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  • OSHO Talks: silence shared in words

  • OSHO International Foundation presents

  • Osho: The Need for Dynamic Meditation

  • Meditation was not something

  • arduous or difficult,

  • but to the Western mind

  • or even to the Eastern mind today

  • which is absolutely overtaken

  • by the Western ideology,

  • watching the mind

  • is not an easy job.

  • So much garbage and so much crap

  • has been

  • forced into the mind

  • that you go almost crazy just watching it.

  • It is a film

  • which begins, but never ends.

  • You can go on watching day in, day out,

  • year in, year out

  • and the mind

  • is always ready to supply

  • new

  • images,

  • new dreams.

  • It is because of this

  • I had

  • to create

  • few other devices...

  • before you could enter into a

  • silent witnessing meditation like Vipassana.

  • Dynamic,

  • Kundalini,

  • and others...

  • I have

  • made devices

  • to help you cathart,

  • throw out your

  • garbage rather than

  • waste time in watching it.

  • It can be thrown out

  • by Latihan --

  • tremendously beautiful --

  • but it is not a meditation; it is only a clearance.

  • It can be done by Dynamic Meditation

  • even better than by Latihan,

  • because Latihan has some dangers

  • which I have

  • cut out of the meditation.

  • Sometimes Latihan people go

  • mad

  • because they cannot stop Latihan.

  • It is an Indonesian method

  • which became immensely successful

  • in the fifties

  • in Europe and America.

  • It never became successful in the East

  • because in the East,

  • particularly in Indonesia,

  • which is a backward country,

  • there is nothing to cathart.

  • The man who invented Latihan --

  • Bapak Subuh --

  • he called his philosophy 'subud'.

  • He has taken the word `Subud'

  • from `Buddha',

  • it means

  • `the great awakening'.

  • But Latihan cannot bring the great awakening.

  • It became fashionable in the West and then

  • disappeared completely,

  • because it created many people

  • who had to be put

  • into mental asylums,

  • for the simple reason that it has no

  • inbuilt process

  • to stop.

  • Once you start Latihan

  • you are overtaken by the process of catharsis,

  • and it goes on and on

  • and you don't know what to do.

  • You are almost

  • without any control.

  • But in Dynamic Meditation

  • I have divided into different sections.

  • Latihan has to be done alone;

  • Dynamic Meditation has to be done under

  • instruction.

  • Then once you have learned it

  • you can do it alone.

  • Under instruction, after each ten minutes,

  • the process can be changed.

  • So you are always in control.

  • It never becomes so big as to take

  • all control into its own hands.

  • These devices are needed

  • just to clear the rubbish that Christianity has created

  • and to bring you to a state of naturalness,

  • simplicity...

  • And from there

  • the only way is

  • witnessing, which is called

  • by Buddha, Vipassana.

  • Vipassana means

  • `looking at'.

  • It will be good

  • that if you

  • are doing Vipassana...

  • any silent meditation --

  • don't choose --

  • then Dynamic Meditation becomes absolutely essential,

  • because of Christianity...

  • because Christianity has

  • poisoned your mind

  • and that poison has to be taken away, thrown out.

  • You have to go completely crazy to throw it out;

  • otherwise that craziness remains inside you,

  • and it won't allow you

  • to get

  • into a silent,

  • watching, witnessing meditation.

  • So do some Dynamic Meditation,

  • do some jogging,

  • do some running,

  • swimming

  • and when you feel utterly tired,

  • when you feel an intrinsic need to relax,

  • you are free from Christianity.

  • Then you can sit silently,

  • and then you can watch your mind

  • and it is not much.

  • You have thrown out almost

  • ninety-nine percent of it.

  • Maybe here and there

  • a few pieces are clinging

  • because they are very old and have become glued to you...

  • Just watch them.

  • Watching is a process of ungluing

  • those small pieces here and there

  • hanging in the mind.

  • Once they also disappear,

  • you don't have a mind,

  • you have a vast sky opening.

  • That is the explosion,

  • and that explosion will bring you

  • to sachchidanand,

  • to truth,

  • to consciousness,

  • to bliss.

  • Source:'Sat Chit Anand # 3' Copyright © Osho International Foundation, Switzerland. OSHO is a registered TM.

  • Featuring:'Music from the World of Osho' Copyright © Osho International Foundation, Switzerland. OSHO is a registered TM.

  • For more information:

OSHO Talks: silence shared in words

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