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  • Top 10 Amazing (Somewhat Terrifying) Facts about AI

  • 10. Most AI isFemale

  • One thing

  • that you may have noticed when it comes to AI that you possibly interact with, like Google Now, Siri, and Cortana, that the

  • default voice is female. For the record, this isn’t one of the terrifying facts; we just

  • find it fascinating that AI tends to be female. Why is that, exactly?

  • Well, there’s no specific reason but a few factors play into it. For example, studies

  • have shown that males and females both like the sound of female voices a bit better. Another

  • reason, according to Karl Fredric MacDorman, a computer scientist and expert in human-computer

  • interaction at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, is that mostly men work on AI

  • so they probably find females attractive and want their AI to follow suit. Kathleen Richardson,

  • a social anthropologist, said that female AI would be less threatening than male AI.

  • For example, compare Samantha in Her to the Terminator machines. Well, except for Terminator

  • 3, but then again, who the hell actually remembers that movie?

  • 9. Artificial Intelligence Pets

  • Pets are great, but they have a number of downsides. You have to clean up after them,

  • they can be destructive, they need to be fed, and of course, they die. Something that will

  • take care of all those downsides is AI driven pets. University of Melbourne animal welfare

  • researcher Dr. Jean-Loup Rault says that there are already a number of patents for robot

  • pets and they could be widely available by 2025.

  • Rault says that in the next 10-15 years, developers will work on a number of aspects of AI and

  • robotics so that manufacturers will be able to build pet-bots that people will be able

  • to make an emotional connection with. Rault believes that robotic pets will be one of

  • the only viable options for most people as the world gets more populated. He theorized

  • that by 2050, only the incredibly wealthy will be able to afford real live pets.

  • 8. Artificial Intelligence Can Repair Itself

  • On the terrifying end of the spectrum, there was a paper published this year about a robot

  • that could rebuild itself, even after losing two of its six legs. The robot doesn’t know

  • what’s broken, but notices that its performance has dropped. Then, using an algorithm based

  • on trial and error, the robot can figure out what’s wrong and how to repair itself. The

  • researchers who developed the robot said that as it fixes itself, it updates its database

  • with all the things that will not work in a phase calledsimulated childhood.”

  • This phase lasts for a few minutes and during that time, the robot processes 13,000 possible

  • movements. Those movements are pulled from 10^47 different behaviors, which is an unfathomable

  • number. For a comparison, that’s how many atoms make up the Earth. The implications

  • of this type of artificial intelligence are essentially limitless. Some of the more exciting

  • prospects include search and rescue and deep sea and space exploration.

  • 7. Artificial Intelligence Can Write

  • The first piece for a major news organization that was written by AI appeared on the Los

  • Angeles Times website after a newspaper article reading:

  • “A shallow magnitude 4.7 earthquake was reported Monday morning five miles [8km] from

  • Westwood, California, according to the US Geological Survey. The temblor occurred at

  • 6.25am Pacific time at a depth of 5.0 miles. According to the USGS, the epicenter was six

  • miles from Beverly Hills, California, seven miles from Universal City, California, seven

  • miles from Santa Monica, California, and 348 miles from Sacramento, California. In the

  • past 10 days, there have been no earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and greater centered nearby.

  • This information comes from the USGS Earthquake Notification Service and this post was created

  • by an algorithm written by the author.”

  • The computer was able to write the article based on data that was pulled from seismographs,

  • which turned them into figures and then plugged those figures into a story. The technology

  • was developed in part by Larry Birnbaum, a professor of journalism and the head of the

  • Intelligent Information Laboratory at Northwestern University. He was one of the developers of

  • the Quill system, which is an app for companies that do minimal writing. It takes statistics

  • and graphs and compiles them into written reports. As for creative writing, like novels

  • and screenplays, that is the next step for AI, but it’s obviously complicated. Perhaps

  • AI will start off at a Nicholas Sparkslevel and then work itself up from there.

  • 6. Artificial Intelligence can be a Fierce Poker Player

  • A big step in the evolution of AI was when IBM’s chess-playing Deep Blue computer beat

  • reigning world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. Another milestone was in 2011 when IBM’s

  • Watson appeared on Jeopardy and completely destroyed some of the best Jeopardy contestants

  • ever. AI took another major step in May 2015, when a supercomputer called Claudico from

  • Carnegie Mellon University competed in a game of Heads-Up No-Limit Texas Holdem poker

  • at the Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh. The tournament lasted two weeks and 80,000 hands were played.

  • In the end, Claudico came in fourth, and thelosswas close enough to be considered

  • scientifically valid, meaning that statistically, Claudico tied his human competitors. While

  • it didn’t win, it was a big step in AI computing. The big difference between a game like poker

  • and playing chess or Jeopardy is that poker has a lot of missing information, and bluffing

  • is a major strategy and not a logical way of thinking.

  • Researchers said that the tournament was a great start and they believe that by 2020,

  • AI will be able to beat the best poker players in the world. This type of AI also has a number

  • of other applications instead of just trying to clean out casinos. The algorithms used

  • in Claudico will be applicable anywhere there is incomplete information, including cyber

  • security, medicine and negotiations.

  • 5. Romantic Relationships with Artificial Intelligence

  • HER

  • A question that’s bound to arise is that if AI is almost or completely indistinguishable

  • from humans, will humans be able to have physical and emotional relationships with AI entities?

  • David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands had an interesting, but

  • plausible, scenario where sex with a robot could become more mainstream. He said that

  • at first it will come across as geeky, but then a story will appear in a publication

  • like Cosmo in which someone will rave about how great sex with a robot is, and the mainstream

  • attention could alter the prevailing attitudes.

  • But how close are we to something like that? Well, both Levy and Henrik Christensen, founder

  • of the European Robotics Research Network, thought that by 2012, humans would be having

  • sex with robots. Were actually closer than you think, as there are currently a number

  • of sex toys that use robotics and promise pleasure like youve never experienced before.

  • As for serious relationships, like marriage, AI and Androids still need quite a few years

  • of advancement. With that being said, Levy believes that by 2050, human and robot marriages

  • will be made legal. Of course it could just be that Levy is way too big a fan of the movie

  • Her.

  • 4. Artificial Intelligence Can Learn

  • There’s a saying about computers that theyre only as smart as the person using them. However,

  • with advancements with AI, computers are starting to learn by themselves. For example, Google

  • developed an AI system that taught itself to play Atari 2600 games. After doing so,

  • it beat some of the world’s best players.

  • Another learning AI system is an android developed by the United States Army that learned how

  • to cook from watching YouTube videos. The robot was able to learn the skills from visual

  • recognition and trial and error. While it’s unlikely that the military will use robot

  • chefs, cooking uses a wide arrange of skills so it is an excellent demonstration of what

  • the robot is capable of.

  • 3. AI Will Become Smarter Than Humans

  • With AI having the ability to learn, computers are getting to be pretty smart. As of 2013,

  • AI was about at the same intelligence level as a four-year-old and there have been lots

  • of advances since then. For example, in 2014 a supercomputer cracked a complicated math

  • problem called Erdos discrepancy problem, which was published in 1930. The amazing thing

  • is that humans can’t even double check the solution because the equation is too long.

  • The file is 13-gigabytes, and just for comparison, all of Wikipedia is about 10-gigbytes.

  • According to renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil, by 2029 AI will be at about the level of intelligent

  • adult humans. Beyond that, anything is pretty much possible, especially if AI can get exponentially

  • smarter. For example, Kurzweil believes it could lead to something called singularity,

  • which is where humans and machines will meld into one entity.

  • 2. Nautilus

  • An interesting development in artificial intelligence is an SGI Altix supercomputer called Nautilus.

  • It appears that, to a certain degree, Nautlius can predict the future. For example, it was

  • able to predict where Osama bin Laden was hiding within 125 miles, and was also able

  • to predict the Arab Spring that started in December of 2010.

  • Nautilus gathered this information from over 100 million news articles from all over the

  • world dating back to 1945. The articles would be analyzed for two different criteria: the

  • mood of the article, and the location of the story. This information led to a web of 100

  • trillion relationships and the data was fed into Nautilus. From that information, the

  • computer was able to piece the information together and create graphs that charted mood.

  • For example, with the Arab Spring, sentiment in the area was low before the protests.

  • The author of the findings, Kalev Leetaru from the University of IllinoisInstitute

  • for Computing in the Humanities, Arts and Social Science, is looking at making the information

  • work in real time. While Nautilus won’t exactly predict the future, it may give mood

  • forecasts similar to economic forecasts or weather reports.

  • 1. The AI Apocalypse

  • There’s little doubt that AI has the potential to greatly improve our lives. AI will make

  • the roads safer, help in medicine, aide the disabled and the elderly, work customer service

  • and a number of countless other jobs. However, AI also poses an incredible threat, and this

  • isn’t the stuff of science fiction, either. Top scientists and technologists like Stephen

  • Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon Musk believe that AI is a very real, and dangerous threat

  • to humankind.

  • It’s so dangerous that Max Tegmark, a physicist at MIT, compared it to the development of

  • nuclear weapons and says we may only be able to do it right the first time. In fact, there

  • has been a push to actually slow down advancement on AI and focus more on containment. Containment

  • is important because if we were to ever lose control of AI, we may never get it back. Then

  • it’s just a matter of time, since the AI could wipe out humanity because it could calculate

  • that humans are a virus-like being, or it could kill humans as a way of self-preservation.

  • Essentially, AI will either fix all of our problems or destroy us all. In other words,

  • The Terminator and The Matrix aren’t nearly as farfetched as we previously believed.

Top 10 Amazing (Somewhat Terrifying) Facts about AI

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