Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles What is up? Andy with True detective season finale is about to come on, and I thought what better way to celebrate that is to give you guys a video. The best free Mac apps 2014. So that's what I'm gonna do. Let's get right into this. This is just my personal favorite list of all the free apps for Mac that I always recommend to people so Let's do it right now. Best free Mac apps 2014. All these apps will be linked in the blog post link below so if you click that blog post link that will take you to the page on my website where it lists all these apps where I link them all and you can download them for free for the Mac. Kicking off this list deservingly so is caffeine. Caffeine has been with me through the years for I don't know how, ever since I've gotten a Mac. Basically it just does it's very simple. It keeps your Mac awake. It doesn't let your Mac go to sleep. It comes in handy, trust me its does it's very simple that's all it does. But it does come in handy I use it all the time so caffeine is number one number two on the list is actually two applications they're both web browsers and its Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox those are both free web browsers. I'm going to list them together because I use them both equally the same and they both do different things for example Firefox has some awesome addons that I can't live without chrome on the other hand is very fast. It also has some addons as well but firefox does have some addons that chrome does not have that I use so I use them both hand in hand they both work great I always install them together so chrome and firefox free web browsers definitely cannot live without those number three on the list is transmission It's a free Bit Torrent client for the Mac and I've always used this as my BitTorrent client it is is lightweight it's simple it's free it allows you to add block lists all kinds of stuff and is is probably it's just the best BitTorrent client I've tried uTorrent for the Mac and I i went back to transmission transmission is the best BitTorrent client so if you need something to download torrents from, use transmission for the Mac it is by far the best cloud storage of course I can't just choose one so Dropbox and Google Drive both use those every single day they both hold a very special place in my heart so i can't put one on the list and leave out the other so they're both included free cloud storage Dropbox and Google Drive I'm sure you've already heard of them Google Drive is free with a Google account also Dropbox is free to start out there's actually a paid plan as well but I use the free versions for both of them and they fulfill all my cloud storage needs so Google Drive and Dropbox definitely a must-have for Mac users better touch tool this is a fantastic free app for the Mac if you have a trackpad or a magic mouse this is this will let you customize different gestures just totally customize the heck out of it so I right now I don't have a magic mouse or trackpad on this Mac Meaning so I don't have it installed on this machine but on my MacBook Pro I do and so if you have a a magic pad or trackpad anything like that on your Mac get the better touch tool and you can customize it it is definitely awesome next on the list is the veteran, the all-star handbrake this has been on the best free Mac apps list for ever since I can remember ever since I was a young lad this is a video converting application it also does some other things as well so if you want to convert a movie to mp4 to put on your iPhone or iPad or you wanna convert all kinds of it's just a very good converting application to have for videos and also does some other things as well definitely got to have that on your Mac that's handbrake now sticking with the converting applications this is called smart converter it does the the same thing it converts video files but it also converts audio files as well just a very quick and simple converting application to have alongside handbrake and it's it's good to have I use this a lot when I just want to do a quick conversion for any time of specific device or an mp3 conversion if I want to convert something to an mp3 audio file I use this application awesome application it is called smart converter another free converting application for the Mac is called adapter I'm not going to include it on my list because I personally do not use it but I've heard good things it gets a lot of praise it's very popular if you want to check that out it's called adapter again I don't use it but it's free and I've heard good things converts videos and audio files VirtualBox this is an awesome application it's a free virtual Machine Manager for the Mac so if you want to install Linux or Windows or just any virtual machine on your Mac this is a free application that you can do that with it's awesome it's what I started out with when I installed Windows on my Mac for the first time since then I've moved to a a premium application call parallels because it has some added features and added functionality but VirtualBox works awesomely great if you don't wanna spend any money and just try it out for free VirtualBox is the way to go if you're looking to install Windows on your Mac now this next app I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce it but I'm gonna do my best its Libreoffice that's what I'm going to go with right now I don't know if that's right but it's basically a free office suite for your Mac so if you don't want to shell out the cash for microsoft office for mac you can use this as an alternative you know it doesn't work as great as microsoft office but it is the best free office suite for the Mac you can have a It's got a writer document calc spreadsheet so you can do all the basic things you can do slide presentations you can do word processing and excel sheets You can do all kinds of stuff like that also database for access alternative but yeah if you were looking for a free office suite for the Mac Libre office is definitely the way to go next on the list is Evernote evernote is one of my favorite applications period I love this this is cross platform so it's not just for the Mac it's free it's a web app that allows you to store all your notes on in evernote so it's a note-taking cloud app that syncs with the cloud to all your different devices so you can never forget anything again you can take notes write things down it will sync up to your your Evernote account and then be synced to your devices so if I'm on my Mac and I want to take a note I can put it right here on my Mac it will sync to the cloud instantly and it will be synced on my iPhone my iPad and on my Windows computer so it's basically one of the best applications to have period its it's free and I love it it'll definitely it works as a productivity app you'll never forget anything again I use it to store all my ideas for videos anything I need to to write down and just remember so its a virtual notebook pretty much evernote if you don't have it get it right now the creators of evernote also created another awesome application called skitch this is free and this is a way to add annotations and arrows and text to a screen grab or certain picture it's basically just a up a team app if you if you're sending something to somebody and you want to actually draw their attention to something or explain something on on a from a screen grab or picture this is a great application to have it's definitely the easiest way to edit info into a picture or screen grab this next app is one of my favorite all-time applications ever for Windows and Mac as it works cross-platform VLC VLC is a another all-star this is a media player it will play any type of audio or video file I don't care what it is it will play it if it's a video or audio file and it also has some other functionalities as well this is definitely one of my all-time favorite applications I love it I install it this is one of the first applications I install on a computer Mac or Windows so check that out that is VLC media player this next app is not for everybody but if you're getting into programming or you want to edit some code Sublime Text is the best free code editor on the Mac so if you're looking to edit some HTML documents or any type of code document Sublime Text is the best for that Sublime Text for the Mac next up is FileZilla this is a free FTP application for the Mac and it's actually cross platform as well but there are some other ones for the Mac called I think Cyberduck is one but I've always used FileZilla for the FTP that I need to do on the Mac I've never had a problem with it it's worked great for me so I always recommend it and I haven't really tried any other ones so FileZilla a free FTP app for the Mac okay so this next app is for everybody out there who gets on the computer at night so everybody it is a life saver it's called flux if you've never heard of it it's F.LUX and it's a very simple application it runs in the background of your Mac and it will adjust your screen brightness and color actually your screen color according to what time of day it is so as the Sun Goes Down your screen will start to become warmer more like warmer colors and it will it will be easier on your eyes