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  • Elon Musk has long since entered the consciousness of the general public. Back in early 2012

  • people started to take notice. One of his companies had just built and delivered an

  • all-electric car. Another of his companies had just flown a capsule to the International

  • Space Station and back. He was being lauded as an entrepreneur on a par with the likes

  • of Steve Jobs. However, whilst Jobs had succeeded in achieving similar feats in two different

  • industries at the same time, Musk has since achieved it in three of them.

  • Musk jumped into the dot com mania after college founding Zip2 in 1995. The company was like

  • a basic version of Google Maps meets Yelp. Compaq bought Zip2 in 1999 for $307million.

  • Musk made $22million from the deal and put most of it into his next start-up, which would

  • eventually become PayPal. In 2002, eBay acquired it for $1.5billion.

  • Musk moved from Silicon Valley to Los Angeles. He put in $100million into SpaceX, $70million

  • into Tesla Motors and $10million into SolarCity. It was adopting ultra-risk-taking to the extreme.

  • When possible his companies all make things from scratch, rethinking accepted convention.

  • SpaceX was battling the likes of Lockheed Martin and Boeing in the USA as well as other

  • entire nations like China and Russia. It is the low-cost supplier in the industry. They

  • are currently testing reusable rockets that can take up cargo and then land back on Earth.

  • Once this is perfected it will become a world leader in taking cargo, and humans, into space.

  • Tesla Motors is an automobile firm that strives to make all-electric cars that push the limits

  • of technology. They are not sold through dealers, but sold on the web and in galleries in shopping

  • centres. Cars are free to refuel from solar powered supercharging stations alongside roads.

  • SolarCity is the largest installer and financier of solar panels for business and consumers

  • in the United States of America. His total net worth is over $12billion but

  • how has he done it? By thinking big and having long term goals. This is epitomised by his

  • talk of putting mankind on Mars. Born in South Africa on 28th June 1971, Elon

  • grew up in Pretoria with his younger brother and sister. In 1984, aged 12 a PC magazine

  • published the source code of a video game he had created which netted him $500.

  • As a young boy he had a compulsion to read. At one point he ran out of books to read at

  • the library so he read the Encyclopaedia Britannica. At 17 he travelled to Canada to avoid South

  • African military service as he didn’t want to be part of the apartheid regime. He secured

  • a Canadian passport through his mother and left home for good.

  • After 2 years at University in Ontario he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania.

  • Soon after university he founded Zip2 with his brother. Originally calledGlobal Link

  • Information Network’, they rented a 20x30 foot office in Palo Alto which left them broke.

  • They lived at the office, showering at the YMCA. Early on Musk would sleep on a beanbag

  • next to his desk, asking the first employees to kick him when they came in to wake him

  • up so he could return to his work. In early 1996, the company received $3million

  • in venture capital. They hired talented software engineers who improved on the code originally

  • written by Musk who was self-taught. The venture capitalists pushed Musk into the role of CTO

  • and despite the company becoming successful thanks in part to a new business model courting

  • newspapers to use its service, Musk had lost control. He vowed from that point on to stay

  • as CEO in any new ventures and as soon as the offer from Compaq for $307million was

  • accepted, he left Zip2. Musk had become a dot-com millionaire at 27

  • and his confidence meant he needed a new, ambitious project. He purchased a McLaren

  • sports car (at the time only one of 62) and organised races with billionaire Oracle co-founder,

  • Larry Ellison. Musk invested $12million into leaving

  • him $4million after taxes for personal use. was to become one of the world’s first

  • online banks and went live in November 1999. eventually merged with Confinity, created

  • by Max Levchin and Peter Thiel which had a payment service called PayPal. Musk took charge

  • but after an employee coup and a letter of no confidence was sent to the board, Musk

  • was replaced by Thiel as CEO. Musk continued to be the largest shareholder even when Thiel

  • rebranded to PayPal. PayPal had a revenue of $240million per year and after the board

  • accepted a $1.5billion offer for the company from eBay, Musk walked away with $180million

  • after tax. After PayPal, Elon and his now ex-wife Justine

  • moved to Los Angeles. Musk picked that location to give him access to the space industry.

  • He wanted to do something meaningful and lasting with his life.

  • His first plan was to send mice to Mars and back. His second was to send a robotic greenhouse

  • to Mars and use it to grow a plant and produce the first oxygen on the planet.

  • After failing to buy a rocket from the Russians, Musk decided they could build a rocket themselves.

  • In June 2002 Space Exploration Technologies or SpaceX was born. They purchased a test

  • site in Texas. In December 2003 SpaceX unveiled a prototype of its first rocket, Falcon 1.

  • After several tests and failed attempts, Falcon 1 successfully launched from Kwaj in the Marshall

  • Islands. On 1st July 2003 Tesla Motors was founded

  • by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. The initial electric car they were building would

  • be powered by nearly 7,000 lithium ion batteries and use the chassis of a Lotus Elise.

  • When searching for some venture capital funding, Elon Musk invested $6.5million to become the

  • largest shareholder and chairman of Tesla Motors. On 27th January 2005 a new car had

  • been built by only 18 people. Musk then invested a further $9million.

  • Spiralling costs led to their first production model, the Roadster to cost approximately

  • $200,000, even though they planned to sell it for $85,000. This (among other reasons)

  • resulted in Eberhard being replaced as CEO in August 2007. By the end of the year, Eberhard

  • had left the company completely. Eventually Musk would become the CEO.

  • Despite serious financial concerns with his companies, in particular with Tesla Motors,

  • which was hours away from bankruptcy, on 23rd December 2008 NASA picked SpaceX to be a supplier

  • for the International Space Station. The deal consisted of 12 flights to the ISS and the

  • company received £1.6billion as payment. SpaceX now sends rockets up about once a month,

  • carrying satellites for companies and nations and supplies for the ISS. Their latest advancement

  • is to use rockets that return to Earth with great accuracy, using reverse thrusters to

  • lower them slowly so they can be reused. This it is hoped will cut SpaceX’s cost for a

  • launch to 1/10th of its rivals. SpaceX’s estimated worth is now $12billion. It is still

  • a fundamental goal of SpaceX to create the technology to establish life on Mars.

  • In summer 2012, Tesla Motors began shipping the Model S.

  • A couple of years earlier on 29th June 2010, Tesla Motors became the first US car maker

  • to go public since Ford in 1956. There were again financial issues though as not enough

  • cars were being sold. Musk was in talks with Larry Page at Google and a handshake agreement

  • was made to sell Tesla to Google. However the car sales improved, the value of Tesla

  • increased and the Google deal fell through. Elon Musk’s cousins, the Rive brothers formed

  • the company SolarCity in 2006. It did not manufacture solar panels, instead buying them

  • from other companies. Everything else was done in-house from installing the panels to

  • building software to analyse whether solar made sense for a particular property. Musk

  • became the chairman and its largest shareholder, owning a third of the company. SolarCity has

  • become the largest installer of solar panels in the USA. It went public in 2012 and is

  • now worth over $7billion. In June 2014 the company purchased a solar cell maker called

  • Silevo for $200million and began producing their own solar panels.

  • In August 2013 Musk announced the Hyperloop. It will be a new method of transportation,

  • moving people and cars in pods through a raised pneumatic tube. Each pod is thrust forward

  • by an electromagnetic pulse with motors in the tube boosting the pods as needed to maintain

  • a speed of 800mph. The whole thing will be solar powered. Hyperloop Technologies Inc.

  • has been formed and Musk had a one-to-one meeting with President Obama about the idea

  • in August 2014. Elon Musk’s ambition shows no signs of slowing

  • down as he continues to run three billion dollar companies whilst still continuing to

  • invent and invest.

Elon Musk has long since entered the consciousness of the general public. Back in early 2012

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