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  • Welcome to Number Zoo

  • Did you know that there are 20 animals in our zoo?

  • Shall we meet all 20?

  • Come on let's meet the lion first!

  • Hello Furry Lion!

  • Hello Stripey Zebra

  • Hello Giraffe, my what a long neck you have!

  • Hello Cheeky Monkeys

  • Hello orange tiger

  • Hello humpy camel

  • Hello big elephant

  • Hello pretty penguin

  • Hello Hungry Hippo

  • Hello nosey meerkat

  • Hello slithery snake, i hope you like your new home

  • Well hello Mr Gorilla

  • Who's next?

  • Oh Speedy Cheetah, I love your spotty fur!

  • Hello happy Beaver, look at your big teeth

  • Hello flappy bats. When it's dark the bats come out to play.

  • Good afternoon cuddly panda! Are you enjoying the sunshine?

  • Hello pretty flamingo. I love your pink feathers.

  • eeek hello big brown bear

  • Hello Toad.Was that a tasty fly?

  • There's only one more animal to visit

  • Beautiful butterflies, hello!

  • Thank you for visiting the animals at Number Zoo today

  • Well done for counting all the way to 20

  • See you again soon, bye!

Welcome to Number Zoo

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