Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles %uh well we humans have always been obsessed with communicating It's how we turn ideas into the glue that binds us together into tribes and societies, in oral traditions an idea spreads from person to person everyone briefly owns it modifies it and can choose to pass it through social networks or let it die its survival of the fittest and only the most compelling ideas thrive but the last 100 years of the broadcast you're a changed all that here audiences became consumers have ideas not participate in spreading them Brandon causes with access to broadcast could guarantee attention became survival of the richest now that the broadcast your is ending what will come next %uh with audiences again in charge of what ideas they seek skipping pass along we are entering a time that looks like a digitally empowered version of the oral tradition %uh the digital world era here its survival of the fittest again and what kind of ideas survive in any world tradition stories it's time we all became storytellers again but help it starts by thinking if your brand itself as a story every communication you create is another chapter in an unfolding epic starring you and your audience on the surface have any story you find characters settings conflict none of these things are placed there by chance every visible elemental well told story is the article is Trick or Treat about the world a moral of the story morals are themselves expressions and values that the storyteller wants to share different values Creed vastly different worlds and story surfaces Joseph Campbell the studied stories across cultures in millenia discovered the most universally successful stories were myths call audiences to hire human values like community justice truth and self-expression Campbell also uncovered the Hero's Journey a formula for iconic storytelling that has always work we still see it everywhere and it provides huge insights for a story based brand an unlikely hero a powerless outsider models through a broken world she wants to live out her higher values but feels powerless to do so then she meets a mentor who tells her so much more as possible he gives her a magic gift and call sir to a dangerous adventure of self-discovery on this adventure she confronts the evil source in the world brokenness and sees a treasure with which he comes back to heal society audience is thrilled to hear this story again and again brands can use this formula to become storytelling master's tea how star with the hero this year doesn't start out as the insider the one with the power she's an outsider to your brand so she's not you the hero of your story is your audience so if you're not the hero who are you the mentor you are the character that reveals more as possible you work to connect audiences to their deeper values you teacher Corps truth moral of the story the provide spoke to heal a broken world stop talking about how great you are and start telling stories about how great your audience can be and give them a magic gift something that makes the adventure you're offering seem likely to succeed a great brand gift has taken good story brands and made them cultural icons any brand could become a story brand by finding its relevance in its values its consistency by building every communication around its moral it finds resonance in its unique voices mentor rather than hero and its differentiator its gift but that's the easy part in the transparent world to the Detroit you're a mythic success will take something more a commitment to live the higher values US pals those that don't will lose credibility and their stories with brands brave enough to live their values will reach iconic status and laid out to destroy lansky they will tell the stories and create the myths that will win the story this
B1 US Winning the Story Wars - The Hero's Journey (2012) 77 5 Akuzawa Noboru posted on 2016/03/26 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary