Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles restaurant was getting paid $12 million this year this year and National Basketball Association next year is set to be paid thirteen million dollars and then after that is gonna be a free agent now currently he is not even top five for the highest a read it revenue wise point guard in the NBA for this upcoming year he is number was a guess actually always be 9 nine that is correct if you look your not you to come I'm really not I didn't look like I've as a cue I am you I'm excellent guessing hours the numbers really worth looking I will prove it later so high I seriously will self the Yahoo sports put out an article saying is he worth a max contract they were comparing him to Chris Paul and the biggest differences are will firstly magic johnson like the magic johnson perspective this is that Rondo has a ring Chris Paul doesn't have a wreck I however when you look at you with more and more Chris Paul's a way better free-throw shooter is above 80 percent for his entire career he doesn't turn the ball over as much as raison Rondo has his last three years runners on offer 3 after I think 3.4 two 3-point 8 per game that is a NL 10 what are the other I mean big things that you think a what the difference is that is first between these two oh yes the shooting percentage and you know I'm year that they did when the I mean may discuss it was repeaters over over again by the analyst but they kept saying result when are they can leave them open for me range is not good at the site so they can lay off them once he drives the UPA 10 to 20 def but then that's what you know it's that's in the other point guy with a guitar they can do things they can this from that point the knesset but but the mid-range jumper is very important pages didn't have now I made a floater yeah after the after that year I think you could tell he he specifically we're gonna ask it again cuz it's gotten buddy the elf what's still has it right through everest that's always how bad it was back has gotten better and it's still not good yeah it's just better so I mean to ask for max deal maybe in a few more years if you've got your game up that level he's still young you know but right now says but again the content is coming to an end they've been looking for for potential takers to trading and I think people saying that its hard man it sucks is i think is a good player like ways around I did have when there's there's that's a big ass with and the I think the arguments in 3-point shooting argue that is important to me 4.9 it's not really needed open jumpers but through questionnaires what about the system burst is that the most important to you yeah but your point guard yeah star point guard not like a Marco ya rats like it has to be pretty I mean it's we always know it's the system turn away so that's got to just point goes on so we talk about his turnovers businesses have to be up there cause the least you're producing other points in other ways okay so is Russell Westbrook worthy a max contract and if you're talking this is a turnover ratio right and when you think about that when he scores man s the difference lived if the problem is Russell Westbrook is you have to go back playing point guard that's just the way it is you can expect in fact for as he's not very quickly the reason ya who decided to compare these two is because polls tales are more similar to run those than probably any other player basketball also courting Yahoo Sports in Rogers career he has taken far fewer than half the number a field goal attempts in the fourth quarter with five minutes or less to go in the game then Chris Paul as for Paul and other early point guards are shooting at a higher rate what does he go ahead a lot some food numbers I'll have to see in the fourth quarter a dozen students free throws all the things us I begin to gloss over one who else has that skill level is not numbers guys for sports I get it the use you guys use of I hate you this if if they they use you same's the the whole idea love the game it doesn't like the line the streets lest you know I success me because it made what is this number is the back in the fourth quarter I were as follows: issues in the game sometimes it may be that some things to work on your right to you so I know it you you sound like an old dude who goes tries to get the baseball games with a straw hat and his pipe understand what with deep favor make your day you so much Hawk Harrelson is your most holy living on yeah it does is missing in this damn thing gave you can just look at numbers and then lately think all this guy just falls for the fourth quarter other factors make those numbers go down with Montee Ball with the Oakland A's they decided the in integrate sabermetrics into their team and then it was a domino effect that every team doing it once again proof is in the pudding what would are nothing but same as you talk time %uh something I'm not from not even on-base percentage how they hit a and throwing a fastball in this conference that occur poor weather and all this this is there this is the tracking system from people it isn't integrated statistics system that can help you win games and hopefully and I'm sure they've already done it I mean we haven't seen that much attention drawn to it as much as baseball but I hope they is written in a sly raison Rondo that his numbers from the free-throw line drop in the fourth quarter is is going to start doing everything I think he realizes that he has in falls apart in certain parts the game but just because so if you see by the way whereas I'm last year the fourth quarter shot with a few bills maybe he's maybe is more says maybe don't have the balls let's maybe no one's following because he can't hit a fucking subset Feb nobody's gardepe factual evidence Kevin Durant has his own sabermetrics team any practices on his biggest weaknesses so like elbow elbow hola well as big as we kiss he I think you I think in the last report I read it was palpable fatal ways you shooting a very low percentage and his work right you work on that play a game rice a somewhat isn't getting to the free-throw line the reason you get to the truth lies somewhere has the following that's nothing work on in the gym someone has the following was free throws a bet I mean yeah I mean they think that you work on your free throw shooting items and if it's this caveat is I can I'm not saying that you can't notify yourself what's wrong and fix it but some of these things are affected by someone outside view someone has to fall you tell me why I understand it also provides for the yet no def lemme since what 64 that's that's a sixty-two crystal 686 now we're going back to the Chris Paul river runoff points per game in their career Rajon Rondo 11 .1 points per game 24 point 24 percent from three with you don't take into account Chris Paul nearly 19 points per game in 18 points X 36 percent from three total points Rajon Rondo 5,250 one Chris Paul 10311 steals Chris Paul 1300 1300 31 I could read raison roundout 913 he thought I've it was a leading them on a years one year difference when you different get both runners had to deal with a obviously the injuries or they see aloni missed a few taxes yes these a concrete reasons why of course he said because former was let's discuss for ok if you had to choose knowing the whole thing was to make that argument is a sold 20 1.4 million dollars a year at least I have your point guard Chris Paul I means yards but you don't think he's deserving a max contract real again I can we have three agencies not worthy in two years not does that mean that one minute specials you could pay more than the guys were better than in this is the my husband doesn't have the Chris Paul we just keep talking about I Chris Paul given Tony Parker obviously Chris Paul 21-point fourth million their leaves 19.72 their crows 18-point Russell Westbrook 15 points 7 Tony Parker 12.25 Ty Lawson 12 Tyree could staff 11 each and then sure how it is 10.25 does know is asleep argument I'll awesome and Ty Lawson bookmaking 12 Louise new list is making firm enough but maybe they come up on casualties on Oaklawn Park is no good or fair at the Hard but all these guys are better than Toronto so is it just me am I the only one that thinks he's deserving a max contract you just may harbor why certain yeah I know I have but yet when I watch him play it is look on the graceful scale he's off the fuckin charts and he makes passes the I've made maybe once in my life he impacts the game and different ways maybe more negatives than positives because it is free throw shooting in this field goal percentage