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  • - Let's talk about your finger,

  • because I, like everyone, am fascinated

  • with how long this is taking to heal.

  • - Yeah. [laughs]

  • - I think you're just keeping it on for sympathy, maybe.

  • - Yeah, it's become my style now,

  • and it's like Michael Jackson's glove.

  • - You got your wedding ring caught

  • on the corner of a counter.

  • - Yeah, it's called ring avulsion--don't Google it.

  • It's really gross, but it's real.

  • It almost, like, ripped my finger off my hand,

  • and so, luckily I have a great doctor,

  • and all the great nurses over at Bellevue Hospital

  • took care of my finger and saved my finger.

  • So it's actually a-- it's back on my hand,

  • but it's gonna take a while to heal.

  • I'm doing physical therapy now.

  • I'm thinking probably by the new year.

  • - So, wow, that's, uh--

  • - But it's nothing--I mean, compared with what

  • people really have to deal with it's not that bad.

  • - No, I understand, but still,

  • I mean, it was not just a little--

  • You were in intensive care for 10 days, right?

  • - Yeah. - Wow.

  • - I was in the ICU, and I will say this:

  • I'm so happy you're on television,

  • because when you're in the ICU all day,

  • you really just--you have the television, really.

  • - Yeah. - Is all you can watch.

  • and thank God you're on TV, because you make everyone happy,

  • and you make everyone get better and get out of there.

  • [cheers and applause] Get out of the hospital!

  • It's just a tricky place.

  • And even worse, so I go home.

  • I go home after I taped a show, and I have this tube of stuff

  • I'm supposed to put on a scar on my hand?

  • And so I go home, and I put my pajamas on,

  • and I'm about to go--my wife is there just sleeping--

  • - What color--what do the pajamas look like?

  • - There's a giant sleeping cap.

  • Yeah, yeah, sleeping cap. Yeah, yeah.

  • Just a really--just a robe.

  • A long--a long gown, a nightgown is what I wear.

  • - Like a silky gown?

  • - Yeah, I wear, like, the Jessica Simpson line?

  • - Uh huh.

  • - Yeah, I wear a lot of her stuff

  • It's comfortable, yet, you know, affordable.

  • [laughing] And I wear that.

  • So I go--I'm about to go to bed,

  • and I open this tube, and it's one of those tubes

  • that you open up, and there's also--

  • you have to cut the end off with like a scissors or a knife.

  • - Yeah. - You know those?

  • So I don't have a scissors or a knife,

  • So I go, "I'll just bite it off with my teeth."

  • - Anybody would. - Yeah.

  • So I bite, and my tooth chips-- chips in half.

  • So I take my tooth out, I put it up,

  • and I go in to my wife, I'm like, "Hey, honey!"

  • Yeah, that's me right there.

  • I go, "Hey honey, I'm here!

  • I'm here, I'm ready to hang out for the weekend."

  • And she was sleeping, and I heard her whisper,

  • "Divorce."

  • And it was very interesting.

  • But I had a good run for a while of not doing any accidents,

  • but this one set the record straight.

  • - It seems like we have the safest job in the world,

  • that you couldn't get injured.

  • We're sitting down, we're talking to people.

  • You've been comedian most of your life.

  • You were so, so successful with the show

  • and now Stephen Colbert's started this week,

  • and you're friends with Stephen.

  • - I love Stephen Colbert. - But it's a competitive--

  • I mean, we all are friends.

  • I'm not-- I'm not competing with you,

  • so we don't have that competitive nature,

  • but if you're up against your friend, how does that feel?

  • - Well, yeah, it's interesting.

  • I mean, he's just, as you know,

  • one of the nicest guys out there.

  • And I think the more, the merrier.

  • I think it just brings more attention to late night,

  • and gets more people watching TV in general,

  • so I think we all win.

  • I mean, there's room for everybody.

  • - Yeah. - You know?

  • - Good answer, yeah.

  • - Is it good? - Yeah, it is.

  • - Top--survey says? - And I like you both.

  • I mean, it is, it's really tough,

  • and there is enough to go around.

  • There's enough good vibes for everybody.

  • - Yeah, there's so many channels and so many different people

  • and personalities and different tastes

  • and the more, the merrier.

  • I love the guy. He's a good guy.

  • - So I don't want you to get hurt anymore,

  • and I know you wear suits every night on the show,

  • so I got you something.

  • - You really did? - Yep, I really did.

  • Stand up, let me show you how it goes on.

  • - Okay.

  • Thank you.

  • Put your hands-- put your arms out.

  • - Oh, my gosh.

  • Oh, this is perfect. - Careful of his finger.

  • - Yeah, this is absolutely perfect.

  • Thank you very much. Okay, this is good here, yup.

  • - This is to protect your hands.

  • - Okay, yep.

  • This finger's hurt, but I can do this.

  • - This is a helmet, just to make sure if you fall down.

  • - Ellen, this is great.

  • - No one will ever even know you have a helmet on.

  • - This is like, no one will even know--

  • - It's like real hair.

  • [cheers and applause]

  • - This is so good. No one will even know

  • that I'm not wearing my normal suit.

  • - No one will know that--

  • - People--and this is--I can do anything and be so safe.

  • This is so thoughtful and caring.

  • Thank you for taking care of me. - I care about you.

- Let's talk about your finger,

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