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  • This is the most empty place on earth

  • the place almost no one goes-Antarctica.

  • It's the last continent discovered by explorers,

  • the last place to be charted and examined and understood,

  • the last place to be inhabited.

  • Even the wildlife here knows this land is different,

  • and perhaps it is a mark of how harsh this land can be

  • that there is no creature here that cannot swim or fly away.

  • This is the last continent on earth

  • a refuge of sorts for wilderness

  • and for explorers.

  • A half-dozen times in the last decade or so,

  • they've sailed 900 miles south five days at sea,

  • to the islands scattered along the famed Antarctic Peninsula

  • Other expeditions come here with millions of dollars

  • and the power of governments to support them.

  • Sally and Jerome sail by themselves in a small yacht,

  • accompanied only by their children, three boys

  • Dion-10, live... 8 and Diti -5.

  • They trek on remote, rocky islands

  • trying to learn more about this once unknown and foreboding

  • continent of rock and ice

  • while there's still time to protect

  • the unique balance of life that exists here.

  • As usual the Poncets are beginning this voyage in December

  • high summer and vacation time for the boys,

  • when some days might get as warm as 40 degrees.

  • This will not last long the Poncets know.

  • Winter and ice are never very distant here.

  • Now development is coming too.

  • As the Ponects will discover anew on this voyage,

  • this last frontier is changing as never before.

  • The poncets have gradually come to

  • concentrate on the odd and endearing birds

  • that are native to this place.

  • They're concerned now that penguins may become threatened

  • because many countries and claiming interests in the riches

  • that may lie here.

  • The Poncets will use their boat-part research vessel,

  • part home-to search out penguin colonies all along

  • the Antarctic Peninsula.

  • The peninsula reaches up some 700 miles from the continent

  • toward south America.

  • The poncets goal is to survey the size of penguin colonies,

  • that is, to count them

  • all the way to Marguerite Bay at thebottom of the peninsula

  • even further if the ice will allow them.

  • In earlier voyages, they've found many colonies

  • no one else has ever seen.

  • Deception Island-near

  • the northern end of the peninsula,

  • early stop for the Poncets,

  • and the site of a big colony

  • of one of the three penguin species

  • dominant on the peninsula: Chinstraps.

  • Scientists use penguins as a key indicator species

  • to gauge the health of the entire delicate Antarctic ecosystem.

  • To do that, though, they must know how many penguins are actually here.

  • If the penguin population changes radically,

  • the scientists will know something is wrong here.

  • That is why the poncets sail and climb to these remote places

  • to count the birds.

  • You can do a rough estimate by just counting up groups of say

  • 100 and then multiplying in groups of 100.

  • That's a very rough estimate.

  • If you want to do it properly, though,

  • you've got to map out the area that the colony's occupying

  • and then work up average density of the colony and multiply that

  • ...a couple of days work to do it accurately.

  • But you can get a good estimate if you take your time.

  • In a couple of hours, you can get a pretty good estimate of it.

  • But we just compare it with colonies we know from elsewhere,

  • like one in particular with 30 to 40,000 pairs in it.

  • It's a lot smaller than this.

  • This is huge. Must be one of the biggest chinstrap penguin clolonies

  • down on the peninsula

  • I think-this one It's gotta be, I think. It's huge.

  • Chinstrap penguins seldom change mates

  • and they prefer to return to the same nest sites each year

  • to hatch the young.

  • The nests are rings of small stones set just out of pecking range

  • of incubating neighbors.

  • The females usually take the first shift sitting on the eggs,

  • fasting for up to 8 days.

  • Then, the males take over and the females can feed again.

  • Some of the small, shrimp-like krill they find at sea is regurgitated

  • for the penguin chicks.

  • Sally does not spend much time with the colonies here on

  • Deception Island, though.

  • This time her work lies further south.

  • Jerome is French; Sally is Australian.

  • They sail aboard the 50-foot steel hulled Damien II.

  • It can look like a frail ship in amid all the ice and rock,

  • but the ship can take the poncets places that others cannot go,

  • which helps them make a living:

  • They charter the boat for scientists doing coastal surveys.

  • Indeed, Jerome knows his way along this coast, intimately.

  • He first came here almost 20 years ago

  • accompanied by his friend, Gerard Janichon,

  • who has rejoined him for this voyage.

  • It's unusual to sail in the Antarctic now,

  • but it was truly extraordinary then.

  • Theirs was the first yacht to sail the peninsula coast.

  • The adventure made them heroes in France.

  • Fees from a book allowed each of them to build bigger

  • and better versions of first vessel.

  • But new boats don't eliminate the four hour watches throughout

  • this two-month journey

  • or the sameness of stored food,

  • or the confining conditions of life at sea.

  • These they simply get used to.

  • But anyone who's lived on a yacht or on a boat can tell you,

  • you get used to shifts: Four hours on, four hours off.

  • Or whatever you happen to do.

  • And it's just something you get used to.

  • You can't have exactly what you want to eat or drink

  • when you feel like it.

  • Or you can't wash every day if you want to,

  • or you can't go down to the nearest pub for a drink

  • just to get away from it.

  • You just accept that.

  • It just, it might look difficult to people,

  • but until you... it would be far more difficult for him to have

  • to get into a car every morning and drive to work.

  • The Damien II averages 26 miles a day now,

  • with stops along the way.

  • Working from cove to cove

  • they arrive at cuverville Island

  • a breeding site for many many Gentoo penguins.

  • Their pelts are sleek as fur but like all penguins,

  • these are true birds.

  • Short, thick feathers help insulate them from the cold,

  • and at the same time lie close to the body to help

  • the speedy swimmers in the water.

  • This will be the first egg because its dirtier,

  • and this is the second.

  • The second egg is suppose to be a bit smaller that the first.

  • But they look about the same size really.

  • That one there, though-she's just about to get off

  • that-you can really tell the difference there.

  • The Gentoos are apt to form life-long

  • attachments among breeding pairs

  • although they are not so particular about which nest site

  • they use from season to season.

  • On the peninsula,

  • it takes about five weeks for penguin eggs to hatch.

  • The parents watch over them for another month or so,

  • and then leave the chicks in large groups while the parents

  • are off gathering good.

  • One or two months later the young penguins begin to feed on their own.

  • What beautiful nests these ones are well made

  • anyway, with the stones like that

  • and they all seem to be just sitting right.

  • You remember the chinstraps at Deception-

  • all mucky, all smelly in all directions?

  • These are all nice and neat...

  • I think these are probably the prettiest of the birds.

  • By now Sally and Jerome

  • have witnessed this cycle of penguin life many times

  • and still Antarctica fascinates them.

  • The first time we come...

  • just well, put the foot ashore.

  • That was an achievement for us at least.

  • And we are very pleased with that.

  • We've been a bit scared we've been fighting

  • to reach Antarctica... and after we come back a bit more confident

  • and you go a bit further.

  • And that's what we've done

  • just going farther and farther each time, knowing a bit more.

  • And when you start to know a place you-why,

  • it starts to belong to you or you belong to this place.

  • And that's what's happened to us.

  • Often while Sally is counting penguins

  • the children explore for themselves.

  • At the shore here, they've spotted a leopard seal coming close.

  • Penguins that survive to adulthood may live for 20 years.

  • They're safe on land with practically no predators.

  • But in sea there is danger from seals

  • especially the leopard seal.

  • Diti is the youngest of the boys.

  • Live, the middle boy, finds that this summer,

  • geology has captured his attention.

  • Dion is the oldest a budding artist

  • with an interest in mechanical things also.

  • Some of this Antarctic exploration that the boys share

  • can look dangerous to an outsider.

  • But plainly, Sally and Jerome see great benefits in bringing

  • the children with them.

  • At home in the Falklands a traveling schoolmaster

  • visits for a couple of weeks every other month or so

  • with lessons from Sally in between.

  • On board the Damien II,

  • the boys learn about earth science

  • by splashing where boiling volcanic waters mix with the near frozen sea.

  • The boys bang away at rock looking for gold

  • or fools gold even

  • and making plans to get rich and buy firecrackers back at home.

  • You can just see the difference

  • that it's made to them.

  • And coming down here for three months

  • you can see how many people that meet and what they're introduced

  • to and what they're capable of learning

  • there are other ways of getting the same education or the same facts

  • but this is a very good way of getting it, you see.

  • At Foyn Harbor on the peninsula the boys explore a site leftover

  • from one of the first significant human impacts on the Antarctic.

  • It's an old whaler's anchorage

  • where boats once filled casks with glacier water.

  • The whalers are long gone

  • a whaling ship lies abandoned where it ran aground.

  • In the hold of the wreck

  • the boys find dozens of the cone-shaped tips for harpoons

  • that once took tens of thousands of whales in a season

  • until some species were threatened with extinction.

  • At last, international protest put a stop to commercial whaling,

  • and there are signs that

  • the animals may be recovering in the southern oceans.

  • Three humpbacks approach the ship.

  • Their size and curiosity must have made them easy targets for the whalers

  • But whale hunting was only

  • among the first human endeavors to mark the Antarctic.

  • Near Palmer Station an American research site,

  • Dion joins a party of skin divers from the base

  • who are going to see what remains

  • of one of the biggest environmental threats the continent has seen.

  • Actually, we're... the wreck today to look for oil spills

  • or oil leaks they've plugged up with wooden... and splash... last year.

  • The divers are protected as much as possible by their dry suits

  • but the water is frigidly cold: 33 degrees.

  • Early last year, an Argentine supply ship that doubled as a

  • tourist boat ran aground.

  • Passengers used home video cameras to take these pictures.

  • Within hours they were rescued

  • but four days later the ship had turned on its side.

  • The ship's cargo of diesel oil began to spill.

  • A Chilean navy ship arrived quickly to contain the damage,

  • but it was a month before Argentine and American crews managed

  • to seal the wreck.

  • It had about 250,000 gallons on board.

  • And they're estimating that about half of that

  • 125,000 came out when it rolled.

  • It might have been worse if the ship had carried heavy,

  • black crude oil instead of diesel fuel

  • but still scientists worry that their research will be affected

  • because the once pristine area is no longer so pure.

  • The wreck has gone through a single Antarctic winter,

  • but the damage has been very severe.

  • It's kind of like a beer can has been totally crushed.

  • And there use to be two little copters there.

  • There's no sign of them at all now,

  • other than two tires,

  • and the highly deck is mostly crushed.

  • And there's no visible signs of oil leaking out anymore.

  • Any cleanup operation would be difficult here.

  • Indeed, all along the peninsulad

  • it's clear that very often

  • no one bothers to clean the mess that is left behind.

  • The penguins hardly seem to notice

  • but nevertheless many environmentalists are concerned

  • that we may spoil the last really large wilderness left on earth;

  • before we begin to understand it.

  • The Damien II has been at sea for about a month,

  • with dozens of stops so far for penguin surveys.

  • Now Jerome has set course for Dream Island,

  • about half way down the peninsula.

  • The island has a large colony of the third species of penguins

  • the Poncets are counting:

  • Adelies.

  • There are remarkable elephant seal colonies here also,

  • and for the seals, too

  • the Antactic summer is the season of the young.

  • Well, it's a bit slippery in all this muck-especially

  • where the penguins have been.

  • I don't want you to fall in that.

  • They've been fed by their mothers until they're sort of round

  • and their mother's go off and leave them and they have to survive

  • during the feeding time...

  • And they lie around on the beaches in groups.

  • And they're really sweet...

  • They're very beautiful to look at at that stage.

  • As they get a bit older they're not so nice.

  • It doesn't look as if they're any more chinstraps in this area.

  • They seem to be confined to that area back there.

  • So I think I'll go back...

  • In the water by the beach

  • young male seals play at combat.

  • They are too young now to really harm one another.

  • Later, when they develop the droopy noses that account for the

  • elephant seals' name,

  • they will fight seriously for groups of females.

  • All along the coast, the Poncets find sites of earlier explorers,

  • many of them no longer in use.

  • This cabin was once a research station,

  • but it's been deserted for a long time

  • Inside, there are copies of letters and dispatches that are decades old.

  • ...shall be returning home about June and anticipate finding

  • civilization somewhat bewildering.

  • So would like to be considered for service as relief warden

  • at a small hostile in the highlands.

  • It's the kind of thing, now over 30 years since it was put up,

  • and it really is the kind of thing now you can say,

  • it's part of the history of this place

  • And it should, really should be preserved and looked after

  • to keep it like this.

  • And all this food!

  • You'll never get food like this again-these boxes.

  • No one eats this kind of stuff anymore

  • But this is how a British base worked 30 years ago.

  • And it's really worthwhile keeping and doing something about.

  • The men who lived and worked in bases like these

  • were taking part in an extraordinary study effort in the Antarctic

  • led by a dozen countries during the International Geophysical Year, 1957.

  • The scientists paved the way for governments go to on cooperating,

  • and eventually, there was an Antarctic Treaty.

  • It's worked ever since to hold Antarctica as a scientific reserve.

  • Today, tourist ships send groups

  • like this one from New York's Museum of Natural History ashore

  • to the sites where once only scientists went.

  • Antarctica's past and present meet here,

  • and perhaps show the way to the future as well.

  • Some environmentalists want to see

  • the entire continent now made into a world park

  • no development or exploitation allowed

  • the Antarctic to remain as it is a place for research,

  • and for amateur naturalists to see the greatest unspoiled wilderness left.

  • Some of the old Geophysical Year stations are still operating.

  • The British base Faraday,

  • for instance, plays a role in researching the periodic

  • huge loss of ozone in the atmosphere

  • over the southern polar region.

  • Further south another British base Rothera,

  • serves as a headquarters for inland science projects that can

  • only be reached by plane.

  • The flights take off from a runway cleared from the glacier,

  • with a path well marked

  • so the aircraft doesn't slide into one of the nearby crevasses

  • that split the surface.

  • From the air,

  • an observer easily sees the extent of one of the great treasures

  • and paradoxes of Antarctica

  • ice.

  • This is the driest continent.

  • Hardly any snow or rain ever falls.

  • But what does fall is frozen in place and remains.

  • So Antarctica is both the continent with the least precipitation

  • and the one with the most water

  • almost all of it locked up in ice

  • Some estimates are that 70 percent of the world's freshwater is here.

  • The ice here on the plateau also provides an ancient atmospheric record

  • that's key to studying new phenomenon

  • such as the greenhouse effect.

  • These operations are just underway.

  • When full drilling begins the scientists will be able to

  • plunge the drill bit through centuries

  • to see what changes have occurred over time.

  • On board the Damien II again the Antarctic summer is progressing,

  • although it is still not dark after midnight.

  • Indeed, Jerome calls this the planet of light.

  • There are only a few stops left for the travelers,

  • one of them a special place for Sally and Jerome.

  • More than ten years ago

  • on their first voyage to the Antarctic together,

  • they decided to stay over in the long darkness of winter.

  • They had only the Damien II for a base

  • frozen in a harbor here at Avian Island.

  • It was a really big surprise for us

  • to see just how many penguins there were

  • or how many birds there were on that island,

  • but really surrounded by them.

  • They found extraordinary life

  • including 70,000 Adelie penguins on the island.

  • Avian is located at the top of Marguerite Bay,

  • and it's the breeding ground for much of the bird life

  • that lives and hunts throughout the Bay region.

  • If something happened here

  • it could seriously affect bird life in the entire Bay area.

  • Besides the Adelies's...

  • every single bit of that island is covered in birds.

  • And you're surrounded by birds.

  • And you really do live

  • part of that cycle of the summer season with them, completely.

  • But the poncets are disturbed to learn the birds may soon be

  • sharing the island.

  • A Chilean scientist from a nearby base if examining Avian

  • as a possible site for future studies.

  • Sally and Jerome are beginning to worry that

  • the many scientists and bases could soon overwhelm the fragile

  • wilderness they have come to study.

  • Jerome navigates the Damien II through the mouth of a narrow passage

  • at Terra Firma Island.

  • They are very far south now

  • nearly at the base of the peninsula where conditions are terribly harsh.

  • Some years, the sea is frozen solid here,

  • the air is very cold.

  • Nonetheless, small patches of grass and pearlwort flourish here,

  • unexceptional in any way

  • except that these are the southernmost

  • flowering plants known to exist anywhere-the furthest outpost of green

  • in a world that is almost all grays and blacks and ice white.

  • It was the Poncets who made this discovery

  • and reported it to the scientific world

  • although they now realize this, too may draw others.

  • People have realize what this is

  • and realize how they can damage it if they come too close,

  • and how they can keep away and still enjoy it.

  • There's a bit of a compromise to doing it,

  • and you can't just ban people from coming to certain places all over

  • just because they might damage it.

  • They've got to be taught how not to damage it

  • so that they can come in and enjoy it.

  • Many explorers must pause to wonder a little at what they do and

  • at what will be done by those who inevitably will follow.

  • Not many will follow this far, however

  • The Damien II is entering what is called pack ice,

  • a great plain that's frozen not quite solid.

  • You can feel that-that you've very far south.

  • And there's no one else in the pack.

  • And you're nothing much more than another little bit of ice.

  • You can really feel it as a living thing.

  • You can feel it, you can see it moving up and down with the swell

  • as though it's breathing.

  • And you see animals... the whales which come up to breathe

  • just behind the boat because there's no other space for it, and penguins.

  • The steel hull of the ship allows it to smash its way through.

  • The ice will get worse soon as it gets colder,

  • and then it will not be possible to get through at all.

  • Jerome must judge what is safe.

  • They have hone as far as they can;

  • the Damien II must turn back toward King George Island.

  • From the air,

  • the ice floes look almost impenetrable

  • Once you've been through a really bad storm

  • and just got outor you've had to go through a lot of ice and

  • just managed to get through then the next day,

  • it's beautiful weather-each time, it's really very gratifying,

  • each time, and very satisfying.

  • And you really feel as if you've earned what you've done.

  • It's the feeling of it being very difficult here and you've managed

  • to wade through in spite of that.

  • But all along the peninsula it is clear that as

  • with all frontiers this one is developing.

  • In the time since they left the British base at Rothera,

  • perhaps the biggest cargo ship ever to come this far south

  • has arrived and begum unloading bulldozers and rock crushers,

  • and housing for construction workers.

  • The small landing strip on the snow field above Rothera is to be

  • replaced by a gravel runway,

  • so bigger planes can come and go regularly.

  • It will mean blasting away part of a hillside,

  • but the scientists say it must be done if their work is to go on.

  • The Antarctic Treaty which has worked to protect

  • the polar region for three decades may be reviewed next year.

  • Some countries are interested in exploring

  • for oil here or for minerals.

  • Already there is an agreement for exploitation that the

  • treaty nations are considering.

  • Some think offshore drilling for oil is certain,

  • and that that is going to mean the greatest change yet for Antarctica.

  • Oh, we are next to the first area actually where

  • oil will be exploited next to this...

  • and maybe this one will die covered with oil, maybe not.

  • Or maybe he will be starving very hungry,

  • because there will be no more food.

  • After that will be our children.

  • Meanwhile, building goes ahead especially

  • on King George Island

  • the Damien ll's final destination.

  • If you look at what's happening at Rothera...

  • what's happening here.

  • This is the first steps in opening the place up.

  • That's for sure. To what, I don't know.

  • The rest of the world is still over the horizon,

  • but it seems to get closer everyday.

  • Frontiers are wild places.

  • Once we thought they were all savage and needed conquering.

  • This one doesn't seem so savage anymore.

  • Before it's conquered

  • it may be worth asking what the conquest would mean,

  • and perhaps we should ask too,

  • what will happen to the explorers

  • indeed to all of us,

  • when the frontiers are gone.

This is the most empty place on earth

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