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  • Stand straight. Inhaling raise both the arms above the head. Keeping them shoulder width

  • apart. Bend the head, arms and upper body backward. Exhaling go back to the tarting

  • position. Stand straight with feet apart. Raise your

  • arms and place your hands in prayer position. Bend your knees deeply sinking down until

  • your hips are lower than the knees. Push up your elbows to your knees to open up your

  • hips and gently press the side of your knees to your elbows. Hold the position for as long

  • as 30 seconds t 1 minute. Release the pose either sitting back or pushing the back up

  • to standing. Lie flat on your back with hands by your side.

  • Inhaling raise both legs upto 90 degrees of the floor. Hold the position for 15 to 60

  • seconds. Exhaling bring the legs down to the floor.

  • Support yourself on your elbows and raise your legs up to 45 degrees. Stretch your arms

  • out towards your knees. Hold the position for few seconds and lower your legs, hands

  • and head. Lie on your stomach. Raise your entire body

  • up supporting yourself only on your forearms and toes. Keep your elbows directly under

  • your shoulders and focus your attention on the abdominal muscles. Hold the position fr

  • 30 to 40 seconds. Relax. Lie on your stomach palms to the side of your

  • shoulder. Slowly raise your head and straighten the elbows. The arms may or may not be straight.

  • Hold the position for few seconds. Slowly release the upper back by bringing the arms,

  • lower the navel, chest, shoulders and finally the forehead to the floor.

  • Sit in Vajarasana. Stand on your knees with your hands close to your thighs. Stretch your

  • arms up lean backward and slowly reaching the heels with your hands. push the hips forward

  • and bend the spine as far as possible. Remain in this final position for as long as its

  • comfortable. return to the starting position by slowly releasing the hands from the hips

  • one at a time.Its important that this asana is followed by a forward bending asana like

  • Shashankasana. Sit in Vajrasana.Bend forward and raise the

  • body so its weight rests on the hands. Pass the right knee over the left one. Sit on the left

  • heel pressing the bodies weight on it. Bend your right arm raising he elbow high. Stretch

  • your hand up bring the left hand up to center of the back and try to grasp the fingers.

  • Stay in this position for up to 2 minutes. Unclasp the hands and perform the asana with

  • opposite hand and leg.

Stand straight. Inhaling raise both the arms above the head. Keeping them shoulder width

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