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  • - Any pet owner knows that dogs

  • can quickly become an important part of the family.

  • We like to take them along for the ride whenever we can.

  • It's probably okay to leave them in the car, right?

  • Let's ask some people and see what they think.

  • All the puppies!

  • Say it's like a 75 degree day.

  • - Okay.

  • - How long do you think you can leave your dog in the car?

  • - 20 minutes?

  • - Two minutes to just run in,

  • buy some toothpaste, and get out.

  • - Maybe five minutes.

  • - 10 minutes would even be a long time.

  • - Ideally, I would not leave a dog in a car

  • but I think 10 minutes with the windows down.

  • - 15 minutes tops.

  • - I don't know, like an hour?

  • - Look at him!

  • - So what happens when there's a long line

  • or you get distracted inside the store?

  • In order to understand this better,

  • I decided to sit in my car to see what it really feels like.

  • Okay so I'm going to sit in here for 10 minutes.

  • I don't have any windows cracked

  • but according to the AMVA,

  • cracking the windows actually makes very little difference.

  • - Listen, the car is a perfect storm for pets.

  • What we worry about is they're

  • not used to a really hot car.

  • It's humid in there because they're panting,

  • there's no ventilation and a lot of times, there's no water.

  • This is dangerous for pets and dangerous in general.

  • - According to the thermometer,

  • it just hit 90 degrees in here.

  • - If you're getting hot, you stay calm.

  • That's not how dogs think.

  • They don't think, "I'm getting warm,

  • "I'm getting hot, let me be calm."

  • No, they get more anxious.

  • - I'm going to take off my jacket

  • because it's freaking hot.

  • I'm starting to sweat.

  • - They do sweat a little bit between their paws,

  • a little bit on the top of their nose,

  • but that's it and so dogs mainly cool themselves

  • through something called evaporative cooling.

  • That means they pant.

  • The harder you pant, the more worked up you're getting,

  • and now you're getting even hotter.

  • - This is terrible.

  • - You get a dog who's panting, who's overheated,

  • kidneys can start to shut down,

  • we can see direct heat damage to the brain.

  • Multi-organ failure is the take home message here.

  • - I am starting to get like lethargic

  • and sleepy and sweaty and really,

  • really uncomfortable.

  • - And that's why a lot of dogs,

  • if you see them, they're getting hot,

  • you'll notice them getting more dull,

  • they'll seem listless, lethargic,

  • just not themselves.

  • - This is, I'm get, this is getting so gross.

  • I'm so sweating and this is terrible.

  • - I will say this: Never leave a dog in a hot car,

  • never leave the windows up,

  • always keep your dog out in an area

  • that's fully ventilated.

  • - All done?

  • 10 minutes and the car is over 95 degrees right now.

  • That sucks, that's terrible.

  • Ah, the breeze feels so good.

  • I'm so happy to be out of that car.

  • - If you do have a pet who you think is having heat stroke,

  • there's some keys to preventing

  • the worst from happening.

  • Get your dog to a vet, wrap him in cool towels,

  • blast the AC, and never submerge them.

  • - That sucks, that sucks.

  • It gets really hot and it sucks even worse for pets

  • because they don't know what's happening.

  • They're just there, miserable and confused.

  • - I'd rather have a vet say to you, "Everything's fine,

  • "just having a little bit of heat stress,"

  • which is a mild form of heat stroke,

  • than to say, "You waited too late."

  • So when in doubt, go to the vet.

  • - So what can you do if you see a dog in danger?

  • The Humane Society suggests taking down

  • the license plate, model, and make of the car

  • and having local businesses try to locate the pet owner

  • but if that doesn't work, you can call the local,

  • non-emergency police line or animal control

  • and wait for them by the car.

  • What do you have to say, Belle?

  • Great, just chewing the microphone, perfect.

- Any pet owner knows that dogs

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