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  • Im on an iPhone

  • Where have the bars gone?

  • I swear I had service a minute ago.

  • mm I, I know its been hard to call me

  • You've tried without any luck

  • I swear Im not getting them

  • My reception sucks

  • So you decide to text me,

  • After our stupid fight

  • I try text you I love you

  • And it corrects "You" to "Bryce"

  • Whoah

  • Hows that the same, this will be

  • Hard to explain,

  • Considering, that I know

  • A guy by that name

  • I try to call you and claim

  • Siri just thinks Im gay,

  • But its all in vain.

  • Cause Im on an iPhone

  • Where is the dial tone?

  • I swear I had service a minute ago.

  • Its Searching and Searching

  • I couldn't be networking

  • Playing Draw Something with you

  • If these 4g speeds really did exist,

  • I would still be posting our instagram pics,

  • All these carriers are full of it

  • Cant I get an app for better service?

  • So I go to higher ground

  • In search for reception

  • I remember Nokia phones

  • Had no problems connecting

  • So I try to facetime you,

  • Once Im at the highest Hight

  • But I dont see your face

  • And all I can see is Brice

  • Whoah,

  • Wait, hold the phone

  • Are you at my home?

  • This has got to be crossing

  • Some kind of Bro code,

  • The call drops, this ain't his ground

  • I text him "major takedown"

  • But corrects it to "shakedown"

  • Im on an iPhone

  • Where are the Payphones

  • If they still existed Id be better off,

  • Its Searching and Searching,

  • I could be networking

  • Playing Fruit Ninja with you

  • Everytime I swear, it corrects it

  • And all my strong worded texts look harmless

  • Maybe I bought the ipod touch

  • That would explain why my service sucks

  • But ill still keep my signature at the end

  • Cause after all of this, yeah, Im still bragging.

  • Sent from my iPhone

Im on an iPhone

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