Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Dr. Hovind taught science for 15 years. Then he got his Ph.D. in education. He’s always had a love for teaching. But one thing that he has discovered is that in many of the science textbooks across America today there are some fallacies; some false information being presented. Why is this information in the science textbooks? What are they trying to prove? Hi, my name is Eric. And in this seminar called, “Lies in the Textbooks” you are going to find out some of those lies that are being presented, and what you can do about it. Well, welcome to our seminar on “Lies in the Textbooks.” My name is Kent Hovind. I taught high school science for 15 years. And now, since 1989, I’ve been doing seminars on creation, evolution, and dinosaurs. And our goal is to strengthen your faith in God’s Word. This is not my wife - this is just a picture of her. We live in Pensacola, Florida. We’ve been there for 16 years. We have three children, all grown up. They are all married and the dog died. I made it. As I have mentioned before we have four grandkids so far. And grandkids are God’s reward for not killing your own kids - when you thought about it. They all live right around me and they all work in our ministry. That is a real blessing. God has given us an amazing staff of people in (CSE) Creation Science Evangelism. Our purpose is to get people saved. We like science at our place. We have “Dinosaur Adventure Land.” We have a science center, a theme park, a museum, and all kinds of cool science stuff. Some people try to say, “Well, you Christians are against science.” No, I like science. But I am against evolution because it is not part of science. Evolution is a lie. There is no scientific evidence to back up evolution. We will get into that in just a minute. The Bible says in the Ten Commandments: “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” That means: Don’t lie. Proverbs 19:9 says, “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.” God hates liars. The Bible says (Psalm 62:4b) “...they delight in lies.” “These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: (Proverbs 6:16-19) “...a lying tongue,” And a couple of verses later, “A false witness that speaketh lies.” Out of the seven things that God hates, two of them are liars. He must really hate them. He lists them in there twice. John 8:44, Jesus said: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” Now then, I like science and I collect public school textbooks; I have hundreds of them. Some texts from many other countries, and going clear back from the 1880s up to 2005. I am not against science. We have all kinds of really cool science displays at our museum. You can come down to “Dinosaur Adventure Land” and see for yourself. I am however against lying to kids. Now in the first three seminar videos we talked about how students are being lied to about. The Big Bang - it didn’t happen. They’re being lied to about the age of the Earth. It is not billions of years old. They’re being lied to about the Cave Men. There has never been a “cave man.” Unless you mean, Osama Bin Laden. They’re being lied to about the dinosaurs. They did not live millions of years ago. And in this seminar we are going to cover about 30 more lies in the textbooks. There are hundreds that we could go through. But we are going to try to hit the highlights. And this could go for days, just covering lies in our textbooks. I am going to hit some of the big ones. We will leave some of the little ones for another time. I am not trying to get evolution out of the public schools. I think that any theory should be allowed to be taught - if you don’t have to lie to support your theory. I’m not trying to get creation into the schools. And I think that Christians who work on either of those are wasting their time. And many people have wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to accomplish those two goals. That is not going to happen. I am however trying to get lies out of the textbooks. I think we will find that if we take the lies out of the textbooks there will be nothing left to support evolution. But that is their problem. They shouldn’t have picked such a dumb theory to begin with. It’s not my fault. Now, I am also not against teachers. My Mother was a godly woman. She led my Dad to the Lord on their first date. She retired from teaching in the public schools. She’s been in heaven now for about seven years. My brother led me to the Lord. He just retired last year from teaching in the public schools for 34 years. There are many good, godly teachers in the system. There are many good, godly principles. Many good, godly school board members. I am not against schools. I am not against school boards. I am not against teachers; I am not against textbooks. But I am against lies. Let’s just keep it in perspective. Is there anyone here who thinks that teachers or textbooks should be allowed to deliberately lie to students? And I mean deliberately. A person could be lying and not know it. But if they are deliberately lying - that shouldn’t be allowed, should it? Wisconsin has a law that requires textbooks to be accurate. So does Alabama. “Textbooks shall be adequate and current...” That means up to date; using the latest information. Texas has a law that says, “Instructional materials shall be factual...” Good for Texas. Florida has a law that requires the accuracy of instructional material. And the commissioner is responsible to remove books that are not accurate. Well, commissioner - do your job. Watch this video and then remove the books that are not accurate. California says that textbooks shall be “factually accurate and reflect current and confirmed research.” Minnesota says that, “A teacher shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter.” The problem is that none of those states enforce their own laws. I don’t know if Tennessee has a law requiring textbook accuracy. They ought to if they don’t have one. If you don’t have one - pass one. This is a textbook from about 100 years ago. It says that God created the heavens and the earth in six days. Prayer is a duty. But it is vain to pray without a sincere heart. God governs the world with infinite wisdom. Do you believe that this was a public school textbook? Well, here is one from today. “Evolution is fact, not theory.” They say, “Birds arose from non-birds, and humans from non-humans. No person who pretends to any understanding of the natural world can deny these facts.” Wow, something has changed! I was in Chickasaw, Oklahoma, a couple of weeks ago. It was supposed to be a debate, but none of the professors would debate me. So they scheduled an evolution seminar two days after I was gone. They let me speak on creation, the student group got me in there. Here is a poster they put up right next to my poster. The poster was inviting people to come to the evolution seminar. “Interested in Evolution? Well come on down!” “Evolution lectures with Dr. Mather and Dr. Reigh” It says, “Hear BOTH sides of the issue.” We invited them to debate. They could have heard both sides together. The kids get nine months of evolution teaching - I come in for two hours - and they panic. And then they put on their poster “hear both sides?” They’re not going to present both sides. They are going to present one side, only the evolution side. And that is what they already had for nine months. They don’t want to hear it. I heard later that about twenty people turned up, but fifteen were from the Baptist Student Union. They wanted to hear what those teachers would say. Their own textbook that’s used in Chickasaw, Oklahoma has one-quarter of the book One entire unit is devoted to the evolution theory. There is nothing about creation. Evolution is a dying religion that is surviving only on tax dollars. It’s dead. This textbook has over 100 pages where evolution is talked about. There is not one single mention of creation. So don’t tell me that they want to hear “both sides”. They want to present one view only. It is called “indoctrination,” not education. This is a chart showing how the atheists feel that the different states are doing with the teaching of evolution. They think that you folks in Tennessee are doing a lousy job of teaching evolution to your kids. Go Tennessee! But they think that the folks over here in North Carolina are doing a good job. So North Carolina folks - get on the ball! Turn your state red by the next time they do this survey. Is there anyone here who thinks that teachers or textbooks should be allowed to use outdated or false information just to get students to believe their theory? Would that be a good idea? No. Okay. Is there anyone here who thinks teachers that deliberately lie should be fired? Is there anyone here who thinks textbooks with lies should be banned? Or the lies torn out of the textbook? Well - hang on. Let’s go. It has always amazed me how two people can look at the same thing and come to opposite conclusions. You know, two people can look at the Grand Canyon. One of them believes in evolution. He looks at the canyon and says, “Wow, look at what the Colorado River did.” “...For millions and millions of years.” The Bible believing Christian stands there and looks at the same canyon. He looks at the canyon and says, “Wow, look at what the Flood did in about 30 minutes.” Now, just how was that canyon formed? This textbook says, “Over millions of years the Colorado River has carved out the Grand Canyon from solid rock.” Okay, hold on a second. It is a fact that the Grand Canyon exists. I have been there many times. I taught earth science for 15 years. I love studying the Grand Canyon. There are two interpretations of how it got there. The evolutionists will say that it formed slowly with a little bit of water and lots of time. Like billions of years. But the creationists will say that it formed quickly by lots of water and a little bit of time. Like in the big Flood in the days of Noah. And the guys who believe in evolution are always trying to erase the line. The line between their interpretation and to try to include it as if it is part of the fact. No, no, it is just your interpretation. This textbook says, “The Colorado River has cut through layer upon layer of rock over millions of years...”