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  • You sure you told him the right place, man?

  • I told him Villa Rosa!

  • Villa Rosa?

  • Villa Rosa, seńor, Villa Rosa.

  • Beautiful place.

  • Great whorehouse there, man.

  • Wait until we get there.

  • You can get seńoritas with big tits.

  • That goddamn fuckin' slut.

  • That Mexican scumbag cunt!

  • I think I saw a sign, Villa Rosa, Charlie,

  • 1 0 minutes ago.

  • How far you going, taco head?

  • żQué pasa cabrón?

  • Look at the meter! It's rigged!

  • He's rigged the meter!

  • Hey, asshole!

  • Hey, I told you Villa Rosa!

  • What are we going to do now?

  • Fuck them.

  • Yeah, sure. How we going to get out of here?

  • Fuck them all.

  • Fuck the whores.

  • Fuck the cab drivers.

  • Fuck Mexico.

  • Fuck Nixon, fuck Vietnam, fuck them all.

  • But how we going to get out of here?

  • They made me kill babies, man.

  • Little gook babies.

  • You ever have to kill a baby?

  • Yeah. O.K., come on. We'll get a ride.

  • We got to get back to the villa.

  • Fuck you! What do you mean, O.K.?

  • What do you mean, O.K.?

  • You ever have to kill a little gook baby?

  • What the fuck do you know what I did?

  • I didn't think so. I didn't think so.

  • You're full of shit.

  • No, you are.

  • Leave me the fuck alone!

  • You're nuts.

  • The sun is going down.

  • We got to get out of here.

  • Don't shit me, Kovic. You never killed a baby.

  • You never had to.

  • You never put your soul into that war,

  • never put your soul on the line.

  • How the fuck do you know?

  • Maybe I killed more babies than you did!

  • Maybe I did,

  • but I don't have to talk about it!

  • Why not? Why the fuck not?

  • What are you hiding?

  • What are you, better than anybody else?

  • You a hero, maybe?

  • Got a bunch of medals,

  • but deep down you're full of shit!

  • You never fought. You weren't even there.

  • What the fuck do you mean, I wasn't there, man?

  • Come on, hero, come clean.

  • Why should I?

  • What are you hiding?

  • You're the one that's hiding here in Mexico.

  • What are you hiding from, you whiny fuck?

  • Don't shit me!

  • You never killed anybody, anything, did you, Kovic?

  • Did you?

  • Ever look at yourself in the fucking mirror?

  • Fuck you. You.


  • Fuck you! No, fuck you!

  • Get off me!

  • Get off me, you fucker!

You sure you told him the right place, man?

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