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  • Hi, I’m John Green.

  • This is Crash Course World History

  • and today you AREN’T going to get a blow by

  • blow chronology of the American Revolution,

  • and you AREN’T going to get cool biographical details about

  • Thomas Jefferson or George Washington.

  • But you are going to get me not wearing any pants.

  • Mr. Green, Mr. Green!

  • Did you know that

  • George Washington might have had slave teeth implanted into his jaw?

  • Yeah, I did Me from the Past,

  • and while it’s fun to focus on metaphorically resonant details,

  • what were concerned with here is why the American Revolution happened

  • and the extent to which it was actually revolutionary.

  • Plus, for the first time in Crash Course history,

  • I have a legitimate chance of getting through an entire episode

  • without butchering a single pronunciation. [Wouldn't bet your Sword of Destiny on that]

  • Unfortunately,

  • next week we will be in France and

  • je parle francais comme une idiot.

  • [Intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • So, intellectual historians might put the roots

  • of the American revolution earlier,

  • but I’m going to start with the end of the 7 Years War in 1763,

  • which as you will recall from last week was

  • 1. Expensive,

  • and 2. A victory for the British,

  • including British subjects living in America, who now had more land and therefore more money.

  • Right, so,

  • in 1765 the British government was like,

  • Hey, since we went into this debt to get you all this new land,

  • we trust that you won’t mind if we pass the Stamp Act,

  • in which we place a fancy stamp on your documents, newspapers, playing cards, etc.,

  • and in return, you give us money.”

  • Well,

  • it turns out the colonists weren’t so keen on this,

  • not so much because the tax was high

  • because they had no direct representation

  • in the parliament that had levied the tax. [Some things never change, eh, D.C?]

  • And plus,

  • they were cranky about the Crown keeping large numbers of British troops in the colonies

  • even after the end of the 7 Years War.

  • And then the British government was like,

  • You are inadequately grateful,”

  • and the colonists were like,

  • Shut up we hate you,” [That old chestnut]

  • and the British government was like,

  • As long as you live under our roof, [This old chestnut]

  • you live by our rules,”

  • and so on,

  • but eventually the British backed down and repealed the Stamp Act.

  • The repeal inspired a line of commemorative teapots,

  • thereby beginning America’s storied tradition

  • of worthless collectible ceramics. [atleast Beanie Babies double as cornhole

  • bags]

  • But, in the end,

  • this only emboldened the colonists when the British tried to put new taxes on the Americans

  • in the form of the Townshend acts.

  • These led to further protests and boycotts and most importantly,

  • more organization among the colonists.

  • The protests escalated: 1770 saw the Boston Massacre,

  • which with its sum total of five dead was perhaps

  • the least massacrey massacre of all time,

  • and in 1773,

  • a bunch of colonists dumped about a million dollars worth of tea into Boston Harbor,

  • in protest of British government decisions that

  • actually would have made British tea cheaper.

  • Oh it’s time for the open letter?

  • [oh no! he's coming in hot!]

  • Ah…..oh,

  • that did not go well. [admittedly not your best work, John.]

  • An Open Letter to Tea.

  • But first, let’s see what’s in the secret compartment today.

  • Oh,

  • it’s a gigantic teabag. [not touching that]

  • Hm. Let’s see what flavor it is...

  • Bitter tyranny variety! [SleepyTime sure ain't gonna keep the fires

  • of rage a'burning]

  • Dear Tea,

  • Like all Americans who love justice and freedom,

  • I hate you.

  • [You're harshing my Mint Magic mellow, Bro]

  • But I understand youre quite popular in the UK

  • where the East India Company would periodically go to war for you.

  • But,

  • what fascinates me about you, tea,

  • I mean, aside from the fact that people choose to drink you when

  • there are great American refreshments available,

  • like Mountain Dew, [Hey, like on Mad Men!]

  • is that even though youre stereotypically English,

  • youre not English.

  • It’s Chinese,

  • or Burmese,

  • or Indian.

  • No one really knows,

  • but it’s definitely not English.

  • You didn’t even have tea until, like, the 1660s.

  • Posers.

  • Best wishes, John Green

  • So,

  • The Boston Tea Party led to further British crackdowns

  • and then mobilization of colonial militias

  • and then Paul Revere

  • and then actual war, but you can hear all about

  • that stuff on, like,

  • TV miniseries.

  • I want to focus on one of the ways that colonists protested unfair taxation.

  • Let’s go to the Thought Bubble. [Because Canadians are so unruly & disagreeable?]

  • As previously noted,

  • the English Crown benefited tremendously from the import of consumer goods to the American

  • colonies,

  • and one of the most effective ways American colonists could protest taxation without representation

  • was by boycotting British products.

  • In order to enforce these boycotts,

  • the protesters created Committees of Correspondence, which spread information about who was and

  • was not observing the boycotts.

  • And these committees also could coerce non-compliers into compliancewhich is to say that they

  • were creating and enforcing policy,

  • kind of like a government does.

  • The Maryland Committee of Correspondence, in fact,

  • was instrumental in setting up the first Continental Congress, which convened to coordinate a response

  • to the fighting that started in 1775.

  • This was back when congresses did things, by the way.

  • It was awesome.

  • Anyway,

  • the Continental Congress is most famous for drafting and approving

  • the Declaration of Independence.

  • No, Thought Bubble.

  • That’s the Will Smith vehicle Independence Day.

  • I mean the Declaration of Independence.

  • Right,

  • that one.

  • It’s not your fault,

  • you guys are Canadian. [+ magnificently talented, ruly, agreeable]

  • Youve never declared independence.

  • Worth noting, by the way,

  • that the congress edited out more than a quarter of Jefferson’s original declaration,

  • and

  • he forever after insisted they’d “mangledit.

  • Anyway,

  • I would argue the heavy lifting of the American Revolution

  • was already done by the Declaration.

  • In truth,

  • by the time the shooting started,

  • most of the colonists were already self-governing and had developed a sense of themselves as

  • something separate and different from Great Britain

  • as evidenced by these "Committees of Correspondence,"

  • which functioned as shadow governments

  • eventually reaching out to foreign governments,

  • establishing an espionage network,

  • tarring and feathering loyalists and royal officials which,

  • by the way is incredibly painful and dangerous to the victim,

  • and even recruiting physicians to tell American men that drinking British tea

  • would make them weak and effeminate. [If only they had Dr. Pepper 10]

  • Thanks, Thought Bubble.

  • Now, despite all this,

  • about 20% of colonists remained loyal to Great Britain throughout the war,

  • especially in the major cities that Britain occupied.

  • Also lots slaves continued to support the British,

  • especially after Britain promised that any slaves who fought with them would be freed.

  • And it’s worth noting

  • that while we generally celebrate the Revolution

  • and see it as a step toward justice and equality,

  • the people who most needed the protection of a government might have been better off

  • and more free,

  • if Britain had won.

  • [whoops]

  • Especially since Britain ended slavery well before America did,

  • and, you know,