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  • - Welcome to Pixar In A Box

  • a collaboration between Pixar Animation Studios

  • - and the Khan Academy.

  • - I'm Fran, I work here on the technical side of things.

  • - And I'm Alex, I work here

  • on the art and story side of things.

  • - (Fran) Pixar In A Box will introduce you

  • to some of the fundamental skills we use to make our movies.

  • - (Alex) There's examples of real life film challenges

  • that show how an artist's idea can create

  • a tidal wave of technical creativity.

  • And how technical advances can inspire

  • artists to think of new ideas to bring to the screen.

  • You'll meet artists, scientists,

  • animators, coders, sculptors,

  • all kinds of different people.

  • - And the thing is, most of them use

  • skills you may already be learning in school.

  • But here in the Box, you can see how

  • we use those skills to make cool stuff.

  • Before you dive into these lessons,

  • you should see how it all fits together inside Pixar,

  • the real Pixar.

  • Come on, check it out.

  • (light, flittering music)

  • - At Pixar on any given day

  • we're working on various stages of many films.

  • - But it all begins with an idea.

  • For example, Toy Story could have started like this.

  • - When kids leave the room the toys come to life.

  • See I always knew that my toys did that.

  • (scampering instrumental music)

  • - Our films start in story,

  • along with the director and the writer

  • we figure out what happens using simple drawings.

  • - (Fran) It's kind of like a comic book.

  • - (Alex) Exactly, and while we're drawing,

  • production designers and their team start

  • designing the world and the characters.

  • (smooth, cheerful orchestral music)

  • While they're painting and drawing and scultping

  • our storyboards go to editorial,

  • where they string together all

  • the drawings that we've created.

  • - We time them out, add music, dialogue and sound effects.

  • (clicking)

  • - He's the only one who knew what the heck was going

  • aaaaaaahhhhhhh!

  • - And as these shots go through each stage in production,

  • we'll update the scene over and over again.

  • And this is where the science and the math come in.

  • - Who knew what the heck was going

  • aaaaaaahhhhhhh!

  • (mischevious music)

  • - What's next?

  • Pipeline, we're ready to start making the film you'll see

  • in the theater and this happens in a particular order.

  • It's time for our technical artist to figure out

  • how we're going to create the movie in the computer.

  • - I've been here for nine years and I still have no idea

  • how you guys turn our drawings into the finished film.

  • - To be honest, something stumps us on every movie.

  • - Hey Gailen.

  • - Hey.

  • - You've been here since Toy Story,

  • what's been hard on each film?

  • - Well on Toy Story everything.

  • Here let me show you.

  • On Toy Story we were inventing

  • the entire process from scratch.

  • Monsters Incorporated, fur and clothing.

  • On Cars, reflective metal surfaces.

  • On every new film there's a new technical challenge.

  • On Inside Out we had to deal with a character

  • made of glowing particles and it took lots

  • of people to figure out just that one thing.

  • - (Alex) Whoa, what is she made of?

  • - Her shape will be made of points and particles of light.

  • She was tough, this is the 17th version.

  • - And the characters have to move,

  • so someone has to add controls to the model.

  • - Like a puppet, right?

  • - Yes, except instead of strings,

  • our animators will use a computer program

  • to move the characters in a digital world.

  • (bemused music)

  • Next in the pipeline, sets.

  • (playful music)

  • - (Alex) So for Cars 2 you built the entire city of London?

  • - We needed a huge chunk of the city

  • because Mayor and McQueen speed through it.

  • So we figured out to grow buildings

  • with enough variation for them to look real.

  • - (Fran) And we move through that set

  • with our virtual cameras.

  • Next up, animation.

  • - I do know what the animators do.

  • They bring the characters to life.

  • - (Fran) You see how she's moving but

  • her clothes and hair are missing?

  • Adding and moving those elements is going to be

  • someone else's job further down the pipeline.

  • And by somebody else, I mean me

  • and about 20 other simulation technical artists.

  • Where are you getting all these shirts?

  • We have to build everything you see,

  • including the textures and surfaces

  • which help make the world and characters believable.

  • Next stop, lighting.

  • - Ironically it's really dark in the lighting department.

  • (playful music)

  • So when you start, there are no lights?

  • - No any source of light is something

  • we have to add into the scene.

  • In this shot alone there are 230 lights.

  • - (Fran) Last stop, the Renderfarm.

  • - A film is really a series of images or frames.

  • There's 24 of them every second.

  • (light, moving music)

  • - (Fran) This is where we make the frames.

  • Everything comes together here,

  • all the art, math and science.

  • A single frame can take more than 24 hours to render,

  • and that's just one frame,

  • and that's assuming we don't run into any snags.

  • - Whoa! (thuds)

  • (soaring orchestral music)

  • - Wow, it's incredible seeing final shots.

  • And now that I know how they're made, even cooler.

  • - So that's the tour, our next step is to

  • jump back into the Box and choose a lesson.

  • What do you want to try?

  • - Well this one on building robots using combinatorics,

  • that looks pretty cool.

  • - What about the one on sets and staging?

  • - Yeah or the one on animating The Incredibles.

  • - (Fran) Awesome, I always wanted to animate.

  • (silly trumpet music)

- Welcome to Pixar In A Box

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