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  • - What is that thing?

  • It looks creepy.

  • (Upbeat music)

  • - [Girl] This looks like Ramen.

  • - This tastes just like Ramen noodles.

  • - I don't really like them.

  • - It's good.

  • - It's really good.

  • - I'd give it a two out of five.

  • - Two?

  • - I give this a five.

  • - I definitely don't want to eat that again.

  • (Buzz)

  • - Can I take these home with me?

  • - In the shape of koala!

  • - Mmm

  • - Mmm

  • - I like that one.

  • - I was even thinking they can make these in California.

  • - And I bit off his poor little head.

  • I'm sorry.

  • - I would love this as my dessert.

  • It's really good.

  • (Bell)

  • - It tastes like a chocolate Rice Krispy.

  • - It tastes like milk chocolate.

  • It's really, really good.

  • - I don't like the taste.

  • - It's five out of five.

  • - I'll give this a five.

  • - It is five out of five.

  • - [Boy] I've never eaten anything flavored like eucalyptus.

  • - Woah! That smells like soap.

  • - I'm scared to eat these because you don't know

  • if this is poisonous for humans in California.

  • - Can I just do one little bite?

  • - Oh! That's horrible.

  • - I

  • think it's pretty good,

  • but also kind of not.

  • (Buzz)

  • (Buzz)

  • - If I were a koala, I wouldn't really

  • like to eat eucalyptus.

  • - I really like this one.

  • (Bell)

  • - Veggie what?

  • - Oh! I've heard of this.

  • Is it Vegemite?

  • - Bleh, I do not like the Vegemite.

  • Bleh!

  • - So this doesn't really pleasant me.

  • - Spicy, weird butter.

  • - It's really sour.

  • Ugh!

  • - Hmm

  • - Oh that's too horrible.

  • - I like the chocolate.

  • - [Voiceover] You think that taste like chocolate?

  • - Is it like fudge or something?

  • What is it?

  • - [Voiceover] Vegemite.

  • - Vegemite. It's good.

  • Vegemite's good.

  • - I think Australian snacks are actually good,

  • but when you look at the bag, it doesn't really look good,

  • but then when you try it, it's good.

  • That's why they say don't judge the book by its cover.

  • - [Voiceover] Do you know most Australian kids

  • eat Vegemite on toast everyday?

  • - [Girl in blue shirt] They do?

  • Well probably out there, they probably like it,

  • but not people here.

  • Probably some people here like it,

  • but me, I don't.

- What is that thing?

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