outside.

  • I'm told that about 50 to 80 thousand people

  • were in this stadium, all cheering

  • on their favorite gladiator,

  • and the floor was made out of sand,

  • and the sand was used to absorb the blood.

  • ^ (Swords clanking)

  • (Electronic music)

  • - [Woman] The food in Italy, of course,

  • is some of the best you'll ever have.

  • This right here is the Rolls Royce of meat. Delicious.

  • - You've ever heard of Ben Hur? Right here.

  • 300 thousand people would come here,

  • 27 centuries ago, and watch chariot races.

  • - Grabbing my chariot, also known as the segway.

  • - [Man] Here we go, green lights.

  • This is the life right here.

  • Seeing Rome on the back of a Vespa.

  • - [Woman] You can't go to Rome

  • without seeing the Vatican, and there it is.

  • - It's crazy to think that there's a country right here.

  • Now I'm in Italy, now I'm in Vatican City.

  • Roma, grazie, this was an incredible experience.

  • It's definitely one of the best cities on the planet.

  • - It's been amazing, and I absolutely love the food here,

  • as well as the Trevi Fountain.

  • - For sure, and this thing right behind me,

  • the Colosseum, is definitely my favorite.

  • Ciao!

  • ^ (Accordian and string music)

(Electronic music)

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