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  • Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to give your photos

  • a dreamy, romantic effect and then

  • add text to it to personalize them.

  • This effect also works especially well on portraits.

  • I provided this image of

  • Boca lights that we'll use later in this video.

  • Its link is located in a video description or project files.

  • Open a photo you'd like to use.

  • I downloaded this photo from

  • The size of this document is 1550 pixels wide

  • by 870 pixels high and has a Resolution

  • of 150 pixels per inch. In the Layers panel,

  • click the Adjustment Layer icon and choose

  • "Gradient Map". Change the Blend Mode to Screen

  • Click the Gradient bar

  • which opens the Gradient Editor. Click the Violet/Orange preset

  • These colors work well on most photos, but for this example,

  • I'll tweak them a bit. Click the lower, left Stop

  • the color box and type in

  • 3 2 2 2 4 C.

  • Then, click OK or press Enter or Return

  • Click the lower, right Stop

  • the color box and type in

  • F 8 A 6 5 8

  • Then, press Enter or Return on both the Color Picker

  • and the Gradient Editor. Click the Adjustment Layer icon again

  • and this time, choose "Levels".

  • Drag the input blacks a little left of where the histogram starts to rise.

  • This will slightly darken the darkest colors.

  • Drag the input midtones to the

  • left to lighten them

  • Adding a soft, warm color next to the subject's face or shoulder

  • is an effective way to add an illuminating, naturalistic light effect.

  • To do this, click the New Layer icon

  • to make a new layer

  • and open your Brush Tool. Choose a large brush

  • For this document, I'll choose a brush size of 800 pixels.

  • Depending on the size and resolution of your photo,

  • you may want to adjust the amount of your brush size

  • Make the Hardness: 0% and press Enter or Return.

  • Make sure the Opacity is 100%.

  • Press the F5 key at the top to your keyboard.

  • to open your brush panel and make sure the only setting checked

  • is Smoothing. Press F5 again to close the panel.

  • Click the foreground color

  • and type in

  • F F D 4 3 D

  • Then, click OK or press Enter or Return.

  • Press "B" to open your Brush Tool.

  • Make sure your Caps Lock key is turned off, otherwise, you won't be able to see your brush on your screen.

  • Now, left-click once next to your subject's head

  • and change the Blend Mode to Screen.

  • Next, we'll add the Bokeh lights to further enhance the overall effect.

  • Open the bokeh file I provided.

  • Press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select it

  • and Ctrl or Cmd + C to copy it.

  • Open back up your photo and press

  • Ctrl or Cmd + V to paste the bokeh lights into your document.

  • Let's say your original photo is vertical

  • and much larger. To transform the bokeh lights to a vertical angle

  • and to increase its size,

  • press Ctrl or Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool.

  • Go to a corner and when you see a curved, double-arrow,

  • hold down Shift as you rotate it 90 degrees.

  • Then, go back to a corner and when you see a straight,

  • 45-degree, double-arrow, hold down Shift

  • and drag it out until it completely covers your document.

  • Then, press Enter or Return. If you need to zoom

  • out, press "z" to open your Zoom Tool

  • and hold down Alt or Option as you click on your document.

  • Press Ctrl or Cmd + 0 to fit your document back on your screen.

  • Change the Blend Mode to Screen

  • As I toggle back and forth, you can see the difference.

  • We're ready to set our text. Open your Horizontal Type Tool

  • and pick a hand-written font. For this example,

  • I'm using a font called "Jenna Sue". If you'd like to use it,

  • I provided its link as well. I'll type in

  • 72 points for the size, Smooth,

  • and left alignment. Click on a color box

  • and pick a dark color that complements the colors in your photo.

  • For this image, I'll type in 5 7 0 6 2 B

  • Then, press Enter or Return.

  • Type out your main text.

  • With this font, you can type out a heart shape by pressing

  • Shift + 6. To reposition it,

  • open your Move Tool and move it.

  • Click the FX icon and click

  • Outer Glow. The Blend Mode is Screen

  • and the Opacity is 75%. Click the color box

  • and pick white.

  • I'll makethe Size 27 pixels. Keep in mind,

  • you may want to adjust this amount depending on the size and resolution

  • of your photo.

  • As I toggle back-and-forth, you can see that the glow makes the text stand out a bit more.

  • Click on your document to make your secondary line of text.

  • If it's a long line, reduce the size

  • and type out your text.

  • Open your Move Tool to reposition it.

  • We'll copy the Outer Glow effect to your secondary line of text.

  • To do this, hold down Alt or Option

  • as you drag the effects copy to the top layer.

  • Double-click on Outer Glow to open it in the Layer Style window.

  • Change the Opacity to 50%. For the size and resolution

  • of this photo, I'll make the Spread: 7%

  • and the Size: 57 pixels.

  • This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

  • Thanks for watching!

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to give your photos

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