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  • Listen to me all men are created equal,

  • some work harder in pre-season.

  • when i went to college, guys were way smarter than me.

  • 4.0's, 3.0's, they went to the ivy league high schools

  • came to oaport from these great high schools.

  • Most of them are not doing what i'm doing,

  • why?

  • because it's not about where you come from,

  • its about heart.

  • You come to a place where being smart ain't enough.

  • You got to have heart.

  • Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, or an hour, or a day...

  • or even a year, but eventually it will subside.

  • People tell you your not gonna be nothing,

  • but i believe in you when nobody does

  • because you cant live without having hopes and dreams.

  • "I dont do well in math"

  • Your Right!!

  • You ain't never studied.

  • "i'm not good at writing"

  • Because you have never written before!!

  • I am not as good as i could be,

  • I am not as good as I should be,

  • but I am better than I used to be.

  • We were all meant to shine as children do.

  • It's not just in some of us it's in everyone.

  • Don't try too quit.

  • You're already in pain.

  • You're already hurt.

  • Get a reward from it.

  • Successful people take a course of action which coincides with their belief or passion.

  • You can't connect the dots looking forwards,

  • you can only connect them looking backwards.

  • So you have to trust the dots will somehow connect in your future.

  • You have to trust in something.

  • Your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever,

  • because believing that the dots will connect down the road

  • will give you the confidence to follow your heart.

  • Even when it leads you off the well worn path,

  • and that will make all the difference.

  • Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

  • I can do this.

  • If i quit however, it will last forever.

  • Ima show YOU how great i am.

Listen to me all men are created equal,

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